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Everything posted by tonyc1

  1. We had reason to put our old horse (27) down a few nights ago due to heart problem. Even though it was 8 pm and pouring with rain the butcher came and did the job and carted him away to butcher him at his shop. We have no problem disposing of unwanted horses here as they are used in the greyhound industry. The going rate is between $100 - $150 but as the slaughterman is one of my customers I asked for nothing as I was pleased to have the nasty job done cleanly and efficiently in lousy conditions. Last year when the drought was on there were quite a lot of horses and ponies go when many people realised that horses aren't the cheapest things to buy for their kids and maintain them! It is every horse owner's duty to make sure that horses are disposed of when their useful life is done! You can't be sentimental if the animal is sick and in pain. Tony.
  2. Very nice! Is that an Epi-Pen? Tony.
  3. I get remnants of lino which is very cheap and cuts like butter! Edges don't fray either. Tony.
  4. I had Haggis at a Lodge turnout one night a few years ago and while edible it's something I wouldn't choose from the menu again! I much prefer Black Pudding! Tony.
  5. We call them "Bulldog Clips" down here! Tony.
  6. Bree are you saying that Tormek jigs are better than the Scheppach and what are the profile wheels? Tony.
  7. I just looked for Jet here in Australia and the only price I could find was $1239 which is pretty expensive compared to the others. There is a Tormek on ebay for $600 and for the Scheppach it is only $585 with the extra jigs. Jet seems too pricey down here. Tony.
  8. I was thinking of buying a Tormek after I saw one on ebay and then Bree chimed in with a response and went looking on the 'net and have come across a grinder called Scheppach. It is reasonably priced, so I may buy one in a couple of weeks when I can get free pick up from my brother inlaw going over to Victoria, as postage is $60.50. If anyone knows anything re. the Scheppach, please post. Tony.
  9. But, is honing oil different to general household oil which I have always used on oils stones. Is there a difference in viscosity or what? I actually keep my oil stones in a plastic container of diesel all the time and it keeps them saturated and clean. Tony.
  10. Can anyone define Honing Oil ? How is it different to other oils? Tony.
  11. tonyc1

    making a whip

    Pretty! Tony.
  12. I was going to put a wood heater in originally but they take up too much room. The worst thing about wood heaters is you can't turn them off instantly, they keep warm for ages! 52' x 16' may sound large but I wish I had made it twice as wide. You can never have too much room!!! Tony.
  13. I use bottled gas and a fan assisted gas heater. My workshop is 52' x 16' and running it on the low setting keeps it warm enough to work in most of the time. It has a 12 hour timer if I need it to come on early. My ritual of a morning is to turn the heater on then read the paper and do the crossword and then when I go to begin work it is nice and warm! Gas is good as one of my customers delivers it when I need it. Tony.
  14. Ah,to be 21 again!!!
  15. My pleasure, Mick.
  16. I just had a look at my Singer parts manual and that spring is part # 97742. There must be many who can supply parts for these machines. Tony.
  17. Mick, that is to make your stitch shorter or longer. You hold it in 'til it engages as you turn the flywheel and then you turn the flywheel a little bit either towards you or away from you and then release it. I'm surprised that Trev didn't know that! Tony.
  18. More curiosity. What purpose does it serve, is it padded? Tony.
  19. Leffler in Melbourne, Australia stock the needles if they can't be found elsewhere. Tony.
  20. It is a Pederson sole stitcher. Good for sewing along edges of knife pouches and the like as well as soles. The material moves sideways with each pull of the handle. Tony.
  21. Try this one for a time waster! http://majman.net/fly_loader.html Tony.
  22. My method has always been pretty primitive, Bruce. It is about 7 feet off the floor and I can reach it pretty easily and it has never fallen down. Tony.
  23. I think it is only about 15 - 20 years since I read that the occupation "Handbag Framer" was taken off the list of diff. occupations listed by the Labour and Industry crowd! I guess it was a busy job once! Tony.
  24. Or if you look around you may be able to find one of these old skivers. I believe they were used mostly in the shoe trade. They wouldn't be very expensive. I often use mine for jobs. You can set what angle of skive you want and what width, within reason. Be a lot cheaper than a Bell skiver. Tony.
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