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Everything posted by Regis

  1. I wonder why on Monday, Oct 29th their stock lost about 1/3 of its value(from $6.06 to $4.30) on much higher than normal volume(20K shares).
  2. Kate, The product description is very interesting. Sounds like it could be used to effectively make a "craftaide-like" duplicate of a carving. What are your thoughts?
  3. After backstitch, do you just cut flush? Do you use a dab of cement or anything to keep the thread end inplace?
  4. Regis


    Warren, Glad you found us. Looking forward to seeing your work. You know you can show those holsters in different stages (and not just when complete).
  5. Regis


    Nice. I really like that you were able to get the bow string to show up so well.
  6. I would think the UPS or FedEx shipping cost to Germany from HideCrafters would be less than from an individual in the USA. US mail would probably be the same for HideCrafter or individual. I don't understand why you don simply order them. Is there some minimum when sent outside US or some tax perhaps? If I ordered them for you and shipped to you, it would cost even more.
  7. Clay, Thanks. Got them all stored in my address book now.
  8. I see all these names but, it appears that the only place to buy is at a trade show (other than craftool). If anyone knows a source for one of the better basket weave stamps, please let me know contact info.
  9. Regis

    4 distinct depths of view

    Amazing how you were able to get 4 distinct depths of view: man, camel, outer wall, and inside wall. How much of the detail were you able to transfer from your image (as opposed to carving after outlines are in place)? In particular, the building blocks. Do you plan on one color? REgis
  10. I've lived in a lot of places (including Norht Dakota and South Texas). Fall/winter is the only comfortable (translate to outdoor habitable) time here on the Florida gulf coast. Greatest weather in the world was/is in Klamath Falls Oregon. Now that I don't have to drive to work daily, I'm heading north to moderate snow country and fair dryer summers.
  11. That's exactly how I've stored the bits for my Foredom (like dremel bits). You don't even have to make a hole, just push the bit in. Of course that makes me feel worse 'cuz I bought a holder for my stamps :
  12. You are awesome on your sewing machine. How are you terminating your threads? You have stops in several parts of the design. Do you pull thread end to inside and glue or? Great work.
  13. Regis


    Cora, This is a great place to learn, share, and grow. Welcome
  14. Johanna, Thank you for spreading the reminder that the freedom we continue to enjoy is due MOSTLY to the volunteers, now and in the past who are willing to risk their lives to keep us free. Regis USAF 1962-1972
  15. Regis


    Aaron, Glad you found us. Is there ever a leather trade show in the south east? Guess we're too far from beautiful elk country : Welcome. Regis
  16. Thanks all. Paul, you sure helped me make up my mind for an order to W&C. Regis
  17. What's your IE 7 build? Mine is IE 7.0.5730.11 and I have the problem (must back page to see profile). Perhaps those of us having the problem are on same IE release. Regis
  18. It appears that holsters that are press fitted/formed (hydralic press) are not carved & tooled. Does the tooling get badly distorted in forming? Does perhaps vacuum forming allow retention of tooling? Or, is it just impractical for some other reason on tooled holsters? I know that I can tool, fold, glue & sew a more"rounded" holster (more western style) but, does anyone tool and then use pressure to form? Thanks, Regis
  19. Regis


    Srigs, Welcome, and Bruce told us that you were joining to answer questions [lol]. Glad to have you join.
  20. Regis


    Heather, Glad to have you here. Lot of great folks to share ideas and help with.
  21. Andy, What country are you located (or if USA, where)?
  22. IE 7.0.5730.11 has the problem of needing to go back a page (after selecting profile) to get the profile. Refresh doesn't seem to matter. Otherwise, profile comes up normal after going back a page.
  23. Skip, What a great answer. This is definately for me to print and start accumulating parts. Thank you, Regis
  24. Skip and Bill brought up vacuum tables in another thread but it was not carried on (guess they didn't want to hijack the thread). BUT, that is something I have an interest in for forming holsters. I'm relatively sure the commercial tables will work but, has anyone made (or made use of) smaller versions or even the vacuum bag type? Does the very moist (perhaps wet) leather affect/harm a vacuum pump? How long must you leave it under vacume? Does the bag type with shop vac pull enough vacume? My 4 or 5 a year would not justify a commercial vacuum table. Thanks
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