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Everything posted by Beaverslayer

  1. Tina, another insperational piece. I agree with ClayB, you really should look at entering some of your work, blue ribbons would be flying your way. This bag has so much going on, and it all fits together so nicely, great work, and thanks so much for sharing. Do hope the hands heal soon, so we can see more of your work. Ken
  2. Corter, I think I better get in here quick before this wonderful offer ends to high demand. Beaverslayer Custom Leather should be a good challange for you. Presently I really don't have a logo, I did carve a back piece for the vest I wear each day, but it's nothing that I really would call a logo. Thanks for the wondeful offer. Ken
  3. To be honest, I have no recollection of how I found this site, all I know is that once I did find it I realized just how great a place it was. It has not only helped me to improve my work, but also has increased the traffic to my website immensely since I've joined and share links with this site. Of all the places on the net that I have seen and participated over the many years on the net, this is truly the BEST I have ever come across. The people here are so friendly, open with help, and always there with encouraging words to keep you going. Thanks again Johanna and all the others that put in their time and effort to make this the BEST place to spend time each day. Ken
  4. So I seem to have started something with the "teaser" pics......note to self....stop it! Banwell, you've really peaked my curiousity here, we are going to have to see just how you did that...PLEASE I see endless possibilities with this. Ken
  5. That's a lovely cover Johan, I love the way it's sort of "broken" up, gives the cover a real nice look. Ken
  6. mudtwo, realy good to have you find the place on your own, who said kids know everything? As Regis said, you've come to the right place, everyone here is more than happy to help out as needed. Any question will most likely be answered, and with all the knowledgable people here, you know your going to get the right answers. Enjoy the forum. Ken
  7. Papa Wolf, great to have you here on the forum. Hope to see one of your belts soon. As to the friendlyness of the people here, could you imagine if all the people of the world could just learn to pound leather? That'd be great. Ken
  8. Very nice looking walletman, the tri tone kind of gives them a oriental look to them. Ken
  9. Okay Tom, your starting to act like me with the teasers and stuf...get it done and let's have a look, I'm so wanting to see this done as it looks so good so far. Sitting patiently in front of my puter, wondering what time it is in Sweden. Ken
  10. The round lace that Tandy carries is NOT roo lace. The roll is labeled "Made in India" and I've got a roll right here. It is very weak and is not that nice of a lace. More used for doing braids or other hobby type stuff. And I have no idea why I have it. As to sellers of round roo lace, I have yet to see any, but I'm thinking if you are an ingenuitive person, you could probably drill a small hole though a piece of hardwood, then soak your roo lace in water overnight, then draw it through the small hole and this may work. Ken
  11. Spider, that's a great picture of you and your son. It's so nice to see the arts being handed down to the next generation here on this forum by people like you. Keep teaching him and helping him learn, and he will always cherish those times spent with "Dad" pounding leather. Ken
  12. Beautiful looking work Tom, I love the way you've used the coloring on these. You are really going to have to start writing this stuff down, so when we ask "How'd ya get that color?" you can tell us...LOL Thanks for all that you share with us. Ken
  13. I love to see these projects that the little ones are doing. Great looking wallet there "Little Walletman", hope to see it finished soon. Ken
  14. Hey all, I've been sending Wolvie little teaser pics of what I'm making him for the PIF. Now that it's all done, and going out in the morning to the Sunny Southern USA, I thought I'd post a Teaser pic for all to see. Just a little side note, there will be a tutorial on how I made this item as soon as Wolvie has recieved it. Ken
  15. Great to have you here Paul, like the rest have said, very interesting talent. Would love to see some pictures posted. Good luck on the glove design and making, I once relaced one, and I'm not sure I want to do that again. Ken
  16. Great looking work Art, that notebook folder is excelent, I love it. Thanks for sharing. Ken
  17. Nice looking work Storm, great idea as well with forming the pockets to be a bit bigger. Ken
  18. Marlon, beautiful work by both you and your wife. And the addition to your collection is very nice as well. Talent runs in your family. Ken
  19. Tom, I missed the start of this while away. This looks GREAT, I love the way it's coming along, and the way you've laced just part of the handle. That really adds to the look. I know what your in for with all that edge lacing, slow and steady wins the race. Can't wait to see this finished. Ken
  20. Very nice looking, well layed out and no clutter. Can we see pics in a week please? LOL Ken
  21. Yes I agree, very nice, the rose is superb. I also like the background effect you gave this, what tool did you use? Ken
  22. That's a great site rdb, thanks for taking the time to find it. Ken
  23. A big welcome to the forum master, great to have you here. You'll find everyone is very friendly, and always willing to help where they can. You will fit in nicely here. Thanks for joining. Ken
  24. LadyJ, even though your not a leatherworker, you are more than welcome to hang out, drink the coffee (careful with the donuts) as we can always use an unbiased opinion from time to time. Enjoy the forum and sit back relax and let us know what you think every now and again. Ken
  25. Cool looking tank Mad, reminds me of the Paul Cox leather bike. Ken
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