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Everything posted by BDAZ

  1. Generally import tariffs are based on origin rather than where they arrive from. There would have to be a significant component of Canadian content to supersede Chinese origin, though Canadians tariffs may also be 25% . There is a lot of wiggle room for cheating where products are made from, say Chinese fabric made from US cotton is then sent to Vietnam for basic assembly, then to say France or the US for final finishing and packaging. With a sewing machine, there's not much one can fiddle. Cowboy could import the parts (often lower duties on parts) which does not include added labor costs, and then do final assembly in the US but that may be even less competitive. The problem with these tariffs is say a US company wanted to set up a leather factory here because imported leather products have a 25% duty and have become expensive. All the equipment, qwhich is no longer made here will be 30%-40% more expensive, labor,, etc. is also the same issue, so he would have to be more expensive than possibly imports WITH the extra duty. The introduction of these tariffs is something for senior economists to consider rather than a circus barker shooting from the hip, and hopefully will disappear in 2020 along with the circus that initiated them.
  2. We don't have a VAT system in the US where taxes are included in the sales price, but are added at the time of sale to the end user. Sales tax is usually a combination of federal (as in petrol) state and local ad ons and usually amounts to +-10% except for petrol. Generally these has been either no import duty or very little, maybe 1%-2%. 25% is a trade killer and is designed to make the import non competitive to product local manufacturers. The problem is that these days we have become so global that there is very little local production that doesn't include imported components because we have stopped making 100% of what is required, and Trump is to stupid and simplistic to understand that he is hurting US manufacturers and growers. A good example on the radio is that the manufacturers of steel cord for radial tyres (tires) uses specialized steel form Japan and Germany because no one in the US makes the equivalent. They applied for an exemption to the tariff but a small domestic steel company filed a protest, one of thousands they filed, even though they cannot produce a similar steel. The system is broken and presided over by an idiot.. Bob
  3. Yup. My mistake. Was after a long day. But still significant
  4. We don't have VAT. A sales tax is added at the final point of sale to the consumer. All wholesale transactions are tax free.
  5. Lets say a product currently costs $100 landed in the States. The importer will often mark the product up 50% to $150 to the whole sale distributor. Then The distributor would add 33% with no new duty, then Trump slaps 25% duty. The product now sells to the dealers at $200. The dealer marks it up another 33% and it sell to the consumer for $266. Then Trump slaps 25% on the same product which now lands at $125, then sells to the distributor at $250, then to the dealer at $333 and the consumer then pays $443. So I can only assume all of the sellers will have to increase their prices at least a little. So the Trump tariff causes the import to jump from a retail of $266 to $433!! More than "at least a little"! That's why trade wars are so insidious! In addition, US companies who rely on China sales to make make a profit are dumping their products on the US market, for example Maine Lobsters. Canada immediately stepped in to fill the void! This is just a typical import to 3 tier distribution model but is common. It may not apply to Industrial Sewing Machines since they are a small market but expect consumer prices to jump significantly next year. Hello tax cut..goodbye income! Bob
  6. No one has responded. Message me and I'll give you Calvin's phone number. Bob
  7. I was really referring to the China of the 80s. Things have changed in many industries and are becoming more profit oriented with better QC. Garment and shoe production has already strated leaving China for cheaper countries like Vietnam and Cambodia. Unfortunately Trump is an idiot and doesn't understand that we now live in a global economy and his tariffs have already generated $12B in welfare for farmers after he trashed the soy export market and well on his way to trashing the US automotive, and many other export sensitive industries that will get hammered by reciprocating tariffs. Trump is focused on the next election, the Chinese on the next Generation! Who do you think will come out on top? Bob
  8. What you have to remember is that you are dealing with a communist country where state controlled production was all about quantity, not quality. It has always been a sellers market, never enough consumer goods to meet demand and no profit motive. Generally they took their costs and added a small fixed percentage for "profit" and that was it. Things are changing but some of the more industrial products are a victim of their history. If you manage the Chinese , especially QC by having a US or other foreign representative in the factory, thing go quite well. Also they will always sell the best production domestically as there is less blow back from faulty products. It is changing and the better they get the more business they will attract. Bob
  9. Beautifully done! It will look even better over time! Bob
  10. Years ago you could fly to Germany and pick up a Mercedes, drive it around Europe on a vacation and ship it home. The car would arrive as a used vehicle and not subject to the duties that have recently been reimposed by our fearless leader. My dad did this every few years and used the car for business in Europe, brought it back and then sold it at a profit a couple of years later, and then bought another. Many of the European luxury car manufacturers offered a complete package. I started doing business in Shenzhen in the 80s. Senzhen is a pretty interesting place to visit. If you had the inclination to visit China, you could probably purchase your machine at the factory and make sure it was set up and working properly and you would probably get a tour of the factory and be treated to a nice meal. In addition you could write off the trip as a business expense.There is a cultural theme park there, definitely worth a visit and you would offset your expenses a bit by saving a few bucks on your machine. I would NOT purchase it sight unseen unless you are looking for a huge paperweight. Bob
  11. For +- $36 you can't beat: https://www.harborfreight.com/6-inch-buffer-94393.html It has a 1/2" arbor and 1/2 hp motor...All you need!
