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Everything posted by WoodysWorkshop

  1. Instead of starting a new thread on this subject, I'll add to this one in hopes some great knowledgeable minds will chime in. I've already have some Eco-Flo products, so I'm not going put then on a shelf to harden and replace what I have. So I am looking at the Cova Color paints, and Dyes. Then I notice Eco-Flo makes a waterstain in as many colors. I want to practice and learn how to thin the stuff down and add numerous coats to blend into darker shades. Similar to what I use to do fading custom paint jobs on vehicles. If coarse resist will come into play on parts already dyed/stained to prevent bleed over. Or areas not wanting any color. My question is which one of the products, dye or stain is used for this kind of work? Or is there better method I am not aware of yet. For general knowledge, I currently don't have an air brush, put have plans to get one. But, I'm not allow a compressor here at the apartment complex. Tandy has a book or 2 about this kind of coloring operation which I also plan to get. But I'd like to order everything at once and save me shipping charges. Tandy has a brief free video on their website which doesn't say anything, you just watch and listen to some funky music they play for the video. Thank You All Kindly, even if's a swift slap on the back of the head. Which one of these books would you recommend and why? Please. https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/coloring-leather-book https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/coloring-with-eco-flo-book
  2. I got my weekly Email deals from Grizzly and they have this mallet on sale. All I have is a raw hide mallet, and I'm not sure if a round one like this I could use well so I don't want to put a lot into one. http://www.grizzly.com/products/d2808?id=YWRhbXMuam9obmVAb3V0bG9vay5jb20%3d&utm_source=email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=092517_d2808_box1
  3. Seen this on Ebay, the seller has a few different ones. Looks like it sews pretty heavy stuff, but I know nothing about sewing machines of any kind. It seams like a decent price to me, but like I said, I know nothing about machines. Not really in the market for a machine at the moment, but one never knows what tomorrow will bring. http://www.ebay.com/itm/201994142319?ul_noapp=true
  4. Looks similar to the machine I first use when I cut pig skin gloves for Wolverine here in Reed City, MI between 1978-1982. Does this thing bring back memories! Long hot days and low pay.... (I didn't say good memories!)
  5. I used some 92%, not rubbing, alcohol on the items above. Took the sticky stuff off pretty good. The darker patch lost most of the silver as well and the numbers lost the dark color. Fixable. At least I can get to stitching the sheath together this weekend. Thank You All Kindly for the help!
  6. I've been looking at these on Ebay, I've got some stitching and lacing to do soon. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Wood-Horse-Leather-Craft-Desktop-Stitching-Sewing-Table-Pony-Clamp-DIY-Tool-FEDS-/162658662384?hash=item25df3637f0:g:zcwAAOSw1blZoBpV
  7. Contact Mark at Stickershock23.com is the GO TO guy for Vinyl He does a LOT of work for us Model Rocket guys. Often he makes stencils for painting, then you remove the stencil. He also does large commercial stuff. He's done stuff for me...
  8. I don't think I would use Kitty Litter. That is a special purpose product. I would hit up the auto parts store in your area and buy a bag of Oil Dry. It's a specific product to absorb oil. I think it would do a better job, and unlike Kitty Litter, won't have any perfumes or other chemicals in it that might leave something behind you don't want.
  9. Eyebrow raising! Gives me a great idea for Dragon and Wyvern Eggs in a Large Wall Image I have planned for the future.
  10. They look fantastic! I'm guessing the hardest part was getting both the same size? I have a desire to make shoes, but not going to tackle it. Best I might do is an Outback Hat, since Walk-A-Bout hats seams to have disappeared.
  11. I too would be interested on what is used to dye Raw Hide. Must be someone here that has the answer?
  12. What is this Everclear you speak of? And where do you get it? Is this the stuff you drink? I bought a 1/2 pint of Everclear at the booze store a few weeks back to mix with diet Mt. Dew for pain. Worked great.
  13. 7.99 plus tax of 6% and shipping. Comes to $22.24 for 4oz bottle. Nearest Tandy is 80 miles from me. It would be nice if someone that has a bottle could give me the make up of the contents. I might have something around here similar that would work. Have to remember, I am going through SSDI procedures and currently have no income. Living graciously off tax payers contributions and help from relatives.
  14. Well, they are pretty much ruined now. No one has come forth with a reasonable solution (without buying something I don't have money for) so what is there to loose at this point?
  15. I tried washing off the shene with soap and water. No luck. I can't think of what to use next to try and wash the sticky off. Maybe Mineral Spirits, or Lacquer Thinner?
  16. The Super Shene dried for over a week before I put the oil on. I don't any deglazer, and like I said before... I don't have any money so what I have is all I have. Was thinking maybe putting them in the oven for a few minutes?
  17. Welcome from Lower Michigan, USA
  18. This is the Sheath I'm making my son. I used Dye for the letters, and Super Shene on top. I then used a few coats of Neats Foot Oil on the back side to bring some softness into the leather. The formed part was soaked in water and clamped to shape, making it very stiff. The Flat piece was not soaked. It seams the water soaked stiff leather brought the Oil to the surface more than the piece that wasn't soaked. Now, both pieces are sticky as heck. They have been sitting for 4 days now. Also, a couple patches for rocket friends. One is dark, and one is light. The dark one is a patch to sew on and I didn't not put anything on the back. Just used Neats Foot Oil. The lighter one I put dye on the back as it is a tree ornament for the Xmas Tree. Both were finished on the front side with Super Sheen and the Darker One is very sticky. The lighter one is sticky, but not as bad. So how and the heck to I deal with this sticky finish now? It's obvious that it isn't going to go away with time. I can't ship the patches the way they are, and my son's sheath is useless the way it is. I need some expert advise on how to deal with this.
  19. I don't know anything about saddles. But to me, it looks like it would be uncomfortable for my nuts! Unless you rode in a reclined posture. Could it be a female saddle?
  20. They both are elegant! I'm sure any woman would be honored to own them. The Black Veggie Tanned leather brings up a question... Can you carve and tool the Black, or any other color for that matter? Thank You Kindly
  21. I like it very much. I have 2 Questions... 1) Can you show a photo of how it's worn? 2) Can you describe step by step your finishing Technique? If you like, you can Email that to me at adams.johne@outlook.com. Thank You Kindly.
  22. I also have the Tandy one, and it works just fine.
  23. Might want to post the pic directly here. I won't pay photo bucket a penny to view photo's they post.
  24. I sure am going to order this set when I get the money! This is Exactly what I need for a special project I want to do for myself!
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