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Status Replies posted by Johanna

  1. Hi Johanna....because you are flagging the European leather workers trade show October 20 - I thought you may be able to direct me to a source of ' good tools' in Europe (NOT uk)+++ leather suppliers....sorry for the intrusion and also TIA.

    1. Johanna


      Will you be at the show? You're better off asking on the forum. The folks here can point you to the best local suppliers if you tell them what specifically you are looking for.


  2. Johanna,

    Is there any way to get a copy of the Billy 2 Shews CD at this late date?

    God bless,

    Mike Rock

  3. I don't know where else to make people aware of this, but there is a "new member" that has started a thread with bogus links, and  smells a lot like a phishing attack. I've reported the post. It includes an obvious link to what is supposed to be YouTube, but it's mis-spelled and there is a link to an image, which is also suspect. 

    Is there somewhere  I can alert others to this type of bogus stuff?




    1. Johanna


      It was posted in the Marketplace, which is the correct place for it. It's not gone, just hidden. I thought it was legit, just a bad link. Mike, give me the link you want and I'll fix it. ~J

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Johanna,

    The group of us who were always in chat with Cheryl Crossan would like to start a Scholarship in her and Jazzman's honour on here. We are in the process of of now working out the fine details. She also loved her service dog so we are working out things to do with that too.  We just would love to have your permission to do this.





    1. Johanna


      That's a good plan. Let me know how to donate.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. It is with sadness that I report that one of our members died this morning, Cheryl A. Crossan. Also known as double C

    1. Johanna


      I am so very sorry to hear this. :( Thanks for letting us know.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  6. why is it so hard to join this site ? I have answered all the questions and when I answered the question about thee flag , it told me I was wrong. I know the colors of the flag, I am 50 years old , I was born here and I am not a damn robot, I just want to join because I am new at making belts and I am looking for advice, what is the deal !!!!!


    1. Johanna


      The board says you joined last November so I'm confused. But if I did hold up your registration it was only for a few hours and probably because of the display name you chose. We try to keep spammers off the board. Sorry for your inconvenience.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Hi Johanna,

      I wanted to buy a Robert Beard stamp, I called a number that was posted on a web page. I man called me back and he said that he was Robert Beard. This guy talked my head off, he told me that he would make anything that I wanted. He was a very good talker and I felt that I was about to be taken. I heard that Robert was a very busy man , would he talk 5 min. trying to sell one of his stamps? He gave me his cell # and told me to draw or send him a picture of any design I wanted. He told me a lot of things that I already know about Robert Beard from reading articles on this site. He also told me I could give him my credit card # if I felt comfortable with that. I of course told him no I don't. He said it would be about a year, which I know that to be the case.I gave him my # and address,  Does this sound like Robert Beard to you? 

    Thank you Johanna, I hope I am not putting you on a spot.



    1. Johanna


      Well, that sounds like Bob. If you want to PM the phone number I'll see if it matches what I have. :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Happy Birthday Johanna. 


    1. Johanna


      Thank you! How quickly the years are flying by! :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Hello Johanna,

     Having a couple problems and hoping you could help. When I open the forums the fonts for the title is one string and vertical, and when I open the box for comments I only get the click to choose file box, I cant enter text. 



    1. Johanna


      Are you using a computer or phone? Can you try a forced refresh?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Happy Birthday, Leatherworker.net!

    1. Johanna


      I can't believe it's been ten years already! :)


  11. Hi Johanna,

    I was unable to log in, I am all right now. I wanted to donate $25 member support. How do I go about it?



    1. Johanna


      You are so sweet, Jim! You can use Paypal here or look on the sidebar of the main page. Thank you!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Hello Johanna. Am I in trouble or something? I can't start new topics in any of the sections. At first I thought something was broken or being worked on, so I figured I'd wait a day or two and it would be fixed. It's still not fixed so now I wonder if I been put in time out because I did something wrong?


