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Everything posted by toxo

  1. If it's a standard old type table, The metal legs/framework is just underneath the table ends so you may not be able to cut it down.
  2. Don't do holsters, (UK) but that is pretty and well done.
  3. Two important things to remember, rule steel comes in two different heights and also different thicknesses. This is measured in points. 2 point is what you want unless you have really good bending machinery. 3 point is much harder to bend.
  4. I'll always look for a cheaper/better way to solve a problem. I realised years ago that clicker dies would make the process much quicker but they've always been expensive. I worked out a way to do it that works. Not as robust as the welded steel ones but I reasoned that they were never get a tremendous amount of use. Having said that, they have been used many times and are still good. I like thinking of how much I've saved over the years. This pic should be self explanatory. The lighter coloured ones are bought obviously. If you do a search you should find one of my posts (to a Chuck question I think) where I provide links to all the bits you need. Don't forget that these were done in those days on a lowly arbor press which I also adapted to take stamps etc and even a hot foil block. (I won't be getting rid of my Lucris any time soon though) These were made using that set.
  5. Before I got my 5 ton Lucris I cut all my clicker dies with a simple 1ton arbor press including handbag size panels. Just be ready to walk it around and don't expect to do it in on go..
  6. Interesting idea. My first thought is to research hot foiling. Foil comes in many colours but I don't know if there are any with glue that will withstand rough useage. If using a heated stamp it should only stick in the lower bits.
  7. https://youtube.com/shorts/uaZYioWcaXI
  8. My property is about 120 inches.
  9. That's not the half of it I have a video of everything I've asked for 10.5mm stitch, 3mm stitch, same hole backstitch, speed reducer, slow stitch, fast stitch, and more and pictures. I spoke to her every day on WhatsApp. If only I can figure out how to get the video sizes down I'll show you. I suppose I can put em on YOUTUBE and post the links. The only glitch was a vibration on the first video but because they were dismantling straight after they hadn't tightened the bolts. They did another after sorting the bolts and it was gone.
  10. A little bit closer. If one of those Houthi missiles get it I won't be best pleased.
  11. The holes don't need to be much smaller than the coin/stone. It's the stitching that's the key. If you get the stitches really close the coin/stone can't move.
  12. The bane of modern "society" lawyers and insurance.
  13. is there any special reason for using chrome tan? it'll stand by itself quite happily if you used slightly thicker veg tan.
  14. Thanks Fred. Ebay is usually my go to first. I almost pulled the trigger on the MOQ 1000 for each colour bullshit. Was about to spend serious money on rivets for Christs sake.
  15. Does anyone know who does short shank rivets in the UK? I'm looking for say a 9mm rivet with a 5/6mm shank. Normally a 9mm rivet will have a 9mm shank which falls over when joining a couple of 2.5/3mm pieces of leather.
  16. No offense taken I assure you SUP. It wasn't supposed to be "this one is better". It was merely to point out different ways of doing it. And if it's "Unique" you're looking for, there are literally 1,000s of em out there.
  17. Thanks Northmount. I like to think I'm fairly computer savvy but clearly sometimes, not so much.
  18. This looks like a decent piece of kit with a new motor. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2174209189594988/?ref=browse_tab&referral_code=marketplace_general&referral_story_type=general&tracking=%7B%22qid%22%3A%22-2665679626282924949%22%2C%22mf_story_key%22%3A%22476420748350051124%22%2C%22commerce_rank_obj%22%3A%22%7B%5C%22target_id%5C%22%3A476420748350051124%2C%5C%22target_type%5C%22%3A6%2C%5C%22primary_position%5C%22%3A2%2C%5C%22ranking_signature%5C%22%3A2653378306098869906%2C%5C%22commerce_channel%5C%22%3A501%2C%5C%22value%5C%22%3A0.00041691024053059%2C%5C%22upsell_type%5C%22%3A102%2C%5C%22candidate_retrieval_source_map%5C%22%3A%7B%5C%226847975665313641%5C%22%3A3001%2C%5C%227291995500838592%5C%22%3A3528%2C%5C%226956754761083754%5C%22%3A701%2C%5C%226973991542655164%5C%22%3A701%2C%5C%2224369302629327688%5C%22%3A701%2C%5C%2224347697581488237%5C%22%3A701%7D%2C%5C%22grouping_info%5C%22%3Anull%7D%22%2C%22lightning_feed_qid%22%3A%22-2665679901058509167%22%2C%22lightning_feed_ranking_signature%22%3A%222653378306098869906%22%2C%22ftmd_400706%22%3A%22111112l%22%7D
  19. I like this kind of patchwork bag that lends itself to the scrap pile but it highlights the limitations re what options there are to build them. In this example the patches are obviously butted together and top stitched to some kind of backing. The type of backing will determine whether any gaps open up down the line. This kind of look can also be achieved with a zig zag stitch. I also like the type where each layer overlaps the the layer before and top stitched through two or more lasers. This can be interesting but obviously leads to double thickness in places and raw edges. I actually favour using the "French seam" where only the first of three stitches is effective unless the two top stitches go through a backing tape or a liner. This one uses a turned and stitched through the seam allowance, probably with a glued lining for support. If anyone wants inspiration for a patchwork bag. Just put that into Etsy UK. Lots of fantastic ideas in there.
  20. Thanks for the heads up re the sump. Don't know why the Juki 1341 doesn't have the hump jumper. Maybe the clones have a higher lift for thicker material?
  21. Hi Brian. We're gonna confuse each other now. When I was researching this machine I started off looking for a Juki 1341. I found a whole lot of machines that call themselves 1341. I thought they were Juki clones but not so. One guy tried to sell me a 1342 which is the machine you're referring to here but it turned out to be a clone of the Mitsubishi 6860. Another confusing issue is what I call the "hump jumper" the dial on the top. I think ALL the 1341 clones have it but the Juki 1341 DOES NOT have it. The Juki 1342 has it. At the end of the day I just went with the features I wanted. Auto lube, large hook and bobbin (28mm), stitch length 0-9.5mm, servo motor, needle positioning. As long as it works as it should I'll be a happy bunny. She's told me this morning that they'll build it tomorrow or Wednesday and show me the video before shipping. What's not to like?
  22. Turns out it does have a sump and a pump. Obviously it'll work better at the higher speeds but the manual ports are there for supplementary. https://clouddisk.alibaba.com/file/redirectFileUrl.htm?appkey=OneChat&id=2205229570&parentId=2177377479&secOperateAliId=MC1IDX1qqUgR5VgVsctK5v8HNp7wBwO_l4fBhi_O62cEoGBFQMVXrQNpbnz1D0Mon43Q3Yh&fileAction=download&scene=1
  23. Does anyone do em with shorter shanks? I often want a bigger head and a shorter shank
  24. Thanks Bob. I've asked her to show me the system. She'll show me on Monday, I'd hate to miss out an important bit from the get go.
  25. Thanks guys, Certainly is. Never had a new one before. @dikmanThat's what I thought but things have changed. I'm no expert and never done it before.
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