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Everything posted by cjartist

  1. I made some more today and began working on a simple wallet. I'll throw up pics of that once It's done. I have never perfected my stitching and prefer to lace. So, I decided to put these pieces for sale in my Etsy shop for those that are better at making smalls than I am
  2. Thanks BattleMunky. I think I am going to try and make a simple wallet using this technique. I think it should be an interesting look.
  3. There is a different post. When I was trying to submit it the website was just hanging Maybe this one can get deleted?
  4. So I was inspired by StormCrow's post about making a splattered wallet, to try out some marbling. So these were just some scrap pieces I had lying about. Full of scars and blemishes. I experimented with some suminagashi inks. I sealed them with super shene because it seems to make the color more vibrant. The blue green one on the right is only half covered with supershene (not sure if you can notice in these pics). The yellow and purple one was an oops because I actually dyed the wrong side of the leather. LOL I think there is a lot of potential here. I did a tiny bit of stamping and carving on the left hand one to see if it would screw it up in any way. Took the tools just fine although it is only 3 to 4 ounce leather.
  5. So I was inspired by StormCrow's post about making a splattered wallet, to try out some marbling. So these were just some scrap pieces I had lying about. Full of scars and blemishes. I experimented with some suminagashi inks. I sealed them with super shene because it seems to make the color more vibrant. The blue green one on the right is only half covered with supershene (not sure if you can notice in these pics). The yellow and purple one was an oops because I actually dyed the wrong side of the leather. LOL I think there is a lot of potential here. I did a tiny bit of stamping and carving on the left hand one to see if it would screw it up in any way. Took the tools just fine although it is only 3 to 4 ounce leather.
  6. That's awesome. What a perfect age for him to start learning the craft too. Kudo's to both Jake and Sanch for an excellent first project!
  7. Congrats. If I may ask, was it an online sale? I sell at Etsy but am looking for other alternative places to sell.
  8. British Tan always looked reddish to me. The Medium brown has a bit of reddish tint to it too. Light brown or thinned walnut would be my guess.
  9. Cool video. But at $15.99 for the gel powder, there has to be a cheaper way. Perhaps the carageenan is less. I was watching other videos and came across Suminigashi. That is something I would love to work out for leather. The technique does not use thickened water though so it might be harder to work out.
  10. They look great! Is the one that is stitched a double layer, or is the stitching purely decorative?
  11. The true test would be running some thread through those holes and then see what the final result looks like. If you do, please post more pics
  12. Awesome stuff Chief. Do you find that music festivals charge a lot more for a booth than craft fair venues? I was looking into one locally and they wanted $350 for the weekend. That seemed awfully steep to me unless you are a food vendor with constant sales.
  13. That's an amazing improvement in short order. Congrats!
  14. That's an amazing improvement in short order. Congrats!
  15. Great idea. To get even more to hold with less dips, maybe try a foam pencil grip in between dips.
  16. Why? I think we are just discussing general business policy. How is that a 'dead horse'?
  17. ^^^ This may be both the result and the cause of the majority of sales moving to the internet. For a leather supplier, internet sales means they will need to increase their quality standards in order to survive.
  18. You can also buy a license for an image from a clip art website. That way it is all legal and legit if you decide to sell the product that you use it on.
  19. cjartist

    Good leather

    I agree. I think I may know which post you refer to. Ended up great for the guy who complained the most. The rest of us are just out of our hard earned cash I would have rather sent that money to support the forum!
  20. Oh I agree. i have no reason to do that myself. But if the savings were there it might work for some. I really don't know how their prices compare.
  21. Why Not organize a co-op buy. Just get a few others to go together with you on a purchase. The only thing that would be difficult would be shipping everything out to each person. I guess that would depend on the savings (?) you might get.
  22. Here is mine. I didn't post it earlier in this thread because I thought some would not believe it was my first. Now that i see other great firsts, I've decided to have a go too. The only thing I did prior to this was a small 3 inch phoenix carving on a scrap piece of leather to practice. This took a few months to complete.
  23. What a great way to spend the day. She will be very proud to take those to school. And now she has a memory of Grandpa that will last a lifetime.
  24. We all know that selling online is completely different than in person. When we market something we create, its success largely depends upon the pictures we show of it. If the customer isn't happy, they get their money back. If the product looks nothing like what is shown, they get their money back. It really wouldn't be too difficult for SLC to sell what they market. For them this is a product they can make money on that is actually waste and would otherwise be thrown away.
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