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Everything posted by ArtS

  1. ArtS

    Celtic Horses

    Totally awesome Kathy! Great work. Art
  2. Nice to see something different and also being done so well! Great job. Art
  3. Thanks so much Tim! This was an excellent tutorial! I learned things that I can use for other projects too! A1!!! Art
  4. I see what you mean but it still looks great. Next time you might try making either the characters or the background a darker color. That way they would stand out more from all the details.
  5. That looks great! Great color for it too. Art
  6. Hey Paula, Most of my leather I've gotten from W&C. I love it. I just got a couple of hides the week before last. Always ask them if they have any specials going. I got a black 9/10oz and a brown for $100 each. It is their Special grade which is 3rd grade but I've always ordered that and it has been beautiful. I can't imagine how nice their first grade is. I've never gotten any with holes int it or an un-usable section. Art
  7. Great job Paula! I was with Mike in Pete's class. I had a great time. Wish I was still there. You are doing WONDERFUL!!! I also bought one of those slickers. Great idea for the cover. I'll have to make one too (before I drop mine). Hope you didn't chip yours. Your work is really nice. You learn quickly! Yawl missed a really good workshop. I can't wait until next year. Art
  8. I'm with you Josh! Give me the horse. Art Good looking rig Dave. Art
  9. Good job Tac! I like it. Goes perfect with the knife. Art
  10. Wow, really nice Bearman! Looks great and functional - you can't beat that. Art
  11. Great pairing and great job on both! Art
  12. Great design and execution. Art
  13. Wow! Turned out beautiful!! Fantastic job. Art
  14. Happy Birthday Josh! Wishing you many many more happy ones with you pounding leather. Art
  15. I used synthetic yarn to make an old time Corona saddle pad. I had a lot of scrap that I had trimmed off and saved it. I ended up using that to stuff my bucking rolls and they are holding up great. Art
  16. Nice job! You're skills are growing in leaps and bounds! Art
  17. I like the way the black one is done with the retainers at the top seam. It makes for a very clean look. Art
  18. Beautiful job! How did you do that second one with a seam all the way up? Art
  19. Here are some pictures of teh one I made. I lost my Hard Drive so I don't have the article that goes with it and the pictures of how to make it. You can buy past issues of The Leather Crafters and Saddlers Journal for Volume 18, No.6 Nov/Dec 2008 for $7.50. It has pictures and directions and a pattern insert. http://www.leathercraftersjournal.com/2008.html Art
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