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Everything posted by DCKNIVES

  1. I went to my local trophy shop, very reasonable.He had Brass, stainless and copper.Just about any font and shape.Dave
  2. Hang in there brother and keep the leather flowing.Dave
  3. I don't mold quite as tightly as most of you since the majority of my holsters are fully inlaid.But after tooling and the inlay, I then wet the holster again and form it, then dye and finish the inside.Dave
  4. I have always dyed and sealed the inside of my holsters and sheaths prior to gluing and stitching.It's the only way I know of to get an even coat on all the way to the bottom.Dave
  5. Thanks everyone.Carl I didn't harvest this last batch, it came from a friend on the other side of the state.I did however get the smelly job of prepping them for use.I have harvested my own before though, I just leave it to the younger guys now.My nephew is a hog trapper and he usually keeps me in snakes and other critters.Have a freezer full now to clean and prep.Dave
  6. Thanks RDB, Dan, this type is used for when the guys wear their pants inside the boots and slip the sheath down the side.The stud just hhoks on the top and keeps the sheath from slipping down farther and messing with your ankle.At least that was what I was told, lol.Having not worn one like that myself, I took my customers specs and did it.It will also work on a belt if slipped under the belt.Dave
  7. The first one was made for a Rob Patton rifleman's knife.It is inlaid in Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake.Dave The second one is for a Gary Root Bowie.It is tooled and dyed in a snakeskin pattern.it is set up for a boot knife hence no beltloop or retention strap.I just mounted a stud to hook on the top of the boot.

    Makers Mark

    I use the same one I use for my knives. I modified a small arbor press to hold mine,works great.Dave
  9. Glad to here your feeling better my friend.As usual your works still inspires.Dave
  10. Randy ,try carving a small piece of wood to match the pic and duct tape it to your guard.I have done this before for sights and such.Dave
  11. Thanks Mike for mentioning me.I see this as another nail in the coffin of our Constitution.Directly right now, very little effect will be seen for sheathmakers.Where the effect will be seen is the companies that outsource knives and parts out of country, but American jobs will take another hit.The knives under attack are generally cheaper knives but even custom knifemakers( from the other side of the pond) who count on American buyers will feel it as well.While it may seem not to effect much to everyone, the problem lies in the fact that other agencies or states may use this to effect changes to thier rules or statutes.Then you will start seeing the effect stateside.Sadly, I feel this is just a start. Yes, assisted opening knives have a cam or lever, but this rule change pretty much covers just about any knife capable of being opened by one hand.Now I don't make A.O. knives per se, but I do make folders which are one handed and are similar to what your forefathers carried. Friction folder I'll finish and suggest you contact your representatives if you feel this is wrong.Dave Cole
  12. I suppose it could work,but it would require a rather large cash outlay on your part.Ring's mfg's about 70+ handguns plus 70+ mags so to make this work you would need at least several of each. I would say five of each would be minimum, maybe 10 each for 1911's and Glock's.Truthfully that may not be enough.I would also be willing to bet many don't have paypal, I don't and most of my customers don't either.Would I use this service, possibly. I am looking forward to seeing what you all come up with.Dave
  13. My wife and I live on a barrier island on the central east coast of Florida.We are just South of Cocoa Beach and the Kennedy Space Center, so we can watch launches right from our front porch.We are also known for being the small wave surfing capital, with many champion surfers coming from here.Also about a 1 1/2 hr from Disney World and Daytona Beach(Bike Week and NASCAR racing).I grew up here and my wife has lived here since the 70's so we love it,but it do get HOT and humid(right now about 98 and about 90% humidity),thanks for AC in the shop.Dave Space shuttle going up at the beach
  14. Since I do alot of inlay's,let me say it does look good, but I would make a few suggestions.First burnish and dye/finish the edge of the "window/cutout"before gluing it up.I would also recommend sewing around the window.Finally, dye the cuff after punching holes for lacing and prior to lacing as this fills the holes up with dye and it looks better IMO.Dave I get my Stingray here Ostrich Market
  15. Welcome, you are just a short hop from me.Looking forward to seeing some of your work.Dave
  16. Ray, most any sander will work but a variable speed simply works better for leatherwork.I agree with Art that most knifemaking sanders are overkill for most leathershops, but mine get used on almost every leather item I make.Dave this is my Burr-King this is my homebuilt, 1"x 42" horizontal, small wheel machine, not VS, but I purchased the motor with a slower speed just for that reason.
  17. A couple of things factor in.One is don't push too hard using finer grits, and get a Variable speed sander.I can dial my Burr-King down to next to nothing, and sands them with ease.Dave
  18. I do quite a bit of croc and yes if you cut between the horns, a Dremel with a cutting disc will take care of them.Dave
  19. My friend Chuck Burrows specializes in that stuff and is one of the best.Dave Wild Rose Trading Post
  20. Well I can't be sure of the others, but Ring's isn't really a very big company and like most others are feeling the pinch of the economy.I know because I work just around the corner from them and applied there for a job two months ago after being laid off ( I have since been called back to my old job ).Anyways they are not hiring anytime soon and are running only first shift.So I would not expect delivery times to change much.Dave
  21. You can contact Henry here, Ostrich Market. He usually has some Python, and a few others, but might be able to locate a specific species for you. He is also a Distributor.Dave
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