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Everything posted by shoepatcher

  1. Send more pics of the feet and needle area. I like Uwe have Adler brochures but I have more of them. Looks like bottom needle feed machine. glenn
  2. You will not have any trouble selling the 669. The demand is high for that machine especially used. Glenn
  3. Eric, Good to have you back!! Where were you all these years? We both need and missed you!! glenn
  4. contact me. I will tell you how i set them up. Different than Uwe. glenn
  5. Unusual for Hirose to be off! Make very good aftermarket hooks. glenn
  6. The 205-64 used the needle system 328 or 214x1. It would sew 1/2" leather all day long but not very good for climbing over splies or seams. I have a 205-370 with toys. No comparison. The 441 came out before the 205. Both great machines. If sewing one thickness be in multiple layers, the 205-64 was great. You get into uneven layers, no. The Singer 97-10 or Ferdco Bull were jump feet and great machines. Leather sewing machines is dictated by what you are sewing. glenn.
  7. Get rid of those blanket feet. Other feed are better and available. I have no idea why Nakajima and then Jukie made these blanket feet. Only good for certain items and they are so damn big. Kwok Hing makes generic binder feet for the 205. glenn
  8. similar to the skivers of today which are copies of the Fortuna. Belt shpould be close to those in length
  9. contact Collier Equipment in Alabama. They might have what you are looking for. The 91K5 Singer. They get good money for those.
  10. if you install a needle positioner, you will need to order a plug from DA to mount the synchronizer on. I have the part # if you need it. glenn
  11. Pic of the machine please so we can see what it is a clone of. glenn
  12. Why replace the wheel? You want to slow the machine down? A servo motor will do that. I have a 669 with a servo motor and a 45mm pulley on the motor. You could add a speed reducer to slow it down more. However, with the speed reducer, you cannot add a synchronizer to the balance wheel because it screw up the sensors in the needle positioner part of the synchronizer. My runs as slow as I want it to. I also got a 669 from weaver. it is an Eco model. I added air foot lift to it. glenn
  13. I have original Adler springs and clamps. Not cheap. Spring only $95.00. You can buy a new the leaf spring , clamp and screw from Adler as an assembly only. Last I checked $126.00 and change. glenn
  14. I have tension springs for the bobbin case. Also, does your machine have a tension spring in the needle bar? Check it. glenn
  15. Gorgeous rebuilds! very very nice. Hammertone paint? glenn
  16. ok depending on what gear you are fixing. Forward glove repalming, Pfaff 335 or a clone of it. Other articles would be goal pads Adler 205-370 or clone, Juki 441 or clone. walking foot single needle post Pfaff 195, 595, 1295, clones, Adler 68, 168, 268, Juki 1610, 1710. Flatbed walking foot. Lots to choose from. I have been build and repairing goalie hockey gear for over 50 years. I know what you need. PM with specific questions. glenn
  17. if he replaces the motor, he loses the auto functions on the machines. Both motors are -7 which means they have toys. I would go the route of a phase converter like Uwe said so you do not lose those functions. glenn
  18. OK. watch a few utube videos on changing belts on singers. Pfaff much the same. You have to remove the balance wheel, and the bushing that the main shaft goes in. glenn
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