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Everything posted by ArtS

  1. ArtS

    Tri Weave

    Good info here. Thanks. Yawl mentioned removing the chrome with a torch. How exactly should that be done and is that the best way? I have some tools that I'd like to do that to. In Pete Gorrell's class a few weeks ago he taught us how to take some Craftools and modify then to work like much better tools but we didn't remove the chrome except where we were sanding and filing them. Thanks, Art
  2. Beautiful. I love your tooling. Art
  3. Nice work Josh. Your photos are also getting better each time! Like you said the next one is always better but this one is great. Art
  4. What beautiful work. Very inspiring. I'm studying your tooling closely. Art
  5. Welcome Sebastian! You'll like it here. Some members on here make beautiful armor. I look forward to seeing your work. Art
  6. Here are two of mine. The green one is one I just bought from Bob Beard that is a conveyor belt I believe loaded with green rouge. The other one has two handles so I can use either hand and turn it either way. It has 1000 grit sandpaper on one side (needs to be replaced) and matting board on the other with green rouge (over the red I had on it before and removed). The Beard strop I use for my swivel knives. Art
  7. How did you make the bottom clip Badger? Is there metal in there? Thanks, Art
  8. A word we used to use in high school comes to mind - BOSS! Another work for really cool! Art
  9. Beautiful - absolutely beautiful job! Art
  10. Beautiful job! Really nice tooling and design. Art
  11. I have a critique Bob - it's too dang good!!! Beautiful work. Art
  12. This is interesting. Fred MacMurry did leather work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9r4Lh40fBg...feature=related
  13. I found this browsing around the net. http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=panc...3&ct=title#
  14. The phrase "Lucky Dog" comes to mind! Remember to pass it on. Enjoy your blessings. Art
  15. Hey Tom. I learned the same lesson the first time I tried this. bevel the bottom edge of the wood. Looks good though. Art
  16. The problem is that there are groves in the holes of a flaring tool. Art
  17. Julia, If he doesn't want it I'll buy it! Art
  18. ArtS

    Mirror just Finished

    Turned out great James! Art
  19. On mine the Schwab LeatherCraft is obvious. My Logo is a combination of two things that I love and are important in my life. Most of all God and much lower on the list are horses. I drew this up years before I started leather work back when I started into horses. I dreamed of it being my ranch logo. I felt it said who I was. Art
  20. What kind of help are you looking for? It looks good! Art
  21. I really like that Matt. I'm going to have to try it sometime. You've inspired me. Art
  22. Beautiful Ed! No nut at the end (only the one handling the tools, LOL) I couldn't resist. I have the same question. What are you using for an end plate. Does the wood not get slippery when your hand sweats? (if it sweats) Art
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