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Everything posted by JLSleather

  1. As Kate points out in that other thread, the liquid can actually leave a residue on the leather. Depending on the tannage, the amount and length of time, this can also cause permanent discoloration (defeating the purpose of the mask). We use some mylar stencils, though if we stencil we generally cut our own. Bristol board works about as well as anything - available in about any print shop for pennies (or pence, or quid...). No adhesive at all as a rule ...and your single-action airbrush is not the problem. I've seen some STUNNING art done with single-action brushes. The pressure will depend on the dye you're using and the brush you have. My Paasche sprays Fiebing's dyes at anywhere 15 - 35 psi, depending on the look I want. Normally around 20.
  2. Looks like you got it right ... tooled leather, linin', stitchin', buckle set (layed out to not mar the instrument), and happy young-un. Nice!
  3. Those actually look pretty good for the 'new guy' More important, you're already picking up on how adjustments are made and what your own preferences are. For the awl, keep it in line with the groove. There will always be SOME angle that doesn't like it, but this will keep the awl blade marks IN the channel where you want 'em. GOOD START!
  4. I don't dye the inside of belts unless specifically asked to. The black one is shown just because it's dyed with the oil dye you mentioned.
  5. Yep, 1) Leather MUCH drier than that, and 2) don't 'line up' the tool, just walk it
  6. Not in the market at the moment, but that's a fair price. What part of Iowa?
  7. JLSleather

    1911 Blue Gun

    Did you message Shooter? He listed one - might ask if he still has it . His ad : http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=53608
  8. You had me up until "beer" My 'spot' is 12 x 26', but just one room. No separate storage, so I'm always feeling cramped. Still, I could double that space, and soon as I here a bottle open, no more workin for today !
  9. You'll find extremes on both ends. "Buyers" who think that 'cant' be real handmade goods because there's no flaws AND "leatherworkers" who insist that their handmade CRAP is valuable BECAUSE of its flaws. In the end, I just do my own thing.
  10. I'm right there with you. Been talking myself OUT of getting one of these forf a long time. I'm weighing the need for the press vs the need for the space. Still, I think purchase the ready to go version is the smart way, unless you have the tools to complete it yourself already. I can weld, and I was a machinist in my 'work' days (well, toolmaker). The issue then is, are the pre-fab ones 'straight'. Does the ram travel without 'floating'. Are the plates parallel to each other and flat (no curve/warp/twist from welding). In fact, the plates wouldn't need to be welded at all. Bottom one with rails underneath to keep it straight and keep it from falling on your toe, and the top one held with a couple of socket heads.
  11. Not gittin' the green snowflake thing, but that stitchin' is looking purdy! Then the inlay around the guitar seems to tie it in a bit, so maybe the customer really does know SOMEtimes
  12. Tensioner on the bobbin case? That IS weird that it flex only when moving. Must have been really "hanging" ...
  13. Where was the screw that 'leans'? I have one of these machines - that info might come in handy one day (?). I was just going to reply that I use a #18 needle with #69 thread, and a 22 or 23 with #138 thread - works fine.
  14. Just a guess (and that's ALL it is) - are you moving forward enough to complete the last stitch? That likely affect the tension going back if you diddn't let the last stitch "come around". On the other hand, for $3C maybe a fella could hand stitch that couple backstitches
  15. Drill press works good. Lunch special was 6 wings with habanero sauce, dinner roll, fries, ana coke. And at the sale pickin it up I found midget guitar for the 9-year old. And I still had time to finish that belt. So, well ... that wall behind the drill press in teh picture sucks. Oh, but then - that aint my wall
  16. "New" drill press that chubby girl found for me, just for doing this stuff. Think it's prolly worth the $50 she paid. Offered two MORE $$ (U.S. currency) but they would't deliver. Then, for that price, I could get the pickup out and have lunch at the new resturaunt my buddy opened with the change ....
  17. Yep, I know the routine. Dont take it personal if I say for just a minute I was glad I wasn't the only one who catches that type of thing! Red Cent will be here in a minute to say "Customer always right"
  18. Cops - go figger He wants a paddle - what .. so it's easy to get on and off the belt. Then wants something so it don't come off so easy
  19. I'm rather with Dwight here. Leather and stitching look nice! But, that suede likely will break down pretty quickly. TWO problems there . 1) suede can catch and trap 'gunk' that can scratch and marr the firearm - 2) wear inside = loose holster (not good idea). I prefer a bit easier access to the grip, but each his own.
  20. We’ll take both the Ring’s Ring's H&K USP 9 compact S&W 2" J-frame Is this email you use for PayPal? OH, and we'll take the M&P 9/40 also. Thanks!
  21. JLSleather

    Brass Rings

    I need one er two o these, 2 1/2" brass. I'd be willing to buy 10, but not buying 100. Anybody seen these?
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