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Everything posted by Beaverslayer

  1. Very classy way to ship your wallets Corter, and your design looks great. Now I'm going to have to look into such an idea to ship my vests in, like the cover your suit jacket comes in, I like the burlap idea a lot. Ken
  2. Real nice looking Bob, do they all come with the ten pound note in them? Ken
  3. Great looking work there Elvis, love that shifter as well. Ken
  4. Really nice, I love the Sheridan design on this one. Ken
  5. You do really nice work on those covers, and the colors look great from what I can tell. Ken
  6. That's a beautiful belt, I really like the look with the scroll work on the inside. Ken
  7. Maria, first let's welcome you to the forum.....Welcome Maria.... Okay now that we got that out of the way, I'm from Calgary and found out quite some time ago that things in this city are not like they are in the US. Our Tandy store does not hold classes like they do down south. I've talked to the manager maybe only 3 times in all the times I've been there, and he was not interested in much more than selling product. Don't get me wrong though, they are very knowledgeable people there, and the staff are very friendly, they are just not into teaching. Other than myself, I've only found one other person here that really does leatherwork as a business, and he's in the Crossroads Flee Market making and selling belts and little "Native" trinkets. Now don't go getting discouraged or anything, because you have come to the right place, some of the BEST leatherworkers in the world are here, and are more than willing to help anyone out as needed. What are you looking at learning in regards to leatherwork? This would be a big help in knowing if I could help you in anyway, seeing as I can probably see your house from mine...LOL. If it is saddles, I have no idea how they make those things, hand laced clothing....well, I'm pretty sure you're not going to find anyone other than me in Southern Alberta, I do know someone in Wembley that is very good as well. So give us an idea, and we will all see what we can do to help out. Ken
  8. zman, with the vest shoulder pieces, I don't carve (cut with swivel knife) as the leather is only 2oz at best, and seeing as the shoulder piece is very suseptible to flexing a lot I don't want the cuts in it. There is on occassion when I've actually broke through the leather just by using a steep beveler, and then you have to toss that one into the bin and start over. With a bike seat, you use much thicker leather so there is no real concern about using the swivel knife on them. Ken
  9. Ammo, great to have you here, don't be afraid to ask what you may think is a stupid question, with leather there are none. We all started at one point not knowing, and have all had to ask what we thought may be a stupid question just to find out that more than one person was wondering the same thing. You'll find everyone here is extremely friendly and very helpful. Enjoy. Ken
  10. Welcome to the forum Pat, you will fit right in here as we have a big "Skull" fan club here. Personally I think they are WAY COOL. Thanks for sharing your work with us, and hope to see more soon. Ken
  11. Roger, this one ROCKS.....the design you tooled is awesome, and that color....WOW Ken
  12. Very nice looking Jim, I'm kinda a cow skull fan from way back for some unknown reason. Love this one. Ken
  13. Great looking work there Rose, and Cecil, lucky you to have this. Ken
  14. NAH....keep it up Kevin, I love seeing what you come up with each time you post. Love the liner. Ken
  15. Welcome Colman, great looking piece you have there, love the color. So what exactly does NeatLac do after 25 years? Ken
  16. Beautiful seat to go with the bike, I think it compliments the bike extremely well. Great work Kevin. Ken
  17. Very cool looking items Spider, I just love your imagination and the diferent things you come up with to express it. I also like the perspective cross in the first one, you really nailed the depth look on that one. Ken
  18. Those are just gorgeous, the one on the bottom is exceptionally nice, the way the toolingflows with the strap and hilt guard. Very nice color as well. Ken
  19. Welcome murse, glad you found us here. Hope you enjoy your stay. Ken
  20. Thanks Bob, that just made the week for me, really puts the meaning into "Pound" some leather doesn't it. Ken
  21. Well this is a great tutorial and a great looking notepad cover. Very well done Myriam. This forum just keeps getting better each day with people such as yourself taking the time to do this for all to see and help them learn. Ken
  22. Very nicely done, thanks for sharing. Ken
  23. Jordan, yes they are big mountains. The diesel for that run now would set you back between $4.98 to about $5.30 per gallon, it's now quite a bit higher than regular gas. Ken
  24. Yes that is one fine piece of workmanship there, great looking scroll work. Ken
  25. Luke, if only you could send me 100 cartons and I didn't have to pay all the taxes when they come across the border. When I was in prison we did not have to pay the taxes on smokes, there a 25 pack only cost $4.10, and there was no need for gas...LOL kinda makes ya wonder about retiring to a nice "Club Fed"...LOL Up here we don't have the same as you in the IRS, we have a government that taxes EVERYTHING else. that way they don't have to chase so many people at the end of the year. Hell we even got taxes to use the campgrounds to camp in. Here in Alberta alone, our great government has been "saving" some of the tax dollars for a few years now "for a rainy day" called the Heritage Savings Trust Fund, the thing has over 18 BILLION in it right now, and they just put a new "Royalty" on oil and gas exploration and production, to add to the "Rainy Day" fund. Ken
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