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Everything posted by cjartist

  1. They are tandy punches. Cost about $2.50 a piece. The thread size is metric 8mm X 1
  2. You ought to just sell raffle tickets at $5 a pop. What a great deal you have here. Too bad I arrived so late to the offer.
  3. I saw a Springfield Leather video the other day where they talked about mixing a conditioner with the dye. The only thing I have mixed with dye has been thinner (alcohol or water based). Do you have any insight on mixing dye with lexol or some other type of conditioner?
  4. Doing a quick search brought me to this page. They even have a page dedicated to their dyeing proces, although it doesn't give away their secrets. https://www.dalembert.com/
  5. I love the look of a round or mexican braid. However using a rotary punch kills my hands and wrists. I recently made a seat cover with a mexican braid and punched all the holes over the course of three days. I decided that I needed a better way. So I ordered five of the replacement rotary hole punches, then drilled and tapped a scrap hunk of aluminum to hold them. Now I can use my arbor press for the job. I just punched all the holes for a similar seat cover in an hour and boy, what a difference!
  6. That is a great thing you are doing. I love it when people share content and knowledge. So Thank You.
  7. I thought the reason you were shying away from it was credibility. I agree with the others that it does sound perfect for leather work. Make sure the K in your logo has a pronounced crooked appearance and that alone can help you stand apart from the crowd. Get a decent artist to work up a logo and I think you will find that you love the name all over again.
  8. What is your first name? How about just K Hoffman Leather?
  9. Yes. Pinterest was designed to share things that you like. I would still want to ensure that someone is not taking credit for the work though.
  10. I'm planning to do it with the Singer 241-12 that I picked up. I have successfully tested it sewing milled veg tan (5/6 oz) to thin veg tan (about 3 oz) with no problems. I am using a 19 needle with 92 thread. I am just waiting on a small pulley for the clutch motor before I really begin to put it to work.
  11. Take a thin piece of cardboard or poster board. Lay your deck box face down near the bottom. Trace it. Without moving the box, tip it up on end, trace. Tip it on its back, trace. Tip it left, trace, etc.
  12. Your picture is the same as the thumbnail for this video I watched on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkvEuJYc2VM
  13. LOL. Never really thought about that, but you're right.
  14. Neodymium magnets are strong as hell. There are two in every computer (tower style) hard drive. I have several coffee cans full of them. I used one and a small scrap of sheet brass to make an edge guide. They also make great tool holders, screw catchers, etc.
  15. I think you will have a hard time getting a true and bright purple due to the color of the leather you start with. Fiebings and Angelus are the only I know of. I would definitely try to use a really pale leather to start with.
  16. Hey Keith, I'm sure this is not your problem but in the picture you posted of the servo you have the speed set to the max. Just wanted to point that out. There is a real nice video on youtube of the actuator extension. I just watched it yesterday Youtube - Machine Control
  17. Very Nice. That is all machine stitched? Can I ask what machine you use? I just got my first machine, one that most folks would say is no good for leather.
  18. Yes. I think you are going to have to take a blade to it and cut off the edge. Otherwise make a new strap, although matching the look would be difficult. Then if you want to keep the bag, use a good leather conditioner to prevent further problems.
  19. I had not realized. Thought Mike was just showing a theft of someone else's work
  20. Mike, I think that you should do as eposcustom has and call them out on the actual post. Perhaps they mean no harm and are only sharing things they love. I would want to know if they are selling leather goods and try to find out whatever I could about their intentions.
  21. Welcome. Nice to have you. I lived in Easton for ten years while working at the college. I do miss the area. So close to so many things and so much to do. Great art scene there too.
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