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Everything posted by YinTx

  1. Not sure. I've sent them an email to see if they have a blade. YinTx
  2. If you can, let me know if you find a source, I've been meaning to go looking since Pilgrims closed. YinTx
  3. Punch a bunch of holes in a piece of leather, and spin that spiral on? Use a pippin punch to punch a row of holes, press it into the spiral? YinTx
  4. That is a lot of tooling. I like the border, nicely done! YinTx
  5. Was it Pilgrim's Shoe and Machine? I think it's been sold though, to Shoe Systems Plus or so I'd read somewhere. Paul Zalesak of Leather Wrangler's makes and sells blades, they are going to cost you a shiny copper though. YinTx edit: just went to the site, looks like mostly bench splitter blades, didn't see a Landis blade. Maybe he'd make one?
  6. Put some Tan-Kote on a wool pad and go over it again. This will lift more of the antique out of the leather, and may lighten it up a bit. Tan Kote 50/50 for me works well as a resist when I want some of the antique color to get into the leather. Pro Resist keeps more of the color out of the leather. The old Neat Lac works well in that regard as well. Here in the South where it is really humid, I leave the resist on overnight to dry, and sometimes do a second coat and let that dry overnight as well. Do you have any examples of work that you want to be able to emulate? And I still experiment or do a "test run" on a small piece using the identical leather almost each time I do something, particularly if it is a large or difficult item to make sure I am going to be happy with the results. Surprises suck sometimes. YinTx
  7. Beautiful. The burnish is outstanding, and the bargrounding is flawless! YinTx
  8. Those came out fantastic! Did you do the floral pattern yourself? YinTx
  9. It is different, and I like it. I think it fits your style well, I hope you do more like this. YinTx
  10. Proliferous and skilled! Fantastic wallets. YinTx
  11. Awesome. I can just see the look on folks' faces when you are out and about with that! YinTx
  12. Really nice! I like the handle. A whole lot of stitching in that! YinTx
  13. I have seen and tried using crayola for burnishing wax, seems to work so so. Also, Sharpie markers seem to work well, also they sell pens that you fill with dye that help with more accurate placement of edge color. If you are using an edger, doing so after the edge dye can remove some of the bleed. Sometimes, when it seems you have not put enough dye, it is enough when you start to burnish. Try putting on very very little, thinned a lot if needed, then burnishing. You will find the burnishing distributes the dye some and also darkens the edge sufficiently to look nice. Or no dye at all can look decent on edges. Just some options. Edge paint if all else fails. YinTx
  14. YinTx


    Nice pattern! Did you sew the individual pieces together? YinTx
  15. Not sure how this disappeared off the radar, because that is some nice work! Nice bit of iron to go with it! YinTx
  16. Photos a bit tiny, but from what I can see, seems pretty cool! YinTx
  17. I've been looking for a Henley. If the offer falls through, I am interested. YinTx
  18. If I need a high shine on veg tan leather, I've had success using Angelus High Gloss Acrylic finisher. Fiebeng's Pro Resist also results in a high shine finish. For a more natural high shine, try multiple coats of Carnuba wax, polished extensively (it helps to have a polishing wheel to help here). YinTx
  19. Considering the hiatus, doesn't look like you missed a beat! Nice piece! YinTx
  20. Truth is I was a bit disappointed too, I could make the drive. Will just have to wait for all this covid nonsense to settle out. YinTx
  21. Thanks! New owner should get it tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes over... YinTx
  22. Sounds like you got a good doc. Awesome thing! YinTx
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