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Everything posted by benlilly1

  1. Beautiful mauls!! What is your pricing? Thanks
  2. Ha ha, Mike Craw! I think you might be right! It sure sounds like that's the reason they're called that. You wouldn't be able to ask the kids of today to recite that nursery rhyme. I guess that shows our age!
  3. Very slick looking tool! I like that it's multi-purpose.
  4. Lacquer Thinner will work...didn't know about brake fluid!
  5. WOW, Nice! I bet her husband was thrilled!
  6. Yes, Jimbob and Leatheroo it would have looked great in red lacing! The farther I laced I was kicking myself for not adding color. Next one I promise!
  7. Scary Leatherworks is right! Make it to fit! You don't want scratches.
  8. Hey, that's pretty good for a first um....anything!
  9. NICE! I like how the lacing comes up to the design and stops. What leather are you using David? 9-10oz?
  10. You could have done worse! You're right about problems getting it to fit when wet forming. If you notice making an exact pattern of the pan and adding to it doesn't work well. If the pan has a deep rise you have excess in length because of the bend but you need excess on the widest area of the pan. I don't know if there is an exact formula for a perfect fit every time. I always make mine slightly larger and cut excess away. There are a few threads on here that may be able to help you. Good luck with the next one.
  11. Very nice looking! I like the 2 tone look.
  12. Very nice work! Thanks for posting photos and forum. Lots of nice detail on the seat!
  13. Spinner, It's a Shutterstock image I found surfing online. Some sculls can be elaborate and I was looking for a more simpler image. I just added the flames. I'm going to change the flames somewhat. I think I'll bring them up around the sides of the scull a little bit . .
  14. Good idea Jimbob! I'll think about some colored lacing... This seat is for my website. It won't go on a bike.
  15. Letters are hand cut. Couldn't find stencils for this type of lettering. Very intimidating centering the phrase just right with odd amounts of letters. Fun but glad it's done.
  16. Used pre-dyed black leather from Wickett and Craig. Black 3/16" lace from Y-Knot.
  17. Hey that's great that you were able to get your grandfathers tools! I see your last one looks the best. Are you sure you're using the right tool for beveling? It doesn't look quite right. Using your stamps more evenly will make your work look better. Your leather might have been too wet too when you tooled. Get ahold of some instruction books from Tandy or Ebay. They will be informative. Practice makes perfect.
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