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Everything posted by immiketoo

  1. Waiting on the doc. I feel like I'm awaiting sentencing.

    1. Jax


      awww Mike get well soon, loadsa hugs x

    2. LNLeather


      Hope you are feelin' Better Now... I love your latest Avatar. It is Pretty Cute and Really made me Laugh - I'm still chuckling now...

    3. SooperJake


      I'd photoshop in a holster slipped off around his "ankles"...:)

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  2. I've been on leatherworker.net for a few short months and it already feels like home to me. So many of you have shared your knowledge and experience with me, and I have made what I consider to be friends all over the world. That being said, something recently happened in chat that I think bears mentioning. Several people whom I respect greatly were chatting about someone else whom I also respect greatly, and it was in what was an allegedly disparaging fashion. This concerns me on many levels. Firstly, chat is a PUBLIC chat room, and anything you say can be seen by anyone who happens to pop in. In this incident, the person being spoken about DID pop in. And what they saw hurt their feelings significantly. Why am I bringing this up? Because I am so disappointed by the fact that it happened here and that it involved people I believe in. This incident is contrary to everything our leatherworker.net community is about. Our subtitle is Education, Entertainment & Fellowship. This incident was certainly not education, and to me, fellowship means far more than bashing someone behind their back. That leaves entertainment, which I suppose it could be to the small minded or the petty, but let me say this. You are better than that. We ALL are, and I would ask all of you to please bear in mind that leather work crosses all socioeconomic boundaries. It does not care where you are from, what color you are or whether or not you are popular, introverted or middle of the road. The passion strikes us each in our own way, regardless of our skill level or our position in life. This site should be a safe haven for anyone who chooses to join our group, and I have never heard a discouraging word spoken to me the entire time I have been here. I am the first to admit that I may have said things that were offensive to someone in the room, and perhaps even offended some of those that I respect dearly. However, they were there, present in the conversation, and had the ability to correct me or choose not to. Chat can get crazy and since it is real time, comments fly more loosely. There is a sense of less permanency since your comments will scroll right out of the chat box in a little while. Lets keep chat fun, educational and entertaining by being considerate of our opinions and those who might be viewing them. If you truly have an issue with someone, remember what our mother's taught us as kids about something nice to say. Or have the courage to confront them directly. Or, take your conversation into a private room. There is the option of doing that in our chat window. Those are my thoughts. I'm not mentioning any names, nor am I accusing anyone. I am merely suggesting that we conduct ourselves appropriately. If anyone has any comments or criticisms, I welcome them, Merry Christmas everyone, Mike
  3. I'd love to see that. Especially how you applied the black so precisely around the rope and inside the stamp.
  4. Thanks Jason. I appreciate the comments! Chat IS fun if you have a sense of humor and can follow along! Jason and Eugene, those spots are nickel plated rivets. What nicer than standard prong spots. Way easier to install and the are far more sturdy. You will need an different spot setter though. I got them at Tandy, I think. Or maybe Springfield. Can't remember.
  5. Even more so if the left eyes never see it.
  6. Dang. Sick, again.

    1. immiketoo


      Thanks for the well wishes and sound advice!

    2. Genyfer Belle

      Genyfer Belle

      Well,what did you do that for silly?

    3. LNLeather


      Eat more Garlic - it has a natural antibiotic in it. Eat it every day!

    4. Show next comments  198 more
  7. anything by 3M that is rated for VAPOR will be fine.
  8. How did you get the red in the makers stamp without getting everywhere?
  9. REDTAIL, heres a forum member you might be interested in chatting with. Found it whilst rummaging through the forum. Hope this helps, Mike http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=44394
  10. Nerull, welcome to LW! I think many people start with the Tandy starter kit, and I was one of them. It's an effective way to see if you have any interest in a variety of leather skills. I've been to Brussels several times and I thoroughly enjoyed myself! Nothing like a Kwak near the square... Back to business. Ask questions! There is a wealth of information here. I have learned tons of stuff since I joined. Good luck!
  11. Robert, I don't have experience with any round knife, but I have been researching which one to buy. I haven't heard of a J Cook, and based on the lack of response, it doesn't seem like anyone else has either. The general idea I have learned is Osborne or Gomph and maybe Stolhman, and generally speaking the older the better provided the blade is in decent shape. There are obviously any number of great knives out there. What makes you interested in this particular brand?
  12. LOL Mike! I AM for as long as ya'all will have me Thanks about the "sling!"
  13. You could buff it with sheeps wool or a soft t-shirt and then re apply your finish. That should make it better. Good luck!
  14. THanks everyone. I love the bling
  15. It's my first one, but I think it turned out pretty good. Thanks Chancey for the advice!
  16. Check out black river laser. They make military themed stuff. http://www.blackriverlaser.com
  17. Your stuff looks great! I'm in the western suburbs of Chicago. I have been to Peoria on many occasions though
  18. Here's a pic from a falconry museum in Austria I visited in 08. Sorry I don't have more pics. I wasn't into leatherwork back then.
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