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Everything posted by Dwight

  1. Take a look at my website, www.dwightsgunleather.com and you will see other things I have crafted. I don't do many wallets, but I do love doing custom items. If you are interested, my regular email address is on the website, you can send drawings or pictures of what you want. May God bless, Dwight
  2. An old carpenter mentor's favorite saying (one of them anyway) was that the expert was NOT the one who did not make mistakes: he was the one who figured out how to do something with it so it didn't look like a mistake. Your black "2nd effort" proved that point. Good job, . . . May God bless, Dwight
  3. Hey, Red, . . . this is one of my happier ideas, . . . had originally planned on laying them all flat, . . . just didn't have enough room, . . . so I designed this. I only have the box built so far, . . . and the door (4 x 8 sheet of 1/2 inch OSB on 5 hinges), . . . but the idea is pretty simple. The box is a 2 x 12 thick, . . . 8 feet tall, . . . and about 44 inches wide. There are going to be arms that rotate out, . . . heavy leather to the front, . . . thin stuff to the back. I'm actually doing a smaller version of this with nails on the inside of my leather closet door now. Makes selection so, so, so, so much faster and better. I'll put a small rack on the back side of the door for smaller pieces. May God bless, Dwight
  4. I don't do it very often, . . . but there are times that I do, . . . and yessir, . . . it does work. If I did it a lot, . . . I'd put in a smaller needle, . . . then punch the awl through for the final sewing hole. It makes it look better if you do that, . . . but mostly only leatherworkers will note the difference. May God bless, Dwight
  5. Honestly, . . . if it sews with one, . . . doesn't with the other, . . . I've got to think it is the needle. Check the straightness (the slightest bend will not allow it to be in the right place), . . . check the length, . . . see if the eyes of both needles line up at the same length from the top of the needles, . . . Beyond that, . . . I cannot be much help as the smallest thread I ever use is 277, . . . and if they made 500 and I could get it, . . . I'd try it. I do concealed carry belts, holsters, etc, . . . and for the most part use only 346, . . . with an occasional 400. I buy my thread at Tandy, . . . it is heavily waxed, . . . every now and then have to "de-wax" the Boss, . . . but that is the worst. AND, . . . is your thread waxed??? I bought some non waxed thread some time back, . . . and I would have put it in the stove, . . . all $50 worth if the supplier wouldn't have given me a refund. My Boss will stitch, . . . but it just ain't the same if the thread is unwaxed. Try reeling off a 25 foot piece and run it back and forth a couple times through a cake of parrafin or beeswax. Sorry I couldn't be more help. The other thing you may try, . . . on your lunch time, . . . call Tippmann, . . . tell them you want to talk to Ben, . . . be a bit pushy, . . . don't take the first "NO" for an answer. They're pretty good folks from my experience, . . . and if anyone in the organization can fix your problem, . . . Ben is the man. He's personally bailed me out twice, . . . May God bless, Dwight
  6. 1. Go back to the original needle you had in the machine, . . . it's a bit big, . . . but you want to find out if it is the needle that is causing the problem. 2. Needle alignment can be a pain, . . . pain, . . . did I say, pain? I use a very small hand sewing needle that you would use doing button holes in a silk shirt or something like that. Once I have my Boss needle where I think it should go, . . . I put the tip of my little needle in the eye of the Boss needle, . . . and use the little needle to square the Boss needle up where it needs to be. I cannot tell you why, . . . but sometimes the needle can be off really bad, . . . it sews. The next time the needle is practically perfect, . . . wouldn't make a stitch if the angels were watching. Also, make sure your needle has the thread trough on the left side. May God bless, Dwight
  7. If you are burning your ends, . . . just be sure to check it when you are done. Just every now and then, . . . it'll form a little hard ball of nastiness that actually can cut you, . . . or if on the backside, . . . it can snag a shirt, britches, vest, etc, . . . and make the owner very unhappy. When I burn em, . . . I always rub em good with my thumb to make sure I didn't create one of these little monsters. May God bless, Dwight
  8. If I were a gambler, . . . I'd bet that the problem lays in one of two areas: your table is bouncing, . . . or you do not have a proper surface under your leather for tooling. I don't do a lot of tooling or stamping, . . . but when I do, . . . my big hunk of fake marble comes out, . . . onto the bench, . . . and a toolin' we will go. But even a good piece of marble or something similar, . . . can be somewhat negated if the table is a bouncy one. Check those out, . . . and proper casing when it actually looks like it is almost dry again, . . . will give you the best impressions, . . . for sure. May God bless, Dwight
