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King's X

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Everything posted by King's X

  1. I appreciate the experiment. It really doesn't matter. I buy the same thread and sew the same way (different from when I started). I haven't had any problems to date. Just thought this thread was interesting. Thanks again!
  2. Hello Spencer and welcome to the forum! Nice work you have there.....thanks for sharing!
  3. Big Sioux ~ I can recall some thing like this happening to me, but I wonder something. Could the direction of your sewing having something to with it? May I ask you for a favor. When you try it out......can you sew in both directions? In another words, sew the project towards you and away from you with that same thread. Maybe there is a key to all of this in there. Thanks.
  4. Hello and welcome (to the both of you) to the forum!
  5. Hello Andrew and welcome to the forum!
  6. Paul in my opinion is one of the best in the field. For the cost, you cannot beat the instruction.
  7. Hello and welcome to the forum!
  8. Hello and welcome to the forum!
  9. Hello and welcome to the forum!
  10. You did just fine in English.....Hello and welcome to the forum. Nice picture!
  11. I was keeping an eye out on them middle one on eBay.
  12. Just wanted to pass on some class information. The new Round Rock Texas store opened a couple of months ago and located at Texas Avenue and Enterprise Drive. The store manager Dee is off to a great start and wants all leather crafter in an around the area to know that she is hoping to be putting on a lot of classes. She wanted ask all leather crafters to stay in touch with the Tandy Leather website to see the latest list of classes. Sign ups are first come, first served. Thanks
  13. Hello SkyChief and welcome to the forum.
  14. A couple of questions for you. what are you currently using? How does it feel for you cutting straight lines, curves and circles? This would probably answer your question for you. If not, I would (if you are comfortable) go with a 3/8" thin (for smaller projects) or regular width for medium to larger projects). Now, keep in mind, the 3/8" will take some getting used to especially if you are using an angle blade, but with lots of practice you will build your confidence and use it like a champ. If you are thinking of getting a BK swivel knife, but you cannot afford two of them.....consider a second blade especially if you are not sure. Good luck
  15. I suggest to my basic 7 carving class to try out as many as you can get your hands on to see what feels comfortable for you. I usually have all of the ones that Tandy Leather and allow each student try out each one. A couple of things to remember. You are looking for smooth and easy action in pushing, pulling and turning as you cut your lines. As for the blade, just remember that a sharp blade is a good blade. Now, I am not saying that all blades are equal because they are not! One of the most interesting things about new crafters is that somehow they believe that tools especially cutting tools are ready to go right out of the package. Mass produced tool are grounded and semi sharp to pass inspection, but they truly are not ready to cut. One of the examples that I do when I teach is to bust out new swivel knives out of the package and give my students a go at cutting leather. Then I introduce rouge and have the students cut leather again. As the students feel the leather cutting a bit easier, I explain to my student to imagine how their knives would cut if sharpen correctly? Then we introduce sharpening techniques that have worked for me. People who have had some leather under their belts often ask me to suggest a swivel knife because they feel ready to upgrade. After asking a few questions, I usually suggest one simple upgrade so they can move up to their next level, a better blade. Price wise, the best blade upgrade that I can suggest is a Barry King blade at only $15 plus shipping, it is a great gamble rather then investing an arm and leg. Now, there are other blades that I would recommend like the Leatherwrangler's, Chuck Smith and Clay Miller, or Peter Main low angle blade if you are into figure carving items, but you are talking about a bit more investment. In my opinion and I am far from an expert is that next to your pattern, your swivel knife cuts are second important step in creating beautiful art. I hope this information helps you in making the right decision. Good luck
  16. I agree with your description of your tools. I own this exact pair when you first started selling on eBay. I use them quite often and wondered why I didn't pick up the #237 and partner, but oh well. Anyone that purchases these tools will enjoy their quality and impression they leave if used correctly. Good luck ELW.
  17. Ciao Alberto and welcome to the forum. Don't forget to share pictures of your work.
  18. I will take them....where do you want the money sent? I am buying them for one reason...........to get them off the internet. This design is unique and still in production by a knife maker in New Mexico. These individuals are probably the best people anyone can call friends. They are a mom and pop shop and making a great portion of their living off of their leatherwork products. There have been a few people who have copied their products and they have never said a word publicly about it. I as a owner of several of their products am coming forward to get these copycat models off the market. Paul is such a great and gentle guy......I bet if you call him and ask permission to copy or mimic his design he would be willing to give you that latitude and maybe even provide you some direction to change it so it can be called your own design. It is the only respectful thing to do is give credit where do. I will be waiting for payment information......thank you!
  19. Ola Frank and welcome to the forum!
  20. Hello Keith and welcome to the forum!
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