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The Dawg Club

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Everything posted by The Dawg Club

  1. Sometimes I have the problem of going off the edge when sewing. I believe because of the gap in the feed area. Can I put a different one there? If so, please tell me where to find them. There is nothing worse then going off stitch when your sooo close to finish.
  2. Looks great so far!! The will be more than satisfied.
  3. Welcome!! Dog collars are fun to make. Post them up when you complete it!
  4. We are right in NY. I would love to have a 441 in shop. will be in touch.
  5. Lengthwise.....We use double backs and have straps pre cut.
  6. We have to print letters out on cardstock. Cut the letters out. Then spray the back of letters with glue and stick on leather as a template and cut again. Best done with fresh razors.
  7. We get our from http://www.thethreadexchange.com/ . Plenty of colors
  8. Where upstate? We are in Dutchess co.
  9. Nice and trust me...they do get better!! Should have seen my 1st one. Practice, practice...
  10. Thanks for info!! After checking out price of Efka DC1550. Im gonna need to sell a feeeeeewwwww more collars 1st. LOL Any advice for a temporary servo motor?
  11. Someone got a super clean looking machine!!!
  12. Thanks Trox for reply! Is the DA website the only place to get feet for this machine?
  13. I have an Adler 867 coming very soon. Can anyone recommend the best motor to put on this machine? It currently has a clutch motor attached. I have a Juki dsu-145 that has a reliable 5000 on it. (Not yet modified like I have read on forum.) It's ok...just looking for something better. Thanks in advance! Also I see the 867 has a pressor foot lift of 20mm. Should that be enough to sew my collars that are at max 5/8 inch thick? Note: a 1/4" of thickness is padding. So, its not like sewing thru 5/8 of all leather.
  14. Thanks for posting! I made one for my daughter, but she was in-house. Malik
  15. Hey Matt. I use adhesive foam for my collars. No glue needed. Just cut to size. Check a local sports medicine store. The use it for the inside of splints for athletes. Malik
  16. Ok....does anyone know if the feet are interchangeable with any other machine or it has to use DA feet?
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