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Everything posted by AndyL1

  1. That looks really nice Avian! I love the stitching, nice contrast. I had thought about putting a piece of veg tan into the bottom as well since I can't stamp the leather I used. Is the veg tan stitched down too then? Thanks for sharing!
  2. That looks really cool! I like the lining, I may have lined mine but I like the suede-y finish this leather has to it. Good job!
  3. Hey all, Thought I'd share a really easy thing to make if you only have an 8 inch square piece left and have no clue what to make with it: A valet tray! Fun and easy to make if you need a stocking stuffer idea this Christmas. It's just a square piece that I cut slots into at two opposing sides. Added snaps into the corners so it can be flat for travel and packing in a suitcase. The leather here is about 8-9oz. Thinner than that it might not hold shape as well but experiment away. I'd love to see what you guys come up with. Have fun! Andy
  4. WOW! I am at a loss for words at the nerve of that manager. That is absolutely ridiculous. I would share your story with Tandy.
  5. I've been buying my buckles lately from Buckleguy.com. They are a US company but own their factory in China, so I'm assuming quality control for them is easy. Everything is really nice, solid brass in four colors. As Art stated, good luck finding anything hardware related made right here. It's too cost prohibitive. I've found too that just because something is made in China doesn't mean it's crap.
  6. Overall very nice! I love that handle. Well done!
  7. I buy my double shoulders from them all the time. Always nice hides, smooth back, and very clean.
  8. Very nice! Thanks for sharing. What type of leather is it?
  9. Really cool! I love the map, what type of leather? It has a nice character to it with the follicles.
  10. Thanks! yes, what Thor said. Thank you! It is just a blackletter font I have on hand. I don't remember the name at the moment. Thank you! I'm not happy unless it looks a little dirty. ;-) Thanks! Thanks!
  11. I've bought buckles from all over and keep coming back to BuckleGuy.com. Solid brass, really nice finishes just feel quality.
  12. Knocked this one out recently. I think it's the first belt I've tooled and I'm pretty happy with how it came out. My customer loved it too, so much she ordered another one in the same way! Cheers!
  13. I use Adobe Illustrator exclusively. I've never used anything but, so can't speak of the other software out there.
  14. Ah cool! Glad I could help. I love being able to hand pick hides too and their selection is very good. Tons of hardware options as well!
  15. They carry quite a lot of Fiebings mainly. Quart size bottles and Barge cement in the big cans too. I buy my leather and a majority of my hardware from them too. Great guys... Crappy area in LA! If you don't mind the bums living on the street. Ha! They're on Wall Street under the shade of the 10 freeway.
  16. Confused. The T3016 is only 1" wide... unless I'm looking at it wrong? http://www.buckleguy.com/t3016-antique-brass-tuck-lock-solid-brass-ll/
  17. Have you tried Sav Mor leather in LA? I buy oil dye from them all the time. You do need a sellers ID number though to purchase.
  18. Cuts great! It's very sharp out of the box. Paul makes a great knife.
  19. I must say Paul over at Leather Wranglers makes a very fine knife. Add some custom pyrography on the barrel and this is quite a nice piece of art. Love it!
  20. I didn't know him but I sure know his company. My condolences to you all over there.
  21. I print designs out onto velum that holds up well on damp leather. It does tend to curl if the leather is too wet so I normally wait until it is almost dry. Doesn't take much pressure to get a good line. I print my art out at like 30-50% opacity so they're just light gray lines. This way I can see which ones I've traced already.
  22. I only use 50/50 Resolene to finish. I just wipe it on with a sponge that's had the water squeezed out. Gives a nice mellow sheen without feeling plastic. Once this dries I rub in a beeswax conditioner. https://www.facebook.com/BlackthornLeather/photos/a.361064757311820.85400.361023627315933/777552102329748/?type=1&theater Andy
  23. Love it! We don't see Native American art tooled into leather very often. I really love that type of art. Your execution is beautiful and perfect! Thanks for sharing.
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