  9. Unless the customer had specified he/she wants it differently, . . . my belts are all two layer, . . . glued and sewn together to make one very stout belt on which can be carried just about any combination of gun, ammo, flashlight, cell phone, etc, . . . a non LEO would normally carry. I cement the two pieces together, . . . sand and bevel the edges, . . . punch all the holes, . . . and give the edges an initial burnishing. If the stitches are to be white, I do not sew it, . . . I dye it first. If the stitches are to match the belt, . . . I sew it first. I then dip dye the entire belt, . . . lay it on edge to dry for a few minutes, . . . turn it to the other edge, . . . and about a half hour later, . . . hang it from the buckle end to finish drying. I then apply the final coat finish, . . . 50/50 Resolene, . . . let it dry, . . . do a final burnishing pass from end to end, . . . finish the assembly, . . . pack and ship. Properly applied, . . . Resolene will not allow your dye to bleed, . . . and I have been so enamored with it, . . . I don't mess with any other product other than Bag-Kote, . . . which I seldom use. My belts are more a simple utility belt, . . . but from 24 inches or more away, . . . they look like a dress belt. Like Chief, . . . I'm not thrilled at all with the edge coat products, . . . my experience is they flake off and then there is a jagged edge of hard finish, . . . and it looks ugly. Gum trag sits in a bottle on a shelf, . . . I very seldom use it for anything, . . . because any place it touches, . . . cannot be dyed. It is a 100% blocker, . . . and I just will not take the chance of ruining a belt or holster I have several hours and other material costs in, . . . just so I can use Gum trag. Simple water burnishing will look every bit as good as any Gum trag job, . . . once you take the time to learn how to do it. But as Cheif said, . . . this is just one way, . . . others do different things, . . . that's what makes life interesting. May God bless, Dwight
  10. What little experience I have with them, . . . paint will cover dye, . . . block it out, . . . dye will NOT cover paint. What I usually do is dye the whole thing whatever color the background will need to be, . . . then paint in the other parts. May God bless, Dwight
  11. I think the warranty ran out on Camano Ridge, . . . but what the heck, . . . we'll keep him anyway May God bless, Dwight
  12. Since I dip dye all my holsters, . . . unless it is adamantly requested otherwise, . . . they are dyed through and through. Esthetics and beauty being in the eye of the beholder, . . . a dyed holster will look better longer inside than an undyed one, . . . IMHO. May God bless, Dwight
  13. And I like the plain one. Like Bob said, it's all a matter of taste. May God bless, Dwight
  14. That's some good work, Josh, . . . Do you suppose word will get around and your next job will be a full Sheridan floral for a set of saddlebags on a Harley? May God bless, Dwight
  15. When in doubt about paint or dye, . . . always dye first. If that is not what you wanted, . . . you can always go back and paint over it. You cannot dye over paint. May God bless, Dwight
  16. I finally (several years ago) said to the devil with knives, rotary cutters, head knives, axes, saws, . . . or anything else you can trim leather with to make it look right. I bought a 1 inch electric belt sander, . . . it uses a 1 x 30 inch belt, . . . makes more racket than teenagers tapdancing on a metal roof, . . . but the edges come out clean, . . . straight, . . . level, . . . and ready for beveling and burnishing. It is especially useful if there is more than one layer, . . . belt, holster, pouch, sheath, etc. I wore out the first one, . . . bought another one, . . . now I have a rotary, reciprocating drum sander that also works magic, wonders, miracles, . . . woo-hoo, . . . who needs knives? May God bless, Dwight
  17. Not trying to be nosey, . . . but just for instance, . . . what does a piece like that go for in the UK? Thanks, may God bless, Dwight
  18. For me, . . . it would force me to hand sew a large portion of it as my machine would not easily handle that stitching chore. What I would probably do is mark it and use my sewing machine to make the holes in the outside layer, . . . glue it together and hand stitch it. I actually like that look, the way they did it, . . . and it is a means to discourage copycats, . . . lots of folks would say to heck with it, . . . to complicated. May God bless, Dwight
