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Everything posted by Dwight

  1. While most of my relationship with Paypal has been good, . . . several years ago I bought a computer off Ebay. I should have known better, . . . but the price and the lure was just too much, . . . so I bought it, . . . paid by Paypal. Long story short: the computer was junk, . . . software not installed right, . . . I'm not even sure he had licenses for the software. I contacted him and told him his computer was coming back. Took it to the Post Office, . . . sent it with tracking number and it had to be signed for by him. He got it, . . . signed for it, . . . refused to refund my money, . . . tried to slide by the time allotted by Paypal for disputes. They sided with him, . . . even though I had all the documents proving he got it back and HE signed for it. Fortunately, . . . Master Card stepped in and refunded my $350.00 or I would have lost out altogether. Moral of the story, . . . if you have a dispute, . . . act quickly, . . . positively, . . . and have all possible receipts & paperwork. The copy of his signed receipt was the ONLY thing that made the difference for me. May God bless, Dwight
  2. Yay, . . . hey, . . . hey, . . . good looking holster. May God bless, Dwight
  3. It sounds like you are on the right track. In your reply window, . . . bottom right hand corner, . . . push the button for more reply options. It will let you upload pictures. That is how these are on here. This is a small holster I did earlier today, . . . on my Boss, . . . double layer 4/5, . . . 346 thread. I'm not sure of the needle, . . . Does your stitching look like this? This is not a perfect example, . . . but a rather representative sample. May God bless, Dwight
  4. 1. Did you watch the DVD they sent with it? 2. Did you set the machine up like you were told? If you answered yes, . . . then post some pictures, . . . front and back of a typical sewing setup you would have. What thickness leather are you sewing? What size thread are you using? What size needle are you using? These are all part of the equation, . . . and you will have to take each into account. May God bless, Dwight
  5. My policy is simple, . . . I treat my customers like I want to be treated. They don't like what they ordered, . . . they get their money back. Sometimes something does not work out, . . . is not what they expected, . . . whatever. That's my policy. Yeah, . . . been burned, . . . will happen again, . . . but I sleep well at night knowing I did not rip anyone off, . . . and there should be no hard feelings by anyone. My last "return" was a very special custom belt that did not work out for him, I made him a new one, . . . added a brand new buclke to it also, . . . got two holster orders from him, . . . plus, I'm wearing the belt he didn't like. May God bless, Dwight
  6. Mike, . . . I'm 3 pairs of chaps and one pair of chinks ahead of you in the "chap learning" curve. Cody, has given me some good ideas. Don't waste your money on either chap pack sold at Tandy's, . . . they look and fit like something out of a bad "B" movie. I bought a pattern pack from Bob Klenda, of Klenda saddlery, . . . (google him), . . . I liked his # 33 Arizona chaps best. $15 for the pack. I made a couple of adjustments to his pattern, . . . and I like the end product. Also, . . . go on line, . . . get the 40% off coupon from JoAnn Fabric, . . . get 2 yards of their $17 a yard naughahyde, . . . it'll make a full adult set of chaps in the legs, . . . and is a whole lot cheaper than leather. I made my first two pairs from it, . . . learned a lot, . . . and did not break the bank. I'm keeping both as "try on" pairs for hopefully, . . . future customers. You can also look on Ebay, . . . there were some kids chaps there that were really cheap, . . . might start there for a pattern. May God bless, Dwight
  7. Leatherwork is no different from other business ventures, . . . in the truly "business" end of it. Find some part of it at which you are good, really good, or great: concentrate on that area. That is the way businesses have always survived. Example, . . . where would Ford be if they had continued making the Edsel, and had forsaken their other lines? In the ditch with Yugo, Studebaker, and Frazier. IF YOU HAVE TIME, every time you make a custom piece, . . . make 2 of them. One you sell, . . . the other is for craft shows, inventory, immediate sales, etc. Yes, you will wind up with some dusty old pieces in a cardboard box that no one wants, . . . but you will also get some quick sales. As a personal anecdote, . . . I took one of those boxes with me to a gun show with some friends, . . . borrowed a corner of one of their tables, . . . unloaded the whole box for $10, $15, and $20 a pop. Came home with a nice bunch of folding money, . . . and some better ideas of what my customer base wanted. The other day, . . . I made a serious mistake on an IWB holster, . . . after an accident in the drying room ruined another one, . . . between the two, I now have a new product line to offer, . . . higher end, . . . better prioduct. All because of a couple of accidents. I'm actually getting ready to put my sign out by the road, . . . holsters, belts, chaps, and saddle repair. I'm certain that as soon as it is visible to the public, . . . I'll be busier than ever before. But those are the areas of my interest, . . . I enjoy them, . . . makes all the difference in the world. May God bless, Dwight
