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Everything posted by Dwight

  1. Look up above . . . in the ads . . . Texas custom dies . . . I would imagine . . . guesswork from past experience mind you . . . the die shouldn't cost but around 75 bucks and maybe less . . . For something that small . . . you take your time and mallet cut it by slowly but surely tapping all around the sides . . . should have to go around 3 times . . . but it'll work. With a lot of my scrap leather . . . I do key fobs . . . got the die long before I got a press . . . that's how I handled it. May God bless, Dwight
  2. Here is a video of one fellow's way of doing it May God bless, Dwight
  3. Welcome, my friend . . . once wandered thru your fair city . . . some 53 years ago. My US warship was the first to dock in Brisbane for over 25 yrs . . . the USS Wiltsie. I knew it would be wall to wall people all day long . . . I lit out for 5 days on the Gold Coast . . . one of the best vacations I ever had. But enough about me . . . glad to have you aboard . . . enjoy yourself . . . don't be afraid to ask questions . . . that is how you learn. May God bless, Dwight
  4. Knife sheath . . . holster . . . cell phone case . . . all get a wet molded experience with me . . . sometimes more than one . . . but usually one is enough. I literally dunk it in a jar or pan of room temperature water . . . leave it for about 10 seconds . . . pull it out . . . use paper towels to suck up any excess. Then I mold . . . and quite honestly . . . I use a vacuum pump and a bag to do most of the molding. A cigar case would not need that . . . only the form. And yes . . . it is an overnight to 24 hour process . . . you really . . . really need to let it dry before going on. You can help it along with heat . . . just make sure you stay below 145 deg F . . . and you can "force dry" the project. Be advised though . . . that will turn it the next thing to rock hard. May God bless, Dwight
  5. Tallbalde . . . take this for what it is worth . . . free advice. It is how I would handle it. Toledo sewing machine has it listed for I believe . . . 2700 dollars. Had you offered it to me . . . in excellent condition . . . back before I bought my 4500 . . . I would have jumped at an 1800 maybe even 2000 dollar price. And while I don't know your personal home situation . . . etc . . . As for me . . . I'd load that dude up in a rented trailer and just flat out deliver it to someone within a 500 mile range . . . provided I got the money up front . . . and something like 50 cents a mile (one way) for the delivery. Loading it in a trailer . . . covering with a tarp . . . tying it down . . . and taking a drive would be worth it for me. Again . . . this is just how I would do it . . . given my personal situation . . . your mileage may vary. May God bless, Dwight
  6. I'm with Bert on this one . . . the dry cases would have flattened back out once the wood mold was pulled out. From knife sheaths . . . mag holders . . . and holsters . . . I can tell you that if properly moistened . . . only 10 to 20 minutes is needed in the mold . . . and the creasing could easily have been done at the end of the 10 minutes . . . wood form pulled . . . and it would have been good to go. Guy would only need about 3 or 4 at the most of those inserts to stay busy for 8 hours straight . . . just dampening . . . molding . . . and edging. But I have to admit . . . sure looks like an awful lot of work when a shirt pocket will do the same . . . and it comes free with the shirt. Those cigar holders ain't cheap in anyone's book . . . May God bless, Dwight
  7. Wetting it before bending it can lessen the overall effect . . . A light coat of neatsfoot oil to the hair side will lessen it as well. You will NOT get rid of all of it however . . . ALL leather does that . . . some just more than others. Wallet purchasers know that ahead of time. May God bless, Dwight
  8. I know it was probably not an option for you . . . but it won't take you long to figure out why I personally drove there and picked up both of my machines. May God bless, Dwight
  9. That bolo tie slide only has about a million possibilities attached to it. Get a leather stamp with your logo . . . stamp it and super glue it to the almost 3/4 inch round head on the bolo tie slide. Solder a quarter to it . . . and there are half dollar and silver dollar look alikes that could be done as well. Get someone to make your MtlB idea in brass wire to solder to it Possibilities actually are darn near endless . . . and as a final thought . . . drill a hole in the middle of it . . . put a concho on it with her favorite design. May God bless, Dwight
  10. When you have a minute . . . shoot me the name and address of the source . . . would really appreciate it. May God bless, Dwight
  11. With the slots cut and sewing finished . . . looks like a useful holster. I've got one of those . . . I can stick a Sig 365 in it . . . a Taurus G3 compact . . . or a officer model 1911 . . . just all depends if or where I put the Chicago screw in it. It actually is the most comfortable holster I own . . . and was made on a lark . . . I use it as a model for the other slip cake holsters I make . . . May God bless, Dwight
  12. Try here . . . https://in.pinterest.com/pin/4362930860545172/?amp_client_id=CLIENT_ID(_)&mweb_unauth_id={{default.session}}&simplified=true May God bless, Dwight
  13. I have used Weldwood contact cement in some limited stuff I've done. May God bless, Dwight
  14. This Ohio guy says welcome . . . and wish I were at my brother's in Big Spring or my nephew's place in San Angelo to welcome you. But Ohio will have to do for now. May God bless, Dwight
  15. I do Glocks . . . S&W 9's . . . M&P's . . . never needed a welt yet. My backs are flat . . . more or less . . . and all the molding is done in the front panel. Pancakes do not lend themselves well to stamping and carving unless it will be shaped mostly by wearing the gun in it. Off hand I'd say your leading edge (to the right of the thumb break) is seriously over sized and the other edge is seriously under sized. At least for all the pancakes I do . . . that would be true. May God bless, Dwight