  12. I already owned the burnisher which I was using in my drill press but I would have purchased this one: http://proedgeburnishers.com/motor-burnishers.html Same guy makes it and has the adapter for the buffer built in. Another benefit to having this buffer is using the buffing wheel for polishing edges after sharpening. Bob
  13. I had an enquiry to replicate what appears to be a turn of the century coronet case and music stand case. I am backed up with work and it's not my bailiwick. Someone making valises and traditional s would be better suited and more efficient than I would be. These are the remaining pics. Please PM for the email and phone number of the customer.
  14. Remember that a copyright is not a patent. In addition they would have to prove damages so I would just ignore anything that came from those Jokers. Let them take you to court and then you can cease and desist if and when that happens. Generally it's a lot of smoke and Bluster. Good luck Bob
  15. The business side of leather making can be as challenging as the making side... I do think Kiwican came off a bit aggressive and condescending, although I assume he didn't intend to. Bob
  16. One aspect of patent or copyright is damages. You can send him a cease and desist letter and he can either ignore it or stop copying your design. You would have to prove that your design is unique and YOU didn't copy it or it's unique design aspects. Quite frankly its a check book cover with a built in pen holder. Nothing unique there. Even if there was you would have to prove damages. How many lost sales due to his product being on the market. My guess is damages wouldn't pay for a lawyers visit to Starbucks. My advice....fogedaboudit! Spent the time on making and marketing. Bob
  17. I am playing at an Appalachian music festival in the blue ridge mountains of West Virginia but the sample of the tempered glass made to my specifications is waiting for me. It has more of a rounded edge than standard. If I am happy I'll send it to someone who uses a slicker for some feedback on this thread. Bob
  18. Again, patents, trademarks and copyrights aren't worth the paper they are printed on until te$ted in court. Interestingly enough, Tobler has reverted to it's original shape this week, probably to protect it's patent. Sue somone for patent infringement and they will immediately counter sue claiming your patent should never have been issued. So all of a sudden you are forced to defend your patent and spend twice as much on lawyers.
  19. I have been involved in a $1M patent suit involving scuba equipment and I hold a number of patents, trademarks and copyrights. The bottomline is how much you are prepared to pay a lawyer to file and later defend a patent or trademark. In the $1M suite the $1M went to the lawyers on both sides and they were the only winners. Trademarks can be modified slightly and copied BUT they are only viable once tested in a court. Same with copyrights. If I am producing a non commercial item, say a T-shirt for a party or festival that will be distributed, not sold, I have no worries about ripping off art that the creator will never see, IF I can't find them and get permission, which is usually given. In the case of trademarks, fair use is the only way they can be used by a 3rd party without weakening your trademark in future. An example is this T-shirt I "created" which was not offered for sale commercially and qualified for fair use. Note: I don't have a political stance in this instance. It was commissioned for a group of friends. Bottom line is, I wouldn't worry about any of this unless you are going into mass production. If threatened, simply offer a licensing fee or explain this is a limited run. Otherwise ignore it. Lawyers will cost more than the problem is worth for the plaintiff. Note, I am not a lawyer, but have paid them enough to put me through law school! Bob
  20. The main difference in the two MSDS' is not the carrier but the "Oil" or Pro dyes use a solvent based colorant dye while the standard dyes use a metal pigment based colorant. The pigment colorant is obvious when dry as it rubs off while the solvent dye penetrates the leather better. Definitely worth going for the pro dyes as recommended in the video. Personally I buy all my leather drum dyed from Wickett and Craig. Bob
  21. Really long story: www.sinkthestink.com Bob
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