  8. I have a snap setter I bought at Walmart 5 or 6 years ago, . . . have used it for literally hundreds of snaps, . . . but the model I have is only good for line 24 snaps. Hobby Lobby carries the tool now, . . . it is $25, . . . you will find it in their sewing section, . . . it looks like a blue handled pair of pliers. The throat is short, . . . so you have to be careful where you place your snaps. I have heard people bad mouth the tool, . . . but when you listen to what they said, . . . they must be ham handed brutes who would break anvils with a rubber mallet. The tool is good, . . . functional, . . . and is far superior to the hammer tool sold by Tandy. Just remember, . . . squeeze it until you feel it come to a stop, . . . open it up and look, . . . you will be pleasantly surprized at the wonderful results. May God bless, Dwight
  9. The Roman soldiers of 2000 years ago wore flat leather sandals with cleats on the bottom side. They walked all the way from Rome to London (with a little help from their navy). This http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caligae will show you some good stuff about them. They had an inner liner and an outer sole, . . . attached to the main body. It is the pattern I have attached. May God bless, Dwight
  10. Reverse, . . . in a nutshell, . . . is a time saver, . . . almost extrordinaire ! Without it, . . . you turn the piece, . . . or hand stitch, . . . or force the machine to re-do them one at a time. With reverse, . . . it's done as quick as you can flip the lever and make the stitches. Also, . . . there are some "fancy" things reverse is especially well suited for: stitched decorations such as on belts, . . . sewing cartridge loops on gun belts, . . . doing applique work on chaps or chinks or purses, . . . I have survived without it for several years, . . . will probably continue to do so, . . . but I have found "Dwight" ways to do those things I need reverse for. May God bless, Dwight
  11. Far worse than mine, . . . that's for sure. Mine is just nasty, ugly, pain, . . . not crippling, . . . just aggravating pain. I keep getting a little closer each new insert I make or change (most of the time). I'm hoping when I get it right, . . . I can use that shape for the bottom of a pair of shoes that won't hurt my feet. On the one last, . . . it looks like you built it up a lot, . . . did I see that correctly? May God bless, Dwight
  12. It doesn't really matter if it does pivot (I use snaps, . . . no TEE nuts) and all of mine pivot, . . . but once the belt is laced into the two straps, . . . gun inserted, . . . belt pulled taught, . . . it ain't going anywhere. May God bless, Dwight
  13. Sometimes stuff just seems to fall into place as you need it. Been kicking around for a year or so about trying my hand on a pair of shoes, . . . then I want to do a pair of boots. I have a nerve condition that the local foot doctor wants to fix "her" way, . . . and that just ain't happening. Been experimenting for a little over a year with different sized & shaped inserts, . . . getting close, . . . but my shoe will have to be about an 11 EEEEE, . . . or something like that. Thanks for bringing this up, . . . maybe others will chime in, . . . and who knows, . . . more than one foot might be helped. May God bless, Dwight
  14. My vacuum hose is 3/8 inch black rubber gasoline hose. One thing you can do, . . . use your fingers and thumbs to assist the vacuum in pulling it into the shape you want. Again, . . . I never tried the vacuum cleaner, . . . my experience came from owning a vacuum forming sign shop a couple of decades ago. It took power to make the signs, . . . so when I started thinking about this, . . . I added my HVAC experience where we also used a vacuum pump, . . . and I bypassed the rug cleaner, . . . in favor of equipment I was pretty sure would work. May God bless, Dwight
  15. I would think that unless you had the grand daddy of all vacuum cleaners, . . . it probably doesn't pull enough a vacuum. BUT, . . . nothing ventured, . . . nothing gained. I do know that if I could hook up my bag to my old Mustang I used to have, . . . or my Olds 442, . . . those would have done the trick. Either one pulled a strong 25 inch vacuum. May God bless, Dwight
