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Everything posted by capsterdog

  1. Thanks for the info, I really like the colors. Awesome workmanship
  2. That is just too cool looking. Do you turn them on a pen lathe?
  3. Wow, what are the handles made from? Is that a replaceable blade? Look pretty cool.
  4. Beautiful design. Love the whole construction of it especially the coin pocket. Perfect size too.. the coloring is well done too. Nicely done!!
  5. Both are very very nice. Beautiful job on the sheath. The coloring is very nice too
  6. NOw those are 3 good looking pieces. Beautiful job of restoring
  7. Thank you for answering. What a great way to reuse stuff.
  8. Looks great, I would be proud of it too if my grandpa made me one. She will treasure it always. The paint job really does not look that bad. It toned it down a bit but still looks very nice.
  9. capsterdog

    Sun/moon Mask

    Very cool! The idea of the moon and sun together are great! Would of never thought about the white glue to make it stiffer and hard. Great idea. Did you just use Elmer's glue?
  10. Very helpful, but I do not have dies or a press to cut out the pieces, can you give dimensions?
  11. Mike, Just signed up, excited about this one, coloring is so important
  12. Very nice Mike. I like your coloring and the stamping design. I think people forget how creative one can be with just stamping. You did a nice job. SWEET!!
  13. Thanks Jackie for the info. Will do! You guys have some great stuff. I have your catalog from earlier this year. Can't wait for the new one, making a new wish list will be fun.
  14. Very nice. Your stitching looks well done. It is pretty cool to say yea, caught this one and now I am wearing it. Pretty cool. Job well done!
  15. I can check my tandy store tomorrow, going on a road trip, if they have it I can pick it up for you. PM if you are interested. Be more than happy to help out. I will also check to see if I have an extra bottle. I liked that color but I believe they discontinued it. Always happen that way with colors I like.
  16. Everything looks great. The coloring on the last piece actual looks like wood. I think you did a great job on all of the pieces. Nice bike too!
  17. Very nice, what is the metal fid part made from? Did you turn the antler on a lathe?
  18. Thanks, here is the direct link to British LIbrary flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/britishlibrary/
  19. Beautiful craftsmanship, sweet idea too! I love cherry wood, such a calming color of wood.
  20. Very nice. They look great. I like the colors too. Look very soft.
  21. Just to cool, love stuff like this. Thinking out of the box!!
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