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    Sheaths, knives

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    all of it

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kiwican's Achievements

Leatherworker.net Regular

Leatherworker.net Regular (4/4)

  1. Good luck to you. I really liked your work over the years.
  2. Great job Rossr!
  3. Awesome thanks!
  4. kiwican

    Concho belts

  5. I was thinking about making one of those for my American Bulldog, the sling that is lol
  6. Nice! How's it working out ?
  7. Very nice
  8. Canada....and I live here
  9. Great stuff
  10. Hahaha. Yup Yin leather is good leather
  11. Very true. But it's not just the impact of the sap. It's the impact of the whatever they hit on the way to the ground...including the ground!
  12. Nice work
  13. Great quiver! I've started making a few myself. Fun projects for sure
  14. Very cool!
  15. Sweet!
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