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Everything posted by Thescandall

  1. That’s very nice Bob. Sleek looking.
  2. I’m going to try the Campbell- Randall to see. The blade is almost done and it’s definitely gray after the acid dip.
  3. I need a light gray stain for veg tanned. I’m making a Damascus skinner and want to match the steel look in the leather sheath I think vinigroon would work but I don’t want it black what ya got
  4. You should be a happy camper Bob. I love my 5100 and with the guys on here I can even fix and adjust it now.
  5. Nice work Bob.
  6. very nice the contrast is great
  7. that is sooo nice.. love it
  8. Will give that a try thank you.
  9. Looks great
  10. I’ve noticed that the only ones available are for the fabricator. Are there any aftermarket or other brands that will fit it.
  11. That is super nice.
  12. I have both the full size and the mini on my 5100. Barbara’s design makes is super easy to install and remove.
  13. Thank you. I’m just starting to get used to the airbrush thing. I see tons of advantages to it. Just a little more practice is needed.
  14. My boss really takes care of me and I wanted to make him a knife and sheath to match his gunbelt he had me make. So I bought some O-1 tool steel and fashioned him one for Christmas. Heat treated it in my forge to about 60 Rockwell hardness. It’s 1/8” thick and a razor blade in sharpness. Hope he likes it.
  15. That’s cool. So many thing you can do with stamps.
  16. I’m still plagued with this Bell’s palsy crapp and have to wear an eye patch at night while I’m sleeping. I can blink and stuff but it creeps open at night and gives me the dry eye if I don’t wear it. So not wanting just a plain ole eye patch I made me one. Granted, nobody will see it except my wife (Nurse Ratchet ) I still wanted something unique. Simple but comforting. Lol
  17. I found one used on eBay . It’s ok for a couple at a time. I have never had any luck with the manual ones. Always seems to veer off and ruin about half. I do like the variable speed tho. I can feed it thru slow and get perfect belts, straps and other stuff. Just need to find a source for replacement nylon roller tho. If it’s not adjusted perfect it digs a groove in it.
  18. Thanks. I finished them. Nothing fancy. Just good tools.
  19. Might be ok. Feel good. Cut like a razor. Might be a little blood on them already.
  20. Thanks. I just jack around with it. Some say it’s weird. Some say it’s good. Some just don’t say. But I enjoy it.
  21. Any of you folks enjoy playing. I do.
  22. I decided to make a couple single bevel trimming knifes. They are ground from A2 blanks. Super sharp and hard. I’m still working on getting the handles finished. This pic is from before heat treating. I drilled holes for pins for the wood handles. Uploading video of them cutting now. I oil hardened them instead of air hardening. Super hard and holds edge like crazy. Finished pics soon
  23. Thescandall


    Very nice. Wow
  24. Nice chest rig Hags. Haven’t tried one of those yet. I do have an order for one tho so I need to do some research on the how too. Any resources you recommend
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