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Everything posted by bland

  1. Looks very nice. I don't think there is any way to double stitch except at the beginning and back stitch at the end with a continuous thread.
  2. Very nice. Turning is a challenge.
  3. Here is my version of this pattern. My daughter is going to make one so I thought I'd try out the pattern first rushed the project wanting to get it all done today, I kind of . I extended the height on the outside piece about 3/4 of an inch. Next time I will also extend the inner long piece so the cash will not s Lots of mistakes but I think I'll trade in my old one and start carrying this one. Thanks again for the pattern.
  4. bland


    That is beautiful. That needs to be attached to a custom spade bit.
  5. Thanks for the pattern. My daughter is going to give it a try for her first project.
  6. That is the best looking Louis Vuitton bag I have ever seen!
  7. I like it. Nice clean design and look. Is there a full length pocket behind the zipper pouch?
  8. I haven't posted anything for a while. Here are a few things I have been working on.
  9. I didn't find any other posts on this subject. Has anyone made Bell or Overreach Boots for a horse? Does anyone have a pattern for bell boots? Thanks
  10. I remember the first time I saw that memorial set up in theater. It is an incredible and solemn tribute to brave heros who gave all. It brings back a flood of emotions.
  11. Is this open to anyone? What time do you meet?
  12. I'll try that on the next one. Thanks.
  13. Thanks for the input. I never thought of using a T-nut in between layers. What belt slot width do you recommend?
  14. I completed several pancake and IWB holsters recently. Please take a look and let me know what you think. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I would particularly like comments and suggestions on the cross draw holster.
  15. That's awsome. Do you have a recipie and instructions? I alum tanned one a long time ago it is a lot of work.
  16. This is my first post so I hope I am doing this correctly. I have been doing a little leatherwork over the past 18 months or so. Mostly horse tack and items for personal use and for family. I would like to branch out maybe start selling some items to support my habit. Anyway here is a pancake holster I built for my brother-in-law's Taurus PT 140. I tried some new things for me. I have been drilling and stiching but on this one I built myself a stiching pony and used an awl. It is a little rough but it was good practice. Let me know what you think and what I need to improve on.
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