  19. Well, . . . one of my "suits" I wear is Mr. Cheapskate, . . . always lookin for a bargain. My dye expenses sometimes make me want to say ouch, . . . and for a while there, I was doing more black than ever before, . . . which got me to looking at the roon. But besides cheap, . . . I'm also practical, . . . and I know that nothing in the dye will hurt my leather goods, . . . probably just stay with the dye process, . . . it works, no fuss, . . . and I really do hate to break in a new process. I'd be spinning too many wheels in the next little while just making sure my roon process was right, . . . May God bless, Dwight
  20. I have one of those cheap stitch groovers from Tandy http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/en-usd/search/searchresults/8074-00.aspx that I use on all my outside stitches for wallets, belts, suspenders, holsters, . . . virtually everything. It is set at a good, full 3/16th of an inch, . . . and I took a little hand grinder and cut off the excess sticking out the side, . . . that way I will always have a perfect reference to where it should be. There is a little brass screw in the end to facilitate adjustment, . . . I just boogered it down tight. Take a look on my website, . . . you can see how it looks on the front side, . . . and I've never had any issues with the stitches pulling out sideways or anything. I think John Bianchi may have mentioned that spacing in his video, . . . I got it from somewhere, . . . have used it for a number of years, . . . works for me. May God bless, Dwight
  21. For a while, . . . I would take pieces of the exact same leather I was getting ready to sew, . . . and would finagle with the settings until I got it just "right". Problem was, . . . sometimes even then it would have bad areas on the underneath side. I finally went back and reviewed my John Bianchi notes, . . . he promoted using a stitch tool to flatten the stitches, . . . his was a bunch more fancy than mine, . . . but you can betcha mine works. After I get done sewing, . . . I'll just dampen that area, . . . go over the stitches with my home made tool, . . . they improve immensely. BUT, . . . having said all that, . . . don't ever think that the Boss will give you stitches equal looking to a top notch hand stitching job, . . . ain't gonna happen. And as a suggestion, . . . come in a little further on your belt, . . . you were really close to the edge there, . . . and that will make them also look bad. May God bless, Dwight
  22. Looks right purty to me, . . . but then again, . . . I don't do that, . . . hardly at all, . . . and it never comes out that nice. Good job, . . . keep it up. May God bless, Dwight PS: You need to burnish the edges,..................lol
  23. Well, . . . some good came of it. I've been really considering the idea of setting up a vinegaroon rig, . . . Guess who ain't gonna do that now!!! I knew it needed neutralized, . . . but I didn't know enough about it to know it could cause that kind of problem. Look out oil dye, . . . here I come, . . . again ! May God bless, Dwight
  24. I full well understand and agree with what you said. It is a whole lot easier, etc, . . . to let someone else do it. For the last 15 or so years before I retired, I worked as a program administrator for a major paint company, . . . managing their 45 man maintenance department work order system. That included ordering parts, maintaining inventory, daily work orders and a host of other "items". What I did was simply not try to anticipate every need, . . . but address each need as it surfaced. When something came up that I needed to have an answer for, I would put it in the schedule, . . . then add it to the program, . . . which I found was for me, easier than trying to follow directions from someone else's program. Right now, . . . I'm using 2 computers and an external HD for backup etc, . . . but I'm looking for another desktop, . . . and when I get it, . . . I'm going to use it for a server, . . . with something like Dropbox as my cloud backup. One thing you may also look at if you have an Ipad, . . . Easy Books, . . . is an app you might want to look at. I think it could be useful, . . . May God bless, Dwight
  25. Dan, . . . when using Resolene, . . . the very first thing you need to do is dilute it with water. Do it on a 1 to 1 basis, . . . 10 oz of Resolene, . . . 10 oz of water, . . . stir briskly for about 30 seconds, . . . you are then ready. I actually keep mine in a Skippy Peanut butter jar after I've mixed it. I have sprayed it on with a little air brush I bought from Harbor Freight, . . . about $15, . . . works well, . . . but you MUST clean it thoroughly after spraying Resolene through it. I also use the cheap, . . . 1 inch wide, . . . bristle brush (looks like a little cheap paint brush, . . . which it is), . . . from Harbor freight. I start with applying a good wet coat, . . . wet enough that I can brush back and forth on the surface and begin to make a froth of the finish. At that point, quit adding material, . . . begin soft stroking the piece with the brush, . . . left, right, up, down, sideways, . . . until you have brushed out all the bubbles. At that point, . . . hang it up to dry. May God bless, Dwight
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