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Everything posted by Tkleather1

  1. I am still looking for a good reliable neatlac replacement that wont cost three times as much like the RTC that you have to use twice as much to get kind of the same results. If anyone can fill me in I sure would appreciate it. Thanks Tim
  2. Who do you buy it from. I have done some looking but not real hard mind you.
  3. I just got me a brand new misprinted head stone used it tonight and I love it. Way better than the 2'' granite I was using.
  4. I have a few saw blades that I would like to use to make a knife or two but I dont know where to start without taking the temper out of the steel. if you could I would love to have more info on this. Thanks Tim
  5. thats gotta be just a nice burnished edge you can see the two pieces and a line right in the center.
  6. Looks good buddy I like it.
  7. what. why do you put poundo board between your leather and your stone? seems like it would defeat the purpose to me.
  8. shoot mark those look good. nice carving too.
  9. is this for you to use? I know a guy on here who could build you one.
  10. Okay so I cant find any behr clear lac. would any wood clear laquer work or do I not want laquer I need more help here. some one please step in and help me out I am getting very frustrated.
  11. Thanks I dont know why I couldnt find that.
  12. Thanks I will have to pick some up and give it a try.
  13. I know this has been covered but I cant seem to find the thread I am looking for so I will post my own question. Since the demise of Neetlac some of you have mentioned using some wood finishes as a replacement, so I went to the local Lowes today and I was Looking around, I for the life of me cant remember what youguys said that you used. So if you wouldnt mind filling me in again on which products you have used I mainly use it for a resist and then use tankote for the main finish and possibly neetlac as a topcoat but not on all products. So sorry to ramble but if you could help me out I sure would appreciate it. Thanks Tim
  14. I was at lowes today and was looking at the weldwood but I wasnt sure wich one to buy. One of them was a red can that said it was a gel solution and the other one was in a green can that said it was more eco friendly. of course huh. any way wich one do you use?
  15. Shoot mark that sounds very reasonable especially if it is a high quality knife. It sure looks good.
  16. I hope all of you are having a great Memorial Day. Dont forget what this holiday is about. Thank you to all of the vetrans that made it home but especially those who didnt. Tim
  17. Well thanks tom I also have been beveling everything but I think that the moisture content was too high on this when I tooled it. Thanks for the kind words. Thanks dually I am trying to get better everytime but sometimes I feel like I go backwards. Tim
  18. Here is the finished product. Sorry that it took me so long to post. if you have anything that you can help me with let me know. I know that the Decorative cuts are too much and the Handles arent the best I am still working on it. I need a rounder I just dont have one yet. they are getting a little better each time but not fast enough. Let me know what you all think. the gusset is 4/5oz chap leather from Hide House. Thanks Tim
  19. Its just a bargrounder. I dont have the tool number but just a plain old bargrounder, that I am having a hell of a time trying to hide the trackmarks. if anyone has any info on that I would sure appreciate any input on how to do that you can pick out every dang impression and the guys who run it real good can make it look like the used one tool and a good wack and its all filled in if that makes sense. But thanks for the kind word tom and good luck on the drag bike seat Tim
  20. well thank you to all I am trying real hard to get better and to find a groove, I am still not even close to 100 percent happy but it is better every day. And dually I know where you live and I know how to trim on a cinch when needed. You still have that rank little horse up there? Tim
  21. well I run the same setup and I havent had any trouble in that aspect. if the timing is off I think it might cause problems. but if the flywheel is moving and the needlebar is not it seems that something might be broken somewhere to me but I am not very versed in the inner workings of a sewing machine.
  22. Get a good head knife, Get it Goood and sharp and learn to use it. It will frustrate the heck out of you untill you get it figured out but once you do youll be happier than a pig in Shi!!!!
  23. I hear ya. but the @$$holes that approve it did it up here in washington to try and get rid of the "Salmon Killing dams", its all about the fish up here. Hell you cant even buy cascade dishwashing detergent because it might makes its way back from here in Spokane area back to the ocean. we have to go to Idaho so I can actually get my dishes clean. Its all just a bunch of B.S. You might try a company called Ribicks ( not sure on the spelling) they are located in Airway Heights Washington, I have never dealt with them but some friends of mine have, they gave information helping on how to and my friend only bought a part of one windmill from them.
  24. I have let leather stay cased for five days or so with no trouble but when I am not using it I put it in the fridge. by the time I am using it it is pretty dry though Tim
  25. I understand what you are saying, I do have some patterns with the turnbacks. I dont draw my own patterns so I use what I can get. I need to learn to draw one of these days though. I am going to buy some thumbprints one of these days. Currently i am trying to save up to buy a bigger and badder stitcher so some of the tool shave to wait. Thanks for all of the input Tim
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