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Everything posted by tonyc1

  1. You're a handy girl to know with 3 lighters in your bag! Tony.
  2. You need a leather point needle to achieve this look, or handstitch with a saddler's awl! Tony
  3. Jim, we had an old saddler down here, sadly passed on now, whom everyone referred to as "Shilling a Stitch", but he was good! Tony.
  4. Kate, the thought of buying something like that would never, ever cross my mind! I'm not a masochist! Tony.
  5. This old machine is on ebay #2003 5536 5678. Can anyone identify it? Tony.
  6. It could be worse! Some poor sucker is married to her! Tony.
  7. Lovely view! Any good fish in that water? Are they all tourist vehicles in the background? Tony.
  8. What is the reason for the leather collar and when was it adopted? Tony.
  9. Olivia is the only major actor out of any of his films left alive! Tony.
  10. If anyone is interested, it was Errol's birthday yesterday, he would have been a 100. They held a film festival and a celebration to mark the fact that he was born and went to school here in Hobart, Tasmania. His daughter, Rory and his grandson are holidaying here for a few weeks as well. Tony.
  11. It is 16c here today which is 60.8 f your temp, Ryan. Tony.
  12. Just imagine picking up all those stones to clear the paddocks! Tony.
  13. It's the shortest day here in Australia today, so days will gradually get longer as in the northern hemisphere days will gradually gets shorter. Roll on summer! Tony.
  14. No, your knot is not what I was thinking about. My mistake. Appropriate name, eh? Tony.
  15. I think they just call that Back Splicing. Us common folks just call it a "Dog's D--K" !! Tony.
  16. It sounds as if it would be a handy item to have in your stable! What would they be worth? Tony.
  17. I think there may have been a lot of inbreeding going on that no one knows about, Steve! Tony.
  18. Yes, they are certainly ripping us off down here, Terry!
  19. I just had a look at Leffler's price lists and a new Dixon plough gauge is $1085 over the counter and wholesale it is ONLY $945. Pretty expensive these days! Tony.
  20. Are Tormek grinders any good for sharpening items? Tony.
  21. I think we're losing something in the translation, Ray. Tony.
  22. I had someone here last week and he'd been to Lefflers in Melbourne and said a Dixon plough gauge is $800 these days! Tony.
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