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Everything posted by ArtS

  1. I had to do a quickie this morning. My wife is in a club that does these online contests. Today is their club Christmas party and they all had to bring something. She was going to make something but it didn't work out last night. She was still working on it when I went to bed. So when I got up this morning I saw she didn't have it done. So I went down to the workshop and made this clipboard for her to take. I finished it just in time for her to leave at 1:30. Not my best work and I hate rushing it but it came out ok. It was a fun project. Now to go down and start working on 5 more for another party I'm going to next Saturday. I got the clip boards at the dollar store. I just drilled out the two rivets holding the clip. Then I covered the board and put the clip back on. Art
  2. Congrats Tom! God bless them all. Art
  3. ArtS

    finished headstall

    Holy cow - that is really spectacular work! Art
  4. Not much of a braider!! I don't agree with that. Great job. I could never do that although I wish I could. Art
  5. Beautiful belt! I like it a lot. Well done. He's going to love it. Art
  6. Great designs and really well done! Man, you're good. How do you get that copy right C on the picture like that? Art
  7. The biggest problem I see with rear cinches are that people don't know how to tighten them. They leave them loose even before they mount and then after they mount it's hanging down about 6 inches or more. I try to tell these folks that that is extremely dangerous but they rarely listen. There they hang just waiting for a limb or a foot to get caught up in it. Art
  8. That's a great design!!! I really like how it matches. Art
  9. Thats a cool one! Art
  10. You see them on ebay every once and a while. Art
  11. Great job. It's going to be a wonderful Christmas! Art
  12. Really nice job. You sure have a great start! You're going to be doing some beautiful things. Art
  13. I'd be more than glad to make you one and mail it to you. Send me an private message with your address. As soon as they get it down loadable I'll make you one and get it in the mail. Art
  14. Welcome Clair! Beautiful tooling! I can't tell for sure from the size picture but did you tool the weave boarder or did you actually weave that boarder. Art
  15. Your work is awesome. I really like it. Well done - again! Art
  16. There is a picture of one in this message thread. Art http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1926
  17. You're lucky butch! Do you ever go spend time there? Art
  18. I've often wondered if I'm using the appropriate length cinch. Where should the cinch buckles come to? I've included a picture. Your work is awesome! Art
  19. You're doing great Josh! Next time I'd give yourself a little more room between the tooling and the stitching. I keep learning something new with everything I make. That's part of the enjoyment to me is learning something new each time. I keep telling my family and friends that when I make something new the first one is always the worst one. The person that gets the latest one has the best one - until the next one. LOL Art
  20. Kevin, You need to call them and get some help. I've never had either of those. Well, at least not after I learned how to use it. When I first got it I had never used a sewing machine so while I was learning I made some mistakes. I called Dave and I also called the guy who taught me to make saddles and they both helped me out. Dave will stay with you and get you fixed up. It's probably something that you have set wrong or are doing wrong. Art
  21. My question is how much pressure do you use? I don't want to get one and press too hard or not enough so it's not really helping anything. Thanks, Art
  22. FANTASTIC!!! I just got done watching the whole video. The sound was no problem at all on my PC. I've had my Artisan 3000 for quite a while and thought I had it right by reading the book but after watching the video I see i had it threaded a bit wrong. It still worked great though! I also learned how to properly do a corner and curve. I wish I had this video when I first bought it. This is a great idea!! I learned a good bit even after sewing with mine for a pretty good while now. Remember this is my first sewing machine ever. I'd also like to be able to download it so that I can put it on a DVD and watch it in my workshop where my sewing machine is. Thanks you so much! Art
  23. Sounds like you had the perfect birthday Jim! I pray you have many more that are all happy ones and with you pounding leather! Happy Birthday! Art
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