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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Love, love, love... You have a wonderful creative mind:-)
  2. *Laughing out loud*...Hopping:-) Another one that makes my tummy ache *LOL* Super Thanks for your kind comments Bob :-) I love the way you have the dyes, it all makes sense, I have to make something like this for the bottles. I almost always dilute/blend etc with my colors so I have them in old babyfood jars, I love the hight of them. One of the few times I had an original bottle on the table...Of course I just had to knocked it over *grrr*
  3. Thanks a load:-) I had great fun making this one, as long as the green dye bottle did not turn on me//
  4. The more I look at these photos the more I see the Victorian scrolls in them...Type parts of this:
  5. You're more than welcoe:-) This project looks more and more interesting, please post up some pictures when it is made:-)
  6. I found a font that might inspire? (European Spanish style) http://new.myfonts.com/fonts/fontmesa/spanish-rose/ To me it looks like a cross between goth/neo goth and old victorian style. If you ever come across old spanish style lamps/chandeliers and such (Ebay), they're all black iron, or/and dark wood, crackled glass = gothic style.
  7. Ohio has them... (top of the page) http://www.ohiotravelbag.com/Graphics/Cata.../page%20166.htm
  8. I like this belt. The two-tone and the overall very clean look is really appealing
  9. Yup, exactly that's what happend *LOL* Knocked the little over and of course, it had to be the green, not the neutral...Of course! I agree, the bottle is a design flaw. I have bought a whole bunch of empthy babyfood jars at a sale somewhere in the neighborhood, they work really nice and real easy to reach with the brush too.
  10. A million Thanks Ed Trying to recreate mother nature is not an easy task, it's already perfected
  11. Thank You Kathy for your kind words:-) I do have proof of the boo-boo, I'll post it up. When it happend some months ago I gor fed up and put it all aside...This is my GREEN boo-boo.................. Thanks a Load, I'm so glad you like it:-)
  12. SuperThanks guys:-) No bro, no smoking yet...It's the hobby (leather) room that keeps that away:-)
  13. Great Thank you all 3:-) The purse is going to a girl that collects frogs so I guess there's a load of frog-lovers out there
  14. So, I started this purse sometime late last winter. It has been a few boo-boo's along the way and I had to put it aside or going crazy. The total pattern, purse and tooling is all original and I experimented some during the process to make it right. On the front is some frogs, and a snail, on the back more frogs and a chameleon and a few dragon flyes. The lid has the last bunch of froggies, just love the little creatures:-) I have a matte finish to it all except the frogs and the snail, I added a high gloss finish on them. All is dyes with Angelus spirit dyes (just a few spots with Angelus leather paint in white and black). I also use up the last now of my "old stock" antique finish from Tandy)
  15. If you don't have one (or two) get some at least in the middle range of price...There is cheep ones out there that will do more harm than good.
  16. Lets see if i can be of some help, I've done a few skulls with rather good results. First of, the nose and eye sockets should not be back grounded, it's actually bones in the background too in various pieces or/and shapes,l i think that's one of the reasons it looks a wee bit off. Like Kevin says, the modeling tools, make sure to use them often:-) These are some of the most important tools at all when doing figure carving/tooling. Except for the bevellers this is the tool I use the most. Then The sides of the nose...Think in 3D, the nose needs to "poke out" so some pear shading around the edges will work...I'll paste in some photos that I hope will explain better than I can
  17. If you're in the US, here's a link: http://www.mendotatools.com/Urethane-Wood-...CFQ7xDAodaWs2JQ Also, Amazon has some in cool colors, if they're good or not??? I don't know: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_hi?url=s...p;x=16&y=13 http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_hi?url=s...ds=quiet+Mallet
  18. Hi there lil'bro:-) I used 7/8oz leather for the outside parts and 4-5oz for the dragon/pocket parts. The dragon's partially mine (I just nicked some detail ideas from a woodcarving I saw) :-)
  19. I Love it, it's simply beautiful:-) Your swivelcuts is absolutly top notch and I have to ask...The stiching, by hand or machine?
  20. Wow, Thanks:-) But I have to say, keep being proud of your work. Keep feeling joy for every progress and have great fun:-) I'm actually also a newbie in leather, only one and a half year into it but I have been making art and doing hobbys for ever, I just changed the medium I'm working in:-) LOL, Thank you Johann (or Danke shön...I hope I spelled that right?) I'm rather surpriced the birds came out as good as they did, at the beginning I was everything but sure it would.
  21. Great Thank you both, I'm so happy you like it:-)
  22. I think those "flaws" is necesarry for a more natural nature flow. I do this all the time in my own drawings, not even thinking at the time how to solve the tooling part of it (I'm just doing jungle stuff that kreeps me out)...Just that it looks good then, later of course I have to solve the rest with loads of from time to time and thinking...Not agin but, next time I'm there agin ..Cuz it feeeels good
  23. I'll do the same to you:-) I more or less have submissed to the idea that a machine is the way to go for the loooong and more simple stiching things (like this cover) I guess I have to work on the rest
  24. Thank you Ray, I love to lean on the viking stuff in manny designs...It seams you do get more patriotic living abroad:-) Thank You for your nice comment:-)
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