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Everything posted by immiketoo

  1. I use rubber cement. My dust looks clean and like it was purpose made, but any color should work really. Weldwood is not ideal for this task.
  2. You'll want to get some galvanized steel. Its firm but malleable and easy to cut.
  3. As a man who has tried nearly everything out there swivel knife wise, I will say this. You can buy a good swivel knife at Tandy. Their pro version is as good as anything else out there apart from aesthetics. Rickert Werkzuege sells a phenomenal knife for cheap. Problem with these two are the blades. They all need work to cut smoothly. Geometry is terrible for some types of carving and passable at others. You can learn to use it, but if you experiment with blades, you can fine tune your carving pretty quickly. Everyone has a preference. I like a thin barrel and a low angle blade. As you can see, I've tried nearly all of them
  4. I have OTT lights, and I bought them for 75 percent off at JoAnnes with some of their coupons. I got 120 dollar lights for 27 dollars or something like that. I love them. Another great light is made by Dazor. Just be sure to install daylight bulbs. I have one on each side of my bench and I wish I had a third for fill.
  5. I'm not either, but its SOOOOO worth it. There's something about it that's as cool as Sheridan but with a different feel.
  6. Thank you. Its an honor to meet your heroes and hang out with them. Thank you sir!
  7. Welcome! I was just in Arnhem a few weeks back. Lovely country and nice work!
  8. While in Arnhem at the elwats show, Kathy Flanagan and I had the opportunity to trade leatherwork. That she loves my work is an honor beyond words. Thank you Kathy!
  9. I am going to say thats almost 100% the leather's fault, not yours. Those look like totally different dye colors, not just different shades from the same color. I can understand your frustration.
  10. Almost everything I do is non-traditional and I have dabbled in floral but its not really my thing. To be clear, are you asking for something other than Sheridan, or floral done in a way other than Sheridan?
  11. If you used the same leather its almost always the application, unless you managed to go from firm to soft leather like flank or belly. All bets are off when you get to the soft parts. Since you havent said how you applied it, its difficult to diagnose, but even the slightest variance in leather prep can affect color absorption. Slicking one piece and not slicking the other for example. And, as mentioned before, it CAN happen for unknown reasons, but it's usually something you can track down. More details and pics would help.
  12. One is a bull and the other is a leopard. Dionysos had two sacred animals according to legend. He would ride the leopard or behind the bull in a chariot. Thank you everyone. If you want to improve, this forum is a great place to find inspiration and instruction.
  13. If all you're concerned about is the end result, there are a lot of irons out there that will do the trick, however...the ease of use, and by default the lower chance of a screw up come from higher end tools. With irons its a matter of pulling them out of the leather as much as it is going through the leather. If they stick, things stretch when you pull them out. The make what should be good holes ugly. Crimson Hides are pretty good, but KS Punch are better. They are a bit spendy, but they are sweet. Also, you have a choice of slits or diamond holes like an awl would leave. The choice is totally up to you. Both will yield a pleasing stitch provided you're doing your end of the work. Buy a good awl, you'll still need it on occasion. I like the ones made by LederLouis in Switzerland. Not too expensive, but super to use and the leave a perfect hole.
  14. You totally can do it. Just a little more time in grade and push yourself just like you're doing now. In more things than wine, and not ALL of them good, but overall, good wine.
  15. Welcome, Ray. I am sure you will pick up everything you need here. What are some of your old hobbies?
  16. This has a carved plug, a-la Al Stohlman's book about embossing. I won't reiterate what he says there, but if you give it a look (Highly recommended), you'll see how it was done. As for history and mythology, there is a long tradition of wine making here in Greece and in Italy, and Greeks do it differently than everyone else. It's inspirational! Lets see your cement one!
  17. Most notebooks use varying forms of pressed cardboard for their liners, and you can buy sheets of it in the thickness you like from most any art store. Also, you might look at Ohio Travel Bag for your clips.
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