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Everything posted by papaw

  1. Welcome Welcome fellow Hoosier, from NWI, Great site with Great people of course that is what makes Great site is the people.
  2. I have a old C.S. Osborne draw gauge it's dirty and beat up somewhat, I would like to refurbish it by removing the wood and sand it to clean and recoat. I also need to do some cleaning on the brass frame, I have removed the 3 screws without damaging anything but do need new screws. I see that the wood has a small piece of wood about 3/32"X 1/4" up by the finger rest. Question is how do I get the wood out of the brass frame without damaging the wood? Thanks for any help?
  3. I don't think so, I like the stamping and carving but it will give me something to use at differ times Maybe for borders or collars. I'll let you know if things change
  4. Any prices
  5. Thanks I'll post this winter after rehabbing it.
  6. Here is a deal I found, we 've all been told [ why don't you come and see some old tools ] I 've got and see what you think well there not all false hits. Here is part of what I found by checking one out, and there was so many other fine tool that had been setting for 43 years untouched. C.S. Osbone Embrosser with wheels, good cond. hope to re finish it this winter. Sometimes it pays to check out what you think is a goose chase.
  7. C.S. Osborne sent me a email today, Stating that the only information they had was a picture from a 1892 catalog which they sent the catalog picture. I guess Bruce may be the only help.
  8. Contacted Osborne & Co still no answer.
  9. I've talked with Bruce on other issues before, and he is a great guy to deal and talk with. I just hate having to ask one person when there is so much knowledge all through this forum. I dislike brothering one person all the time. I don't post answers here too much because I don't have the answers, but I do answer what ever I can. If know one else answers I'll talk to Bruce Just giving others to respond. Thanks camano
  10. Well hope people are back from IFOLG and enjoyed it. But hope someone with knowledge on this C.S. Osborne Embosser can share info. I have contacted Osborne with any rely.
  11. Buckle and screws for $20.00 ? I'll take them with Paypal. PM me with info.
  12. I've have a set I made for home, 5-6 oz veg tan all have stamping and carving. Used on hot and cold used super sheen top and bottom 6 months now with no issue. They set on desk and end table.
  13. Chief great work as always love the lace, and the coloring is super. I do want to ask about the USMC emblem is that craved?
  14. Sorry for double post fingers are not working well today!!!!! Just bought this Embosser with some dies, It's a Osborne with Newark N.Y. there is no stamping or model #. The party I got it from said he bought it used 43 years and never did anything with it as he did know what it was and didn't work with leather so it just set. I would like to learn as much about the age, any books, and where one may find parts ( the roll tension arm linkage is missing, the best I can tell I would call the rest of it very good.
  15. Take pictures of the items check for pricing and put them on the for sale forum here. and see what pops up. I am always looking for tool and other items as most are here. Or P>M me a personal message.
  16. I had no intent of starting to sale items when I started but after making so many item and they start plying up ( and the expense you have to do something ), so my granddaughter wishes to learn so we will start out small and work up that way she will always have a skill to work with after I am gone. But now we've put together a plan that will hopefully last her in life. I've owned two other businesses one was two book stores and one was a overhead millwright crane service and both where sold as up and running business The skill and heart has to be in place first' then a well put together plan and not the expectation of high returns at start up (sometimes it happens but not the norm). Being ready to put in long hours and at time having to deal with people that do not understand the skill it takes to do this art. And understand why there are less businesses doing this full time, many younger adults today do not understand craftsmanship and quality of the item, the price everything ( if only it was cheaper ) and many older just don't have the money to spend. This could go on forever etc etc and there will be many opinions and all can work but be sure as it may be enjoyable as a hobby and a chore as your job, are you willing to put the time in, your still not the BOSS the customer is.
  17. Happy for your news hope you will still do some leather work to keep your mind going strong.
  18. Also just getting shop set up built it 17 years ago to do wood working and worked so many hour didn't get chance to use it. Disabled now so lots of time to work, just have to get it insulated before winter. Any feedback on shop setup welcome.
  19. Here is my new makers stamp from Phillips Engraving
  20. In the past I have wetted hide down and hung it up with some weight pulling it down sometimes it worked others not as well.
  21. I am also awaiting some pricing
  22. I've not been happy with their leather and most of the tooling for a while. As I only been doing leather for about10 months it was what I knew, but seeing and using differ tools I see the other side of the coin so to speak, sometimes I still have to buy something there. But if they do move the home office to China I will be out with Tandy. I just feel sorry for their managers and employees they are the only reason a lot of people still go there.
  23. Just received my Makers Stamp and I must say it stamps great and very clear. Thanks to Phillips engraving Thanks to Art dept., David - Great stamp love it.
  24. I do use tracing paper but use clear packing tape after tracing, works well for me.
  25. Glad everyone was home and no one hurt. so that's two things including the building being intact to be thankful for.
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