    1. Johanna


      I just looked at your account and everything seems normal. Did you click the "create" button at the top of the page? 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Hello !! Can someone please help me load pics ? I've tried numerous time and even tried resizing them and still to big !! Thanks !!

  14. Wiz : can you  answer me this? if I dye a  belt black and they want some left natural  do I need to do anything special .

    1. Johanna


      You resist the letters with Neat Lac or the equivalent and use Antique (water based) to color the belt. Then you seal it. You can use dye but you have to paint it very carefully around the letters. Please post these questions on the forum to get the best answers ASAP. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. I think the pics are BACK! Please let me know if you see any other issues on the board. Thanks everyone!

    1. Johanna


      I don't know if you can get rid of the status updates. I'll have to look around and get back to you. Thank you, Uwe, I know it's a big deal, and I'm glad we could get it resolved! :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. G'day Johanna,

    After searching around, I am now lead to believe  that there is some sort of glitch in the system? Is that right?

    Am I correct in saying that they (the photo's) were not removed permanently on purpose.  If so I hope you can recover them.

    I am new on this site & still feeling my way around.




    1. Johanna


      If you guys have time, will you check the pics now? So far everything looks good to me, but it's a big board! Thanks!


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. G'day Johanna,

    After searching around, I am now lead to believe  that there is some sort of glitch in the system? Is that right?

    Am I correct in saying that they (the photo's) were not removed permanently on purpose.  If so I hope you can recover them.

    I am new on this site & still feeling my way around.




    1. Johanna


      We did a huge update and some of the pics got disassociated with their threads. I am working with the folks that created the forum software now to restore all the pics. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. I like the page's new looks but what happened to the advertisements at the top? They were obtrusive no doubt, but having those links to commercial resources were helpful to me. Are they eliminated or just somewhere else?

    1. Johanna


      Because I have been working on the adserver for the last few days, I'm not sure what you have seen or not. I hope to have it restored today. Next time I'll just take the site offline for a few days so there is no confusion.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Good morning/afternoon,

    Can someone at Admin. level explain to me why all the photo's were removed from the "Site" Tools of a Swiss Saddler?

    This was one of the most informative sites on Leatherworker. net.  Walter Roth was, and is, a wealth of information in all facets of

    saddlery, upholstering, harness making, care of tools, identification of tools and other topics regarding leather both current & historical, the loss of his photo's on this site as a reference is a backward step.

    I am sure if you contacted him he would set you straight about his views on the loss of his photo,s without notifying him.





    1. Johanna


      *Some* of the pictures on this site were not transferred correctly during the last update, and are not showing properly. I am working to get this resolved ASAP. If you have any other complaints please let me know directly. Thank you.

  20. The board is still updating...stay tuned!

    1. Johanna


      No, we are receiving help from the software developers right now.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  21. this photo glitch is disturbing . I google something and it refers back here. then I'm trying to see what someone has. Ii see nothing. I want to compare things to make a chose an d theirs nothing to see,

    . as I said who's idea was this to change the site.

    1. Johanna


      I'm still working. Have you ever tried to change the oil in your car while it's driving 70 mph down the highway? Please be patient, it will get fixed.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  22. Where has all our photo's gone,

    a picture is worth a thousand words

    1. Johanna


      There's a glitch from the update, and some of the pic tags are broken. We'll get them back soon.

  23. It's probably faster because a few hundred thousand pictures are missing from the forums.

    1. Johanna


      I am trying to recover the missing pictures. I am sure they will be back soon. I take my responsibility very seriously, which is why I had to do the update. Thank you for your patience.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  24. you would think with all the complaining about the upgrade that people were loosing millions of dollars a day by not being able to access the site or see images. Come on people, it's a free site with the combined knowledge of probably a thousand years and we get it for free. Give the staff a break and let them fix the issues. I'm sure it will be better then before.

    1. Johanna


      Thank you folks! Have a few issues I'm still working on, but overall I think we've made some big improvements. Happy Easter everyone! :)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  25. It's probably faster because a few hundred thousand pictures are missing from the forums.

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