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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Wonderful work as always and the lizzard...I simply love it But I don't understand why the company messed with perfection and did't use your photot, the color and crispness is wayyyy better.
  2. Hej Markus och Välkommen :-) Jag har sett dina grejor förut, (Deviantart tror jag?) och tycker...They're Awesome
  3. Thanks a Load for your help //Tina
  4. Is there anyone out there that can help me with this odd sized ring, I really need a price from Weaver leather (and if you have it, you might want to send it in a msg here?) The item number is: 7-rings NP/ST (size) 1 1/8 inch (price per each ring, either for 100 or 2000 pieces) catal. page 89 Thanks a Million all//Tina :-)
  5. I really should'nt post this one but just to be clear, this is the kind of ads I don't want to see either, you'll find it on the front Forum page under: Recent Status Updates We have genuine passion for our leather Products and a commitment to provide an exceptional personal service to our customers. WE ARE REPLICA SPECIALIST. My guess is that this Pakistan based company will not contribute any help, patterns or "secrets" to the rest of us, Am I wrong???
  6. Love, Love, Love your work... Someone said "a garden" and I think that's a very accurate description...I love the vibrant colors and your tooling is as ever flawless
  7. Beautiful work Bifrost The color on the bag (yellow) what have you used? It's simply gorgeous
  8. This is my suggestion: http://www.phillipse...her_Stamps.html Very easy to deal with and nicley priced...Quick turn-a-rounds (No, I don't know these folks, I just like their product and service) //Tina
  9. What can I say...You're Da Man!
  10. You have really found your own style and I personally like it a lot, keep them coming so we can have something to drool over
  11. :-) I've used it on leather for more than 10 years and still have all my fingers intact and uncratched. For straight edges I use an ordinary utillity knife (of the more better kind) and leather thicknes upp to 14oz...Works like a charm every time
  12. You got me there *RALMAO* I love being surpriced and your comment throw me of with a huge laugh, Thanks :-)
  13. Love the overall "look" of your work, solid and just wonderful:
  14. Me too has one of them metal rulers, more than a yard long. I have glued rubber (around 1/16 - 1/8 inch thick) on the backside and with not to much pressure the ruler stays in place when cutting, easy as apple pie :-)
  15. I'm with Marlon, Me too :-) I prefer the mauls and both my tooling mauls is from Ed "the Bearman". He makes wonderfully functional tools but also they're beautiful and a joy to work with each and every time, Love'm :-) I also have a huge wooden maul that weighs +1.2 kg (44 ounce) to my makers mark or some heavy basket weave tooling, and then my Stohlman mallet that's mainly used by my daughter. Here's a picture...
  16. I'm not a braider (just wishing I knew how too *S*) This is gorgeous work and even I can see the time put into these beautiful reins
  17. 1. Design ... (I do have to love the piece first) 2. Quallity ... (now when I love it I want it to last forever *S*) 3. Price ... (and last, I'm hoping it's cheap enough for me to afford it) Just my thoughts//Tina
  18. I use a green wood carvers tape, works like a charm :-) (the link is just some random one I found for this purpouse) http://www.mhcrafters.com/servlet/the-2508/Green-Gauze-Finger-Tape/Detail
  19. The thing to do using any dye/stain is to delute... You can get sooo manny different shades out of the same color, this is how dyeing becomes interesting
  20. If you like to have a good stamp made from metal I suggest Philips Engravings ( http://www.phillipsengraving.com/Leather_Stamps.html ) Only $44 with the plate back that fits Tandy's handle. I'm just a happy cutomer and I know we're more happy customers here on the forum too :-)
  21. I have looked closley at the pictures... It looks like you have spots where antiquing color is stronger = The sheen is thicker at these places (been there, done that). To avoid this in the future the layer of resist needs to be evenly put on, airbrush or a piece of cloth maybe? I always let the last and second layer of sheene/resist dry for at least 24 hours, it makes it less likley to "go strikey" on me. This method works for me, good luck//Tina
  22. Absolutly beautiful boots, I want them :-) ...and wish I could make me a pair...
  23. I use Angelus Matt acryllic finisher. The end result will be best/flatest with an airgun :-) (http://turtlefeathers.net/text/angelus/miscellaneous-products.html and down around 2 thirds of the page...I have nothing to do with these people except being a happy customer myself)
  24. You are talking about two different coloring mediums. Dye is dye and is used without resists. Antiquing is a finisher/fancy way of showing of the tooling and needs the resist. The Hi-Liter is only ment to be in the cracks and not to put color on the rest of your work... Antique paste or Tandy antiquing and likes need the resist, it will put color (often black) in the tooled areas but also color the rest of your work brown/tan/mahogany etc. It also needs a couple of layers of the resist after the antiqing to secure it. This link is just to show you different colors in one brand...Your picture with the light colored "windows" looks to me to be close to the British Tan paste. http://sewwhatsupplies.com/cart/fiebings-antique-finish-p-83.html
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