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Everything posted by OLDNSLOW

  1. what is it that you don't like about it? Or is it that you bought and now have buyers remorse? Or one to many Knifes?
  2. In my own opinion what you see there is normal when a bolt is installed through a sheet of plywood due to the nature of the material, I wouldn't worry about it mount the rest of the equipment and start sewing, have a good time, and good luck!
  3. ok thanks guys, Dwight I was going to measure him with a tape measure this weekend, I had a project ahead of his that I wrapped up first then cut out his 2 holsters. he is a small little guy retired Master Sergeant but cant be anything more than a thirty two to thirty four waist size.
  4. did any of you buy the downloadable version from Tandy, and find any wording or warnings that would stop some company like the fedex store or kinkos from printing out a full scale useable pattern? buying the downloadable would save a little time and money if it can be taken somewhere. But if not I need to buy the hard copy and have it sent so I can have it by Monday or Tuesday. Thanks once again Y'all Ron
  5. yes to all of you, I need to check if Tandy here in Nashville has it in stock, where sis you get the slickbald I have one of his holster patterns that I have used once I think. I think if I recall I modified it to have a hammer strap. Thanks for you guys getting back to me, it is interesting I searched on utube and only found 1 video!
  6. and not the John Wayne money belt, the type of belt that creates the drop effect once the back flap is weaved through the drop section. Does anyone have a pattern for that and I hope I explained it well enough to make my point, I am going to see if I get any response here before posting over in the belt section. Thanks
  7. I bought several different colors from Weaver Leather, if you don't have a business account with them it runs a little higher and there is a freight charge. It has been a while since I have bought any but from what I recall they had a very wide selection of colors to chose from. You could also try SLC for thread but not sure if there selection is as wide as Weaver.
  8. it has a 30 day return time limit, you could get it and test the snot out of it, and if it doesn't work ship it back
  9. Leemy tell you what I do and you can take it for what it is worth after all it is free advice and on the web. When I am done with a holster I will seal it all with Resolene and make sure I get it down in the pocket of the holster, once it is dry I take and spray the holster with a good coat of leather sheen and I make every attempt to get it down in the pocket of the holster. Now the can states once it is dry it can be buffed for a higher sheen or to get a more even coverage, something like that. So with that being the case you may or may not want to do the same as your mileage might vary.
  10. From what I understand as well as read the title or oil based dyes is somewhat of a misnomer in the labeling of the dye. there is no oil in the dye it all contains alcohol to some degree, so with that being said I imaging someone will come along to disprove or prove the concept. However even if they do I always oil all my leather when done wet forming because if the alcohol did suck out some of the oils the water sure did so I oil but not to the point of being soggy or over saturated, I figure it cant hurt as long as it is not to much. I have never asked for the MSDS sheets only going by what I have read on the bottles.
  11. Barry King makes a great tool but if cost is a concern then go to E-bay or Amazon and you will find some less expensive one. Its kind of like some of the tools you can get from Tandy versus a Barry King or other custom tool makers, once you use the quality make tools it is hard to go back to lesser quality stuff.
  12. my son has been making a lot of minimal wallets for his buddies on the sheriffs department and they are all glued before, and I have done the same as I do with everything else we make. Of course it is much harder to do afterwards.
  13. it is sad that he is behind Cali's iron curtain, but if you know if someone outside the curtain could get you a bottle of good stuff and ship it to you, you could try it and find out what works best. Depending of where your at in the state maybe a ride up to Vegas or Reno or even a trip over the cascades for just a fun weekend and pick up a bottle or 2 of what you think you might use. But I would hate to think it would call for a jail sentence just for a bottle of good leather dye, I don't even think it would be up there with some good hooch and no tellen what kind of trouble that would bring sheesh.
  14. there is something to be said for top grade leather from top grade tanneries, not sure what you folks across the pond have for top notch leather. We have a small assortment of providers, now I might take some heat for that comment but, there is Wickett and Craig as well as Herman Oak. They are both top notch providers of leather, one can be bought from directly and the other unless you can meet their minimum has to come from a resale distributor. Now if these 2 can be bought from and not kill the deal with import and shipping you should give one a go and determine what the difference is between top grade USA stuff and what Tandy sells.
  15. Might said ooh lala fer him. er uh sumthin like that
  16. Put a few up for display and let them sell them with their markup or discount them and make sure you have a makers stamp on them. If they want a stock supply and your a one man shop it is really a hard way to go unless you have family to help. it has been many years since I was in the Anchorage, Fairbanks area but I don't think you have many fellers up there, that are growed as big as they can git down here in the Holler n Hills of the south so that average size might just work.
  17. there are 2 things absent from your explanation, 1. did you apply water to the bend area of the leather, if not that was mistake number one, 2. did you oil the leather either just before dying the leather or right after? If not that was mistake number 2. Those things are pertinent to a long lasting holster, you can almost count on all leather coming to you dry from all the suppliers, or direct from the tannery. Do yourself a favor and watch some utube videos. I am not trying to be harsh our sarcastic in my response to you, I hope what I have said will help, one of the makers that does come here periodically has some very good videos up, his business name is Adams leather, I cannot recall what he goes by here on the site, but his stuff is worth looking at. Good Luck. Ron
  18. what are the prices of the blue guns individually or you do you want to sell all together?
  19. You need to post your location so members have an idea where they would be coming from and a price for the items as well.
  20. I think he did the hand sewn lock stitch, that's what he wrote then I wrote something else.
  21. ya I went back and reread the post and it sounds like he buck stiches the horn and it comes out looking like the stich from a cobra 4.
  22. you mention that you sew with the cobra 4 and then mention 2 needles would clarify that for me. thanks
  23. I keep thinking about it just haven't done it, in fact just bought another tube the other day.
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