  16. I don't. My pump goes directly to the bag, . . . no valve, . . . no filter, . . . just a 3 foot long section of black rubber gasoline hose. I keep my bag clean on the inside (as much as I can ), . . . always put the holster a ways away from the intake, . . . and I use a rod or something that channels the air from the holster area back to the pump intake. Turn on the pump, . . . form, . . . turn off. Maybe slightly re-position the bag or the gun or the holster. Turn on the pump, . . . form some more (detail type stuff), . . . turn off. (Repeat as many times as necessary for that particular piece of work) All has worked well so far. About 5 seconds after I turn the pump off, . . . the vacuum will break, . . . and air will start migrating back into the bag. May God bless, Dwight
  17. I got mine from McMaster Carr, . . . Remember that name, . . . write it on a stickey note, . . . don't lose it. Other than groceries, . . . I don't think there is much they don't carry for the mechanical / working world. Sometimes they can be a bit on the pricey side, . . . but they have supplied stuff for me since somewhere back in the early 90's. AND, . . . if you order it before 4 in the evening, . . . you can look for it the next day. I used to marvel at that when their nearest location was Chicago, . . . I'm just north of Columbus, Ohio, . . . I had it at 10 the next morning when the big brown UPS van backed up to our door. May God bless, Dwight
  18. Very good, . . . I have some deer skins that look very much like that leather. Almost too good looking to take out to the dirty old barn May God bless, Dwight
  19. Particle, . . . did I read that correct and you are using 16 oz leather for the front piece? I had seen it earlier, . . . had not thought that the leather was that thick. BTW, . . . that is some excellent tooling from my perspective. Much as I would like to, . . . I just do not have the patience to do that level of artistry. May God bless, Dwight
  20. No, . . . you would have to put a little reed valve or something in the line to get it to do that. When we used them in A/C, we used the valves on the pressure gauges to hold the vacuum in the system. I'm sure someone makes one that does have an internal valve, . . . but from what I can see, . . . our's does not. And for me, . . . that's OK, . . . as I don't need it to linger. I need that hoslter out of the bag and on to other things. May God bless, Dwight
  21. Hands down on the vacuum forming for detail. First holster I did with it was a Rhodesian pattern for a 1911, . . . 7/8 oz leather if I remember correctly. Formed everything, . . . pulled it out of the bag, . . . gently slipped model out, . . . let it dry. Had to force the model in the next day, . . . then I thought I was going to have to get a scalpel to get my model out. Vacuum forming is seriously better in my estimation, . . . May God bless, Dwight
  22. The nipple comes from http://www.veneersupplies.com/products/Valve-Stem-Assembly.html If I remember correctly, . . . about $15. You can see it in a couple of the pictures, . . . round, shiney thing, left side of the bag. May God bless, Dwight
  23. Tippmann Boss, . . . 346 thread top and bottom. May God bless, Dwight
  24. The two types I use, . . . manila file folders, . . . usually 100 of them at discount office supply stores for 5 bucks or so. Found box of legal size last year for I think 4 bucks, . . . still using them. My permanent, . . . "do not change this ever" patterns and templates are cut from Tandy's bag stiffener. Not that expensive, . . . and really wonderful medium to work with if you need some strength and durability. The material he used in the video would be similar to the bag stiffener. May God bless, Dwight
  25. Next slip the gun & holster into the bag, . . . seal the bag, . . . turn on the pump. It only takes a few seconds usually. I'll also turn the pump on & off, . . . on & off, . . . carefully re-positioning anything that needs to be moved, . . . and allowing the bag to re-position itself. I usually hit it at least 3 times, . . . and sometimes even do a little thumb action to assist. If you look real close, you will see a small cutting board under the holster, . . . I use that if I want the back to be pretty flat. If you don't use it, . . . it'll form the back to the weapon real close too. The last picture is just to note that I was using 8 oz leather for this holster. And of course, vac 11 picture is of the finished product. My customer was very well pleased, . . . his wife was estatic. Anyway, . . . that's how I do it, . . . hope some of you can benefit from this. May God bless, Dwight
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