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Everything posted by benlilly1

  1. Nice! Smart thinking on changing them to black-eyed susans!!
  2. BEAU-TI-FUL!!! Another fine looking seat!
  3. Nice work. Very unusual stuff! I looked at your web site too. Interesting. Who do you sell to?
  4. I think I would use the wet form method. ..If you case the leather well and form this with your fingers in the butt cheek areas and then use (office binder clips) all around the pan this should work. I don't have a photo at the moment of how I use the clips.The clips are very strong and will stay in place. I would suggest though to place something protective under the clip so you won't have permanent clip marks in the leather You will need to let this dry out completely before you handle it again. Here is a seat I made with the clip method.
  5. Very nice job! What did you use for the base on the pillion? Some use thick leather. Just curious.
  6. Cool! Really like the Tiki guitar strap!
  7. Wow, looks fantastic.... Can you tell me if you end your lacing the way the books say to or do you have a better way of doing this? When I end my lace I feel it's not secure enough and I don't want it coming apart as time goes on. Thanks
  8. Beau-ti-ful ! Nice touch with ladybug. What did you use for the small center parts?
  9. Spinner, Thanks for all the info about the leather. That helps me make the decision to bump up in quality.
  10. Very nice, what kind of stitch are you using around the outside?
  11. Really, really NICE! I see you use W&C leather. I have been wanting to try their leather but noticed on their site I have to buy a whole side. Can you tell me if it's worth the cost to buy from them? I've used Springfield leather and Tandy only.
  12. Seat finally finished for customer.
  13. Very, very nice!! The python and black look great together. Have you tooled drum dyed before? Just wondering how it looks and what advantages it has if any.
  14. I purchased some of the oiled leather from Tandy a couple months ago when it was on sale. It is nice leather. I haven't done anything with it yet. Are you sure it will hold it's shape if you make a hat out of it? Mine is really flexible. I don't make hats but it's something to think about.
  15. I think you got the shape down real nice. I don't know if your stitching will hold up though. At least it's just a cover if it doesn't. Not bad for a first and the more practice you'll find better ways to go about it.
  16. I have not used the paste but, I don't really care for the Eco-Flo gel antique. For me it doesn't stay in the crevices well. The shoe polish sounds like a good idea. ..Why can't it be shipped?? I could purchase some for you and you could pay me by Paypal. My husband has shipped many things across the ocean and also to Finland. Just an idea.
  17. I would also be interested in knowing if an air rivet gun works well. I'm intending on purchasing one in the future. I just want it to work well without any problems.
  18. Really sleek looking!! Love the color combination. Formed real nice too.
  19. I really like the red one especially! You took great close up photos. Nice.
  20. Well I've been told I have a green thumb but the weather this year is playing havic on my tomatoes! lol Thanks for the compliment Jimbob!
  21. I've been wanting to buy some Montana Pitch but haven't yet. I do know that Xian Leather uses this on his motorcycle seats. If you haven't seen his seats you're missing out big time. It's Xianleather .com I can't see him using this if there were any problems.
  22. Thanks for the full information on this technique. I've been wanting to ask how to do this also.
  23. A real slick looking seat! Maybe a few of these will give you a break from the tooling. What is the type of leather if not toolable? Upholstery? What ounce is it also? Thanks Christie Oops, I saw you listed the leather after I posted. Thanks David
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