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About DocReaper

  • Birthday 04/25/1959

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Kannapolis, NC
  • Interests
    Leather, Bikes, family, Dogs, leather, good food, and leather!

Contact Methods

  • Yahoo

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    I've been doing it for a long time and still seek more!
  • Interested in learning about
    Everything, that can be taught twice, maybe more!
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    tripped over the site

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  1. DocReaper

    Ammo pouch

    you should show the pieces that gave it that shape, inquiring minds and all
  2. nice job on the wallet, have ya ever noticed that there are fewer fires when certain parties are in office, or is it just me????
  3. This item is no longer available
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  5. These has found a new home!
  6. This has found a new home
  7. i saw your "Tank Girl" and had to say NICE JOB DUDE, I'm on the other side of the pond

  8. is there anyplace other than China to get theses from?
  9. Being a penny pincher, i gave it thought. using 2 hands to sew is far better than using one to sew and one to crank. I would be sacrificing quality, then wasting the time to screw with a cheap china made machine. A different machine with a motor is also a time saver. if this is all you can afford, id say save up and keep looking for a decent sewing machine. get to know the product before you buy. Becoming frustrated will make that $100 machine will become a $100 paperweight.
  10. I will keep you updated ?

    1. Doc Reaper

      Doc Reaper

      Updated for what????

  11. i ordered a total of four different leather cutting dies from that place in GA, the first was wrong, the second was correct (the first was going to be sent back after the third order containing 2 different sets was sent and received) that third order was not only wrong, but missing the second die set! She is not returning my calls, I need a lawyer!

    DM me to find out who it is

  12. I have, some patterns are good, they also have a pay area. I just end up buying the book on the subject I want to learn about
  13. it took time to build up me catastrophe of a work bench, I now have a 6 foot tall x 5 ft long x 2ft deep shelving unit to hold my hardware. I also us a larger rack shelf to hold the leather, but it still a mess due to the tools. it was easier to make a mess than to clean up due to recent lower back surgery; the VA sucks for any medical help one might need, go private and get it done faster and better! I have a large mechanics tool box that will be housing most of my tools, you might want to design a wall unit to hang magnetic tool holders on, keeps em in sight and up out of the way. My work table is in the middle of the shop. I get use of all four sides plus i can trim a side of leather to what ever size I might need. My dyes are stored on an old bookshelf away from the unused leather, its a must to keep these two away from each other, shhtuff happens! all this is in a 16x20 shed that is heated by a wood stove in the winter and air conditioned in the summer. With the back half healed, I have a newish 6ft table to use as a work table, right noe its a 2ftx4ft table that where I do my magic. its hard to get things the way you would like them, but you adapt to your surroundings. you will have to work at keeping it orderly or it will just become a mess over and over again. keep it tidy as you go along and it wont be a place you shun!
  14. I just use a variable speed drill and do about 2 at a time, the machine usually winds em for me.
  15. I'm interested in your doctors bag as well docreaper@rocketmail.com
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