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Everything posted by Beaverslayer

  1. Welcome 276, great to have you here. That's an interesting way of doing what you've done. I like the way it turned out. By looking at some of the tutorials on leather carving, you'll be a master in no time. Ken
  2. Welcome to the forum Redwinger, real glad you found this place. We are a bunch of friendly helpful people that are always willing to answer any questions. Hope you enjoy the place. Ken
  3. Spider, great looking and very scarry. Love the color as well. Ken
  4. As far as I can see Carr, you did a great job, love the pattern. Ken
  5. Curtis, your just a leather wizard, those look like you've been making them for years, and just letting us know about it now. Anything else you've not been sharing with us??????? LOL Ken
  6. You did a real fine job on those Roo, and I particularily like the colors. Didn't know they had Vikings in Australia though....the things you learn here on leatherworkers. Ken
  7. Very fine looking work Rawhider. Thanks for sharing. Ken
  8. Tina, a big congratulation for doing so well at the show, we all knew you would do well, your work is just wonderful. Keep up the great work, and a big thank you for always posting your pics, we all love to see them. Ken
  9. Cool looking mask Jeff, do those 6mm BB's hurt? Ken
  10. Beautiful work Kate, it will be someones prized possession for a long time. Can't wait to see the colored finish, sorry i got no suggestions on the colors, but I kinda like what Troy had said. Ken
  11. Great looking bracer Storm, I like the meander border you did. Ken
  12. Roo, real cool looking mask, I think I saw one of those in a lake near here...LOL Ken
  13. Great looking band, and that braiding is so very nice and tight. Amazing how you do such wonderful work with hair. Ken
  14. Great looking bracer Tom, I love the background effect you got on this one, and the colors just add pop to it. Well done. Ken
  15. Those are just beautiful, thanks for sharing this with us. Ken
  16. He is a sharp looking young man in his uniform. I myself was a Navy Cadet at his age, about the best thing for a young man to do. I salute him. Ken
  17. Roo, I had one of those nerve conduction tests a number of years back....it was the wierdest thing I've ever experienced. What it had determined was that my ulnar nerves had been damaged due to the type of work I was performing at the time. The numbness and tingling felt just like when your leg falls asleep, but only on my pinky and the next finger to it. For the longest time I just thought my hand was asleep like my leg would every now and again. I had to go to physio 3 times a week, and have electroshock type thingies attached to me, and then ice cold water soak proceeded with hot water soaks. I was also fitted with these extremely obnoxious arm braces I had to wear at night while sleeping, that locked my whole arm and wrists into a very uncomfortable position. But I could sleep through the night without waking while wearing them. If I didn't wear them I would constantly wake up. I did this for 9 months and the ulnar nerves only got a bit better, so they sujested surgery. I asked what this entailed, and was told that they would cut the damaged part of the nerve out and over time it would just grow back. Well I asked a guy that was in the same physio as me who had this proceedure done and he told me that if he had to do it over again he would not. He said that when the nerve was growing back, it was the most horrifying feeling he had ever felt. I declined the surgery and have learned to basically live with the numbness and asleep feeling in the fingers. That's now 8 years, and since then I've even learned to pound leather and all that, even with the numbness. But that nerve conduction test was about the neatest thing I've ever seen or experienced. Ken
  18. Thanks for posting these Tiffany, we can never have enough info like this. Ken
  19. Well grumpguy, the other grumpy here on the forum is anything but grumpy, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and go with your not a grumpyguy. Who trust women anyways? So welcome, you'll find that we're a bunch of very friendly people, always willing to share and help out where and when we can. We do love pictures though, so we hope to see some. Great top have you here. Ken
  20. OOOOHHH, I like that color, it looks REAL nice. Ken
  21. Larry, beautiful work there, as lovely as your spur straps. Ken
  22. Hilly, that is a very beautiful piece you've done there, very nice coloring as well, thanks for sharing. Ken
  23. Very nice looking seat Mad. I was sure though that California had banned the use of black dye, could be wrong though. Ken
  24. Rickey, very nice looking Koi, the tooling is real nice and I also love the background effect you've done. It looks real sharp. One thing you might want to look at doing on the next one, is cut the top seat piece a tad smaller on the front end, this will help to eliminate the crinkle you've got on this one. Ken
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