  16. I cut out . . . usually oversized . . . wet mold as needed Glue pieces together where needed . . . trim off excess . . . and sew Give a light coat of neatsfoot oil on the hair side only Dye and polish . . . polish . . . polish . . . and did I mention polish Add final finish May not work for everyone . . . but it does for me May God bless, Dwight
  17. Use veggie tanned fake snake skin . . . End of that problem . . . Ain't enough folks out there who could tell the difference anyway . . . May God bless, Dwight
  18. Of course the other thing is with the logo and making duplicates . . . It is an awful hard thing to do to prove a "copyright" case on the things we make. I've actually never heard of it . . . although I'm sure there are some cases out there somewhere. Personally . . . I have copied other's work . . . but when I do . . . it is with the idea that I am doing something that will make it a better fit for my customer than the other maker. But I do not "exactly" copy his / her work. Plus . . . I've got some things out there I know I personally designed . . . and I see copies of it . . . consider it a compliment that someone copied my work . . . even if they do get paid and credit for it . . . gives my old time ego a slight lift. May God bless, Dwight
  19. I would (for my first project) use 7/8 oz leather . . . measured with a micrometer that would be in the .100 to .125 range of thickness. Tandy Leather Factory will sell you the leather . . . a "single shoulder" will give you plenty of leather to make that holster . . . and you'll have enough left over to re-do it if you mess up the first try. The back on that holster is basically flat . . . all the molding is done on the outside piece . . . and it is kinda hard to get it that well molded without some "work" . . . just be prepared. Don't allow the muzzle to come out like that . . . the design is seriously a stupid design . . . if the front sight gets hung up while you are trying to defend yourself . . . your next of kin will wind up with that holster after your funeral. Cut the holster longer to cover the muzzle. I personally like 346 size thread . . . it hand sews fairly well . . . not sure if your machine will take that thread . . . use a 25 or 26 needle if it will. Get Feibing Oil dye in the small bottle . . .and a small bottle of the reducer . . . dump em together and use that to dye your holster. DO NOT get USMC black . . . it is lousy with loose pigment and you will be buffing that thing till July 4th. Buff it real good . . . finish it with a couple coats of Resolene mixed 50/50 with water using a bristle brush. It'll be a good holster for you. I would personally not cut the bottom front slot . . . as that is a good position to carry . . . just the way it is pictured . . . it hugs the body well . . .using the bottom slot makes the butt of the gun stick out like you've got a third hand stuck under your shirt. But have fun . . . make sure to bring the finished product back here for all of us. May God bless, Dwight
  20. Go into your Tee shirt drawer . . . find the two you like the least . . . take them out to your shop. On the next project . . . give it a light coat of neatsfoot oil before dying . . . use Feibings oil dye . . . dilute it 50/50 with their thinner . . . dye the project . . . Then take that white tee shirt that you cut up into about 8 pieces . . . and start "polishing" the project. When you quit getting rub off there . . . you wont' get any more rub off after your finish coats either. And you won't have to put on any more than 2 light finish coats of resolene unless you want to do more. AT LEAST . . . this works perfectly well for me. I do spend a bit of extra rubbing time though on all black projects. Resolene also works well to smooth the inside of belts . . . it is my preferred product. May God bless, Dwight
  21. How about putting it in a vise and drilling 1/16 inch holes sideways thru it?? Then you could sew it on. I've only used the ones with a clasp . . . or thin leather pouch . . . they've worked great so far. May God bless, Dwight
  22. From what I've seen of it . . . darn near a copy of the Tippmann Boss . . . and you can get the narrow presser foot for it. From what I've seen of it . . . I'd bet the Tippmann narrow foot will work. If Ryan does not have one . . . gimme a holler . . . I'll take mine off . . . you take yours off . . . we'll measure em both . . . see if it will work for you. You might also call Ben at Tippmann Boss . . . tell him what you have . . . he just might know . . . he is one of their best "Boss" mechanics. May God bless, Dwight
  23. I prefer nylon . . . what I started with some 20 + years ago. Cannot find the thread I really liked that Tandy sold then. It was a "hard" nylon . . . when those stitches went into the leather . . . you didn't pull them out. Today's "bonded nylon" is flimsy and slick. Don't really like it . . . can't seem to find the hard nylon so I just use this stuff. May God bless, Dwight
  24. You're right . . . only glocks I have are blue . . . and don't shoot too well . . . plus they are not photogenic. It is a Taurus G3C . . . my chest rig pistol for the day I have to load up and head out. May God bless, Dwight
  25. I have a plastic french curve thingy hanging with my other tools. Haven't ever needed or used it yet. Have always been fortunate enough to find a jar lid . . . coffee can . . . outlet cover . . . bean can . . . or something else round . . . that will always work. Plus I built strap end cutters for 3/4 inch, 1 inch, and 1 1/2 inch out of pipes I cut off half of them . . . sharpened the other half . . . one whack with the mallet . . . I have a perfect round end on my strap. May God bless, Dwight
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