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Everything posted by Tina

  1. I use a product made for artists called "Art Masking Fluid" ( http://www.misterart...king-fluid.html ) It's like a latex fluid to paint where you want the block, at least 2 layers, comes in a yellow hue or white, same difference. It needs to totally dry befor you start dyeing carefully (be carefull not to rip the edges up). After the dye is dry you just drag the masking fluid away...It's like a rubber surface by this time. I have not used it on any other dye than Angelus and the old type Antiquing from Tandy and it works great. Make some testpieces and make sure you paint the surface you don't want dyed thurroly, you do need a steddy hand. I clean the brushes with white spirit. In the picture...All naturall edges/bands is blocked this way.
  2. Ohio Travel Bag has a tool for speed lacers, I have no idea if it fits your maschine thou... http://www.ohiotravelbag.com/FlipBook/P212_BOOK_1.indb/index.html#/26/
  3. My view/2 cents in general is that: If you're a brand (Ford, LV, etc), then the makers mark can be "in your face". This feels more like a type product line item with small changes from one item to the next. If you concider yourself to be an artist, then the mark should be more suttle, you don't want to destroy your artwork right?...Picasso did not incorporate his signature into his artwork, it's just a suttle signature in the corner
  4. Hi and Welcome to LW :-) I don't know about Canada but Ohio Travel Bag has most of the hardware you could ever want to start up with at your end of the big pond :-)
  5. I have bought several very nice (and fairly big) garment lambskins from Hidehouse in CA.
  6. Tina

    Carpet Knife

    I only use utility knifes (with ordinary blades) and scalpells to cut leather. I got use to them so my round knife is still to be broken in I never use anything else but a steel ruler with rubber backing for straight cuts, makes it safer....
  7. I have also modified some of the Tandy bevelers to get into very small areas but...Afterwards the leather do get stained by the metal (cemical reaction leather+metal?), you get a darker greyish hue to the leather. This is not a problem IF you're going to dye/paint the tooled area with something that covers it. If you want to have it natural I too suggest the BK smaller tools.
  8. Picture: What's up??? Can't get the picture up??
  9. I use light colors all the time on leather without the white paint. I use Angelus spirit dye but any dye you can dilute works, You take thin layers of dye ontop of eachouther until your happy with the resault. I paste a picture I have made in the past on scrap leather to make it visual :-)
  10. Thanks a Million for taking the time to visit and soooo glad you like my work :-)
  11. I have made my fair share of book covers and I use 6-7oz or 7-8oz depending on what I have at home for the moment. To bend it around you get it some moist befor and then bend it to the shape you want, Here's a link to some of the ones I've made so you can se how the turne out on the thickness I suggested: http://vildkorpens-laderlya.deviantart.com/gallery/
  12. Take a tour at the gallery page, plenty of belts from members here: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?app=gallery
  13. It seams you can order it directly from Peter (?) On the top of his webpage there's a link "puplications" and in there is an email address to him. I think Peter might be a member here too and another member Rawhide seams to have close contact with him :-)
  14. Maybe this picture gives you some clues :-) http://www.custommad...termainleather/
  15. I'ts Peter's work for sure :-) Have you ever been to his website? If not, i's a treat: http://petermain.com/ It was when I found this website I started with leatherwork so I know what you mean by "I want to be able to do it HELP ME!!!!" I know another member here, ClayB has a wonderful website with some tutorial about extreme embossing, I suggest you go and have a look and I'm sure you can ask him questions to :-) http://badlandsleatherart.com/
  16. You're sooo right, Tjäderläder does have a norwegian site as well, totally forgot about that
  17. Tina

    Purple Chap Leather

    HideHouse i CA had it the last time I got their catalogue... https://hidehouse.com/products/index.html?Category=MCOW The seventh box down at the page has both Lilac & Violett metalic chap leather 3.5-4 oz.
  18. She's in Sweden :-) Welcome deluze to this awesome place on the net:-) Leather is "easier" to find, one place I would test out is Tärnsjö garveri as they tan the hides themselfs (? I'm not sure if they do import some of their stock) http://www.tarnsjogarveri.se/. Then there's http://www.laederiet.dk/ in Denmark...Or http://www.tjaderlader.se/shop/ Tools is a problem. Slöjddetaljer, Tjäderläder & Laederiet all have the Tandy tools. If you want something else then USA is the place, or why not try to get the older Tandy tools on Ebay (probably also going to be shipped from the States)? Jag hoppas det är bra i Bergen, min bästa väninnans dotter pluggar till läkare där just nu (och 4-5 år till) och själv har jag inte varit i Bergen på 30 år men jag kommer ihåg båtturen på fjorden, otroligt vackert :-)
  19. You remeber my little experiment, I'm impressed :-) I can tell that around 4 years later the piece is still as if I painted it yesterday and I Love the result...Just wish it would (as you point out) dry quicker.
  20. Yes I seal...Manny people might use Super sheene, I use Angelus acryllic sealer (cuz it comes in matte and satin among others). I most often also use an antiquing effect ontop but that's very optional, have great fun playing around :-)
  21. Hi, I use metalic paint on my creations and it looks just like in the link you have...You can shade and mix them as you want. All my metalic paints comes from Joanns ( http://www.joann.com/folkart-metallic-acrylic-paint-2-oz-many-colors-/prd2196/ ) and they work beautifully :-) One "trick" to make them work their best is to paint on black dye...
  22. Al stohlmans books will give you a very good start in carving floral designs (and other). The basic books will give you some step-by-step instructions. You can buy them new at most suppliers, give the sponsors at the top of this page a go or, Ebay is another source. Just remembered another really good source, YouTube. There's a bunch of step-by-step videos in this matter too...:-) Good Luck //Tina
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