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Everything posted by Drac

  1. bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! nail polish! ha! had ta go back through the pics and try to find it... bingo! bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! hey spider, IS there something you'd like to tell us? it's okay, you know. you could even wear a little matching bow to the one on the skull. *snort* my roomie said she's got some bows you could borrow. *G* oh yeah, mighty snazzy bag, too. mind if I kinda borrow the idea? like I need more things to make, but they'd probably sell well if I get to set up at Dragoncon.
  2. Drac

    2nd and 3rd masks

    thanks for al the compliments everybody. greatly apreciated! let's me know I'm doing well on new expansion endeavors. after 13 years of making the same type of stuff, it's about time I expanded, right? *L* spider darryn had nuffin ta do with these. he was starting to get a "big head" after modeling roo's work and was trying to charge to much. supermodel me arse! LOL tom to get the color I did something I rarely do... experimented! I did a mixture that started off as a 3 to 1 mix of tandy pro dye red #22055-11 with fiebing's black professional oil dye and stirred it a little. didn't like it so I added more of the red to make the mixture about 4 to 1 or 5 to 1 (I just poured in more red). used a cotton ball ended applicator and put the mixture on in a circular motion. think I did 2 or three coats one right after the other. as soon as one coat was soaked in on went the next with no real drying time between them. I think I put a final coat of just the red over the top. then into hot water for a minute or two. did the same thing with the second mask but did more coats with the mix. have another mask I just did with the same mix, but it'd been left out over night in the open. kinda like the color on it too though. pics of it soon.
  3. looks like you need a setter that has a mellower cap dish. and slightly shorter rivets.
  4. doesn't matter if darryn doesn't like it, we do!
  5. Drac

    2nd and 3rd masks

    don't think these came too badly. just need to put the cord on 'em for wearing. the dye job on the first came out almost the way I wanted it, but not quite. went for a different look with the dye job on the second one.
  6. make sure you ship the dyes to yourself when you get them since they probably won't let them on the plane.
  7. Drac

    Project bins

    check Big Lots for storage bins. they usually have good deals on stuff like that.
  8. looks very nice... and difficult! I think I'll stick things that are a bit easier like the girlies. definitely do that one and post up the results.
  9. personally, I like the snap idea at the end of the tongue with the buckle. I always hated the tongue flopping around even with short ones. I'd use that idea even if you decide to go with a regular buckle.
  10. no no no. it was supposed to go to atlanta, not pasadena!
  11. Drac

    evil dude update

    well bowl me over, mighty snazzy use! *L*
  12. well it's about time! *L* j/k good work on 'em! I like the angled idea for the first one.
  13. spider that was you who did the coffin notebook? snazzy! I was in awe while watching it.
  14. spider fetish nights at clubs was where I used to mainly set up at, with the occasional market type event, private party and dungeon party. and thanks for the comments too! justwakinup danke! the material is some old left over scrap black and red snakeskin print I've haying around waiting to be used on something.
  15. so, is the good captain from "fin"-land? *L* excellent work!
  16. there's very few times I would say don't dye something black, and this is one of them! definitely don't dye the tooling black! it looks too dang good!
  17. 5 demons on one skull. dagnabbit, now you guys are making want to do seats too! although I can't draw. and don't ride anymore. or keep in touch with any bikers. mighty snazzy seat though!
  18. kevin thanks! that actually means a lot coming from you. I'm actually very jealous of your work. thanks for the advice too. muchly appreciated. unfortunately I'm stitching the final bit with a tippman boss so I can't do much about that since I hate trying to adjust it for different things and this setup is just right for the majority of what gets stitched on it. btw, what machine are you using? LOL and feel free to use the strap idea. art thanks too! I do me leatherwork parttime now. used to be the only thing I thing I did, but sales got slow due to lack of locations for me to set up at. I used to set up me goodies at clubs and events. would be cool for you to stop by sometime after work and we could compare notes and techniques, but gotta warn ya, the vast majority of me work falls into the "oh no! don't stop!" section here.
  19. did this one today and actually took me time on it. much better than the last one, I do believe. only a couple semi-minor boo-boos.
  20. okay okay, let the ragging begin, I suppose. I was reminded that we're having a bbq at the house that day, so I don't know if I'll be able to make it or not (this is what happens when things get planned weeks in advance for me. memory like a steel sieve). don't let that stop everyone from having some fun in the room though! it gets lonely and wants more visitors. it told me so.
  21. Drac

    Roller Cutter

    larry they're downsizing the fabric departments at all of 'em. it's there, just much smaller. sometimes they put the rolling cutters in the office or craft sections.
  22. Drac

    Roller Cutter

    jordan I think the thickest I've cut with mine is around 12oz. I don't use anything heavier than 8/9 too often, but I do use a loooot of the 8/9/
  23. Drac

    Roller Cutter

    personally, I prefer the large fiskers one. they're about 15 bucks I think at wal-mart with a slightly padded rubber grip and can use 2 different size blades, but if it works, it works! plus ya got this one cheaper. does this one have adjustable depth like the fiskers does?
  24. monday 6pm est. who's for it? and I'll try not to have any important phone calls this time.
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