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Everything posted by EquusCustomLeathers

  1. Wow! Many years ago I worked on the production floor at Flags Unlimited. We sure could have used a guy like you around If we had a machine break down, we were instructed to just "set it aside" and replace it with another half broke down machine. Loss of production time was incredible! We had a mechanic that came in part time but he didn't really put a lot of effort into the job. He was probably overwhelmed by the huge stack of broken machines in the back corner LOL
  2. Tippman Boss stitcher in good condition. Comes with edge guide, extra size 26 needles, bobbins, manual etc. $750 CDN plus shipping Located in Ontario, Canada
  3. This is a chrome tanned leather made specifically for motorcycle bags. I don't think veg tan can take the rain and sun beating on it like this stuff can http://springfieldleather.com/34531/Side%2CSaddlebag%2CBlk%2C7-8oz%2CSqft/
  4. Working from home is definitely the way to go these days, if that is possible. The only drawback is that it tends to take over your every waking moment. If you have the self discipline to "turn it off" for certain times, you can do quite well with a small business at home. It's a lesson I learned the hard way
  5. Practise And...basketweave first, then border...
  6. Happy Birthday Double C! (You didn't think I was going to let it slide by, did ya??)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DoubleC


      Thanks Keenan!!!!

    3. Bryan M

      Bryan M

      Happy birthday from the Palmer Ak. all breed dog show.

    4. DoubleC


      hope you're whooping up Bryan!!! And thanks

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  7. Yay! I'll be putting in my first order with them tomorrow
  8. Ok Electrathon..to each their own. Bottom line..I like it here, and I will defend the folks that run it. Enough said
  9. I don't see why Tandy couldn't carry both grades of leather..maybe the cheaper stuff for new people that are learning, and a higher grade for pros. In all honesty, I do like their more exotic leathers, and upholstery hides, but their tooling leather leaves something to be desired..
  10. They should have "control over the masses"..it's their site. I can just imagine what this site would look like if they allowed everyone to just post whatever they wanted!
  11. I have had to edit posts before..when I sent in the mistake, Johanna was very quick to fix it for me. They are good people that run this site who take a great deal of time out of their own lives to help all of us out. Apologies are definitely in order!
  12. Just visited your FB page..very nice! I'm sure the male population here would love to see photos of leather corsets in the gallery I would too, as I am just learning how to make them.
  13. Wow! What a nice thing for them to do..he probably put a lot of effort into that. It's beautiful
  14. I have made a couple of fairly heavy suede vests, and had the same dilemma. I used the mesh type fabric that they use for hockey jerseys. It's soft, and made to breathe. The only downside to it, is that it is really stretchy, so you have to be careful putting it in. I'm sure there are prettier solutions, but that worked for me
  15. If you still want the height of a barstool, I use a padded swivel one, that has a back on it. The seat is pretty deep on it..almost too deep for me, as it makes my legs fall asleep. I'm 5'7", so it would probably work really well for a taller person. I got mine at Canadian Tire, but you can probably get one at Walmart or somewhere similar.
  16. "Modern culture has indoctrinated us that it’s more important to feel good about our work than to actually do good work. Self-help and career books tell us that we should find work that feels “authentic.” School children are taught that the only thing that counts is their effort, not if their work is actually good or correct. Crawford calls this emphasis on feelings as opposed to results a consumer ethic as opposed to a craftsmanship ethic. The problem with the consumer ethic is that it creates individuals with self-inflated and fragile egos who are unable to withstand the sometimes harsh criticisms and judgments that invariably come in life and in work. Clients and bosses don’t care if you felt “authentic” when writing a memo or if you tried really hard on a project. All they care about are the results. In life, it often takes mistakes in order to get better. You can’t get better if no one ever points out your failings. If you wish to become the best man you can be, you must rid yourself of the consumer ethic of feelings and replace it with the craftsmanship ethic of results. Does your creation work? Does it look good? Does it add something to the world? If not, seek feedback and use that criticism to improve your work." This is something that I try to teach some of the kids that do volunteer work for me here. Interesting article, thanks for sharing!
  17. Looks pretty good so far. I'm no expert, but I would either bevel the puffs a little deeper, or maybe use a lifter on them to get them "poofier"..there are quite a few people here that do feathers beautifully, so maybe they will chime in. Hope that helps, and welcome to LW
  18. So, after four months, I finally get to go play in the leather shop! It's gonna be a good day :)

    1. DoubleC


      Mmm Hmm and was it a good day? How's that desk working out for ya? LOL

    2. EquusCustomLeathers


      Poor ugly old thing! Solid as a rock though :)

    3. DoubleC


      Yes it is now that I've seen it lol.

  19. I can understand why you wouldn't want to use vegetable oil on old books..it's a (hopefully) climate controlled, indoor item. I have used it on outdoor tack before, and there hasn't been a problem. Maybe different oils are appropriate for different applications..
  20. Damn Art! You beat me to it!! Beautiful knife
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