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Everything posted by Roger

  1. Roger


    welcome duane! guess you got my message LOL!
  2. thanks guys! i quite often can talk the cusomer out of black. if it was me i would have donwe it in buckskin or saddle tan or some fade of browns. the bike is lime green so, no way blue would work. i spent some where around seven hours tooling. prolly another hour and half tracing the pattern and then transfering it to the leather
  3. what ever works. i use black 99% of the time. the few times that they wanted something different the customer wanted it the same color as the seat so, i used natural roo and dyed the whole thing
  4. thanks guys!! luke i bevel the use the pebbler to mat. i actually have a blister on the finger that i use to steady the bevel as i walk it.
  5. just finished about seven hours worth of tooling on this one. i wanted to show it before it ends up black
  6. i thought about abs but concerned about it breaking in the cold. lexan is also a bit more springy. i don't have any concern about the bottom sagging. just trying to keep it from bulging out from hanging down.
  7. nice clean bag! i really like it! don't know what rivets you are using but, i only use solid brass double cap rivets. thanks for the compliment! i just updated my site this week. needs a bit more tweeking but, i'm happy with it
  8. i dy right overe it. i almost always use black lace so, any lighter color (brown, tan, red ect.) won't change a thing
  9. thanks! i prefer the laced edge for the same reason. the leaf.... what the customer wanted. that is the center design for the seat i am starting today thanks pip! the only place i have found the pull snaps is ohio travel bag
  10. thanks! many of these bags end up strapped to the bottom of the down tubes, angled down. even with 10-12oz leather and a 2-3 oz lining they won't hold thier shape in that position. it's much more solid for sure!
  11. looks like a nice little bag. i would have liked to have seen the inside
  12. just finished this one up. lined and i added some lexan strips front and back to help it keep it's shape. time to start the seat.. too bad it will be black
  13. looks pretty good! decritive cuts are something that needs to be deliberate and a good touch. do lots of looking and get a feel for where they should be and how they should be shaped. they should start deep and taper out
  14. i hadn't seen coffeecup before. i just spent some time learning it and re did my site. still things to add but, nice program
  15. setup depends on what you are spraying and what nozzle and needle you are using. that is a nice airbrush you have and it should work well for you.generally if you want cleaner work with less overspray the you need to use less air pressure and possibly a smaller nozzle/needle combination. you won't get a nice clean edge unless you mask our work with something also... your paint has to be real thin to spray properly
  16. looks pretty smooth and i like the design
  17. really depends on what you are making. i make quite a few seats and by a sheet at a time. i buy 1" and if it needs to be thicker i just glue and stack more on top
  18. hey!

    when you gonna stop lurking and say hello?

  19. it all looks pretty good to me! some interesting colors but, turned out well
  20. thanks for all the comments guys!!
  21. thanks Jordan! i bit bigger and it would be about right for a messenger bag thanks ken!! they are called pull snaps. not cheap but, real nice thanks bobby! as long as i have work coming in, i'll keep at it. can't make do without the extra income thanks wolf!!
  22. i use polymer inserts when requested. i use between 5 and 8oz leather depending on what's available. most comfort comes from the the way the seat fits you. more or softer padding won't help it the shape is wrong
  23. hi syd... lots of questions here.... 1. flat, 1/8" or 3/16" roo is the strongest 2. depends on the hole spacing but, 4 to 6 times the total legnth. i use shorty legnths and splice it. 3. i just lace 4. never use a pen pr pencil! use a scribe like you would to trace a pattern on to the leather. 5. it is best to glue the top to the foam to keep it in place. 6. it would be best to not soak your tooling and the dyeing should be done after it's fitted. refer to my thread post above and let me know if i can answer any other questions
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