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Everything posted by ArtS

  1. Thanks. I just cut two pieces of scrap to the size I thought would work and sewed them together. Soaked them and shoved in the dowels. Then I did the same for the top part. I made my top (light color) a bit too big but it still fits snug. Something like this might be a good Christmas gift for somebody. They could be tooled and sewn a bit neater. Art
  2. Here are a couple of toy guns I bought for holster molding. The 1911 copy is an air soft gun I bought for under $5 and the other is an old toy I bought for about $2. I got them both on ebay. They work great and are 1:1 copies. Art
  3. I threw these together last night for a friend and me. We're taking our wives camping and riding this weekend up in North GA. These were just made out of some scrap and I used dowel rods to shape them around. Nothing fancy. I didn't have the time. Just enough to keep them from getting smashed in our pockets. Art
  4. I was once told that it also gave you a little more grip in the seat and legs than smooth leather would. Art
  5. Cool work! I want to try to make a vest soon. Any tips to watch out for? Art
  6. I've been reading that on the other sites too. I'm not selling anything so I'll take the chance. I bet they didn't come up with that pattern first. Art
  7. ArtS

    do you like my cat?

    Clever idea! I like it. Art
  8. Good shots. I like that "artsy" shot.ArtHappy looking family!Art
  9. WELCOME!!! This is a great bunch of folks and a lot of information here. Art
  10. Good looking saddle - really nice job! Art
  11. That looks great Dave. Really awesome work! Art
  12. As we used to say in the old days - BOSS! Art
  13. Beautiful work Steve. That belt looks like it would be hard to make! Art
  14. Cal, How to make a baby rattle - mmmmm - if you pick one up and shake it vigorously that might work - but you will get in big trouble with it's mother! Art
  15. Not that I know of. What is the problem that you're having? Art
  16. Looks good Aaron. I'm looking forward to seeing them finished. Art
  17. Great design Scott! He's going to go nuts over it. Art
  18. FIRST TRY!! You gotta be kidding!! Great job. Art
  19. Awesome John - just awesome!!!! Art
  20. Phil, get this tool from Tandy or someone else and then with a Dremel tool add a hollow area to the top part. Art http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/product...?number=6447-00
  21. Thanks Marlon. Oh man am I jealous! I would have loved to have been there. The pictures are the next best thing. Thanks again. Art
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