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Everything posted by Rohn

  1. Looks like you did a beautiful job. Look out the orders will start coming in now!!
  2. Very nice work. Love it. I know what you mean about it fitting. I did a Bible cover once by using someone else's measurements and it was to large. There was only lettering on the outside and I was able to cut it down and re-stitch it. That Eagle looks great as well as your lettering.
  3. Thanks for the reply, alpha2. I do a lot of holsters with BW and antique all of them (except black, of course). It sure makes the BW look nice. Hope you don't mind me asking another question - What finish do you use before the antique finish? I use Fiebings tan-kote. I really like your holster.
  4. That is very nice. Great job on the basket weave. What dye did you use? Looks like it is antiqued, is it?
  5. Very nice. I may have to make something like that for myself. Love the looks of the curly maple. Nice job!
  6. Looks nice Chief. The problem I have with that pattern of stitching on wallets and anything else where the stitching meets itself is joining the start and stop together so it is hidden. I do use a triple loop stitch on all my laced holsters and I get along fine. Looks like you did a great job on this one as I can't see where you started and stopped.
  7. That is very beautifully done.
  8. Looks like you have done a fine job and your client should be very pleased.
  9. After you punch the two holes you can use a small wood chisel to cut the slit.
  10. Looks good. It's always nice to work with tools that you have made yourself.
  11. Those are really cool. Thanks for all the great information. We have 3 German Shepherds and I think I might try making some of these too.
  12. Very nice straps, Chief. Also interesting information. Now, if you would just play a song for us on YouTube
  13. Really great idea! Holster looks great too.
  14. Those straps are a bunch of beauties. You do fine work Chief!
  15. Looks good. I too was wondering how you did this, so thanks for the explanation.
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