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Everything posted by BruceGibson

  1. Interesting how that's evolved. I'm comfortable with either word, or both used interchangeably. My Australian bullriders would always ask me to "plait" them a rope, whereas my American riders would occasionally say "braid," but most often say "build."
  2. Ah, once again I've been humbled. Those are beautiful. Hell, even the stitching's perfect.
  3. Hi, Linda! Billie and the crew at Infinity made mine. Their website is Infinity Stamps
  4. Flesh-side over the tree. Fender flesh-side attaches to the stirrup leather grain-side. I've never done it any other way, but I don't see any reason why you couldn't--you could do roughout leathers & fenders.
  5. Welcome, Mark! Great to see you here!
  6. Welcome to the forum, Mark. It's great to have you here. For those of you that haven't heard of Mark Garrity, he's a top-notch maker of custom gunleather. The same can also be said for another member here, K-Man. Mark and Kevin both are, in my opinion, among the top names in the gunleather biz.
  7. Excellent, Dave. Thank you for taking the time to do a series of pictures.
  8. Welcome, ArtS! Great work.
  9. Beautiful job. Very nice appliqué.
  10. Great post, Bruce. I have Dusty Johnson's series, and I highly recommend them. I'm a dealer, so my opinion is biased. I'm looking forward to a review of Dale Harwood's new DVD.
  11. Happy Birthday, Bruce! It's weird saying that...kinda like talking to myself. Now I think I'll go buy myself something. Anyway, hope you have a great day!
  12. Don't get me wrong--I'm a Dale Harwood fan. I've just got too many other toys to buy right now to drop $400 on the DVD's. A few months down the road, I probably will. I am looking forward to hearing some reviews though.
  13. I just got the e-mail this afternoon. Supposed to be ready later this month. And it's priced at $399.99. That's WAY too steep for my blood.
  14. Thanks, Dave. Anytime I start getting a little cocky, or overconfident, all I have to do is come hang around here. I'll see a few pictures of this freakin' ART you create, and my "humbled" switch flips and I go back to the ol' drawing board. Bravo, buddy. It rocks.
  15. Awesome, Kevin! So...how do you feel about aspiring holstermakers showing up at the door?
  16. Well done! Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing!
  17. Great post, David. And you can sure count me as one of your fans.
  18. David, Awesome, as always. If it's okay with everyone, I'll just sit here humbled.
  19. Well done, Stephanie! The only problem I see is that down the road when I have a chap problem I'm gonna pester the heck out of you.
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