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Everything posted by YinTx

  1. Yeah, I've never had a result after applyine tan kote to a drum dyed leather that resembled yours. It will lift some color off of pigment dyed leathers, since most of those have some pigment on the surface that hasn't penetrated. A damp cloth will do that as well. But not so blotchy. It does appear you applied it a bit heavy to me, I usually apply it mixed 50/50 with water and in two coats if needed. And not so heavy even then. I'd would have been tempted to go over the whole thing with a very damp soft towel to even everything out. Tan Kote is not a water seal, so it should get evened out. Post a pic of your current progress if you would, I am curious how your buffing resulted. YinTx
  2. What kind of dye did you use? Looks kind of like it was applied full strength on top of antique. If you give some details on application, we might be able to give some better directions. Did you put any conditioner on underneath the tan kote? Try buffing a small 1/2" spot in an unseen part (bottom?) with a wet/damp towel to see if color evens out. Let us know what you get. YinTx
  3. I dig the texturing. Also, finish it. You will discover that there are other little things you will learn as you go through the process. Better to learn them all on one sheath than to have 10 sheaths in various stages of completion that demarcate each lesson learned! Then when you go to make the next version, you have learned a lot of the lessons already and it will go much smoother. YinTx
  4. YinTx


    This helps without a doubt. I'll have to remember this is the reason for my crooked cuts and taps! And find a tamer critter for the next one.. YinTx
  5. YinTx

    Collection of Haunts

    hah! like a pringles, eh? YinTx
  6. YinTx


    Some intricate details there, skills. YinTx
  7. YinTx

    Collection of Haunts

    Those rock! Now I hafta do one... YinTx
  8. That is awesome! I really like the red surround, and that is a lot of detail work on the characters! YinTx
  9. Really nice work. Is that Teju? I can imagine it matching some of the more audacious watch faces out there... YinTx
  10. Ok, laptop seems functional again. Here are the images as promised. Again, not as great as Danne's but adequate for a prototype item. YinTx
  11. @Wizcrafts, @Uwe and or @Constabulary may be able to help. Also consider posting in the sewing machines section with a bit more descriptive title including machine type and issue, you may get a better response! best of luck. YinTx
  12. So many different skills in that one piece! edge work, tooling, stitching, lacing, lining, etc.! Cool piece! YinTx
  13. Finished up, with adequate results. will post photos when I have a functional computer. YinTx
  14. Traditional or modern? Also, what weight? I have some, depending on all that. YinTx
  15. Scratch that, can't send a message apparently on this computer. My block form dimensions are 4 1/8“ x 2 1/2" x 1". YinTx
  16. Sorry for the delay, my laptop decided to go kaputz, doing this on a borrowed computer. Skiver and I have a tumultuous relationship at best. I have been able to skive with it, but did have difficulty when I tried it on gator. I'll try it with the sanding on the sides I want to skive. The gator I have is a pretty level 2 oz. I'll send you the new dimensions I've come up with. Also, stitches are out, on a positive note! YinTx
  17. I am currently using Fenice edge paint on a very waxy Horween Dublin lined with Chevre Chagrin. Barge cement is useless to give you an idea of how waxy it is. I'll post the results when I am done. The project is a prototype, so I won't be going after the flawless edge that @Danne has achieved. I have only just applied the first layer, and letting it dry. YinTx
  18. Thanks for the detailed explanation on cutting into the hide. This will definitely save me some heartache and heartburn! I will take you up on your offer. As mentioned, my dimensions were too large, so I have to go back to the drawing board. Also, everything is all of a suddenly going slower on account of several stitches in my right hand, so bear with me. I'll have to make a new form block as well for the new size. YinTx
  19. @RockyAussie, thanks so much for the info. Here is the design sketch I came up with. Lots of parts and pieces for such a little thing. I think twelve, not including snaps. I ended up using bag stiffener, about 1/16 inch thick, for the front and lower back pieces. Pellon (1/16") on the back and outer gusset piece, the inner lining and other bits were lined with fabric only to give me something to work up on to maintain dimensions. I had challenges at the transition between the lid flap and the body trying to not show any raw edges, which seems near to impossible since I have never seen it done. This is the form I made to shape it on. And this hapless fellow is slated to become fashion articles, so I can cut it in any direction needed. On the black and pink bag, I did not like the scales sticking up when the flap is closed, but I seem to have been the only one that noticed. I worried that cutting diagonally would be aesthetically unpleasing. Does no one notice that either? I had originally thought to use the tail, but if I read right, that may not be such a bright idea. YinTx
  20. Version 4 of the case design. I think a bit oversized, very difficult to stitch together, particularly the gusset, which took nearly 6 hours. Of the 5 designs I prototyped, this is the one I liked the most. I am certainly open to constructive criticism, particularly on construction techniques, as the next one is to be made out of more expensive glazed Alligator. YinTx A couple more showing the inside, etc.
  21. That bargrounding is impeccable! YinTx
  22. Outstanding work! May I ask what weight leather you use for the tooled section? YinTx
  23. I was starting to feel guilty about my knife collection, feeling a bit less so today. Very cool knives! Which ones do you like the most and least for which tasks? YinTx
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