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Everything posted by JLSleather

  1. SHOOT.. guess ya gotta hit "upload" before anybody kin see it ? DoubleMag_Layout.pdf Don't forget... ya need GOOD mag molds? Talk to @wayner - got a number of models and can do others if ya got a real mag to work with. Molded as if they's LOADED (seriously,, WHO carries an empty mag anyway?@!)... I own a number of his already - Glock, Springfield, Sig, Bersa, Ruger, S/W... ask him what all he got over there!
  2. Looks great AS ALWAYS.. right down to the thread color
  3. One more reason to call Alex (use AM link below) -- I paid less for TWO stamps than many charge for ONE LOW RENT stamp.
  4. I had a couple new ones made recently. Guy does great work. One is larger, for holster panels, notebooks, etc. and the other is just under 1" square, fits nicely on belts/straps (and anywhere else room is limited). Skip the standard "line art" stick-man drawings and contact Alex for a stamp that turns every piece into art.
  5. Yeah, I mean "retailers" or "suppliers" or whatever you call em. I wouldn't "fault" a new guy for not knowing what he doesn't yet know. And Im not even talking about the boys n girls at Wickett-Craig at this point. A "leather supplier" or "retailer" or "distributor".. whatever term they're using.. who takes money for an "A" grade hide and sends something LESS either DOESN"T KNOW his business, or is hoping YOU WON"T KNOW the difference. [Yes, I know some will say it could be the fault of some new guy in the shipping department, but that is PART OF the retailer's business. You can't send the wrong item, then say it's not my fault it's some guy who works for me].
  6. I don't think we're in the same conversation.
  7. The truly PATHETIC thing about that.. is they all seem perfectly willing to send you that C or worse, but still bill you for the A you requested. Now, I wouldnt' fault a fella if he was out of the top shelf leather, and was to call and say "i got a C" if you're interested. But they generally don't. Some AROUND HERE are of course the worst offenders I think. I mean, think about it.. where else do you have all the NEWBYS and INEXPERIENCED all lined up for you in one spot?@! LIke fish in a barrel... git a couple of em convinced that you're the guy to see (since they don't know any better). Personally should have cut one "retailer" off a long time ago - when i got the first "toe in teh water" side. Pathetic. Told em, though.. I aint returning it... since I been needing something new to put by the back door so folks could wipe their feet.
  8. Oh boy is it. Wonderful fun when you've agreed to make a gift for somebody's anniversary, order materials in what should be plenty of time.. and then get ... crap. At that point, "gosh we're sure sorry" means a little LESS THAN SQUAT.
  9. Doesn't matter TO WHO? I do leather 'stuff'. When I find a good deal, I'm happy to refer the person who gave me the deal. When I find a not so good deal, I generally run my mouth about that too If the next guy wants to buy refuse because it's "popular" with others, have at it. IF a BUNCH of dummies want to throw their money away, no matter to me. I'm sure I've mentioned it before ... SIX MILLION "pet rocks" got sold back when. Then there were a JILLION "imitations", and then after a few years they were REreleased as "the ORIGINAL pet rock" and a bunch of people bought MORE. I had a couple friends - just kids back then really - I asked why they bought that idiotic crap. Well, cuz "everybody else did"... Okay, your money - whatever. But don't say I didn't tell you. But I like to make my own choices, and quality matters to me.
  10. From the album: Stuff 'n' things

    Color looks a little flat.. that darn glass desk is no help for a camera lens
  11. Mine has always gone the other way (counter clockwise no matter which way it's facing). But today I'ma try it the other way, see what happens. If ya hear a loud bang followed by silence... send help
  12. Yup, me too. Once I was about out, so the wench wife picked some up for me. Turns out, there were FIVE squares per inch - not 4 - so for a little bit I was ALL messed up Actually , it takes more to make the sheaths which is why you have SO MANY offering 'patterns' and 'tutorials' on wallets... it's rectangles, people! My friend Robert made holsters for a decade WITHOUT a pattern, something many don't seem to grasp. I don't buy those simple little patterns, but I certainly am not suggesting what YOU should do with YOUR money.
  13. In America, 3/14 was NINE months ago. If you get conscious - even temporarily - you'll see that somebody ELSE 'revived' the topic and I added that W/C HAD sent me some very nice leather recently. Not sure why you'd think I'm not happy, though. There IS quality to be had (not just in leather). Which is why it makes it reprehensible and unnecessary to attempt to sell me that which is not WHAT YOU SAID. Around here, we discuss LEATHER, or so I thought when I noticed this site. I know not all "members" really care about that.
  14. Applied sparingly it doesn't crack. Of course, when they said (in 1987) that it doesn't crack (some may remember Neat-Lac) I had to test that. And I found a guy can get away with 2 very light coats and likely be fine (i actually twisted a belt sprayed with Saddle-Lac into a knot). Apply it heavy, or apply too many coats, and it will crack (like, I imagine, any lacquer). Trick there is to keep the nozzle clear... can't have any sputtering or uneven spray. Easiest way to do that... when you're done spraying it, hold the can upside down and spray a couple seconds until it's not coming out (I do it into a large open trash can). This makes sure there isn't lacquer inside the "works" gumming up and ruining your next project (don't ask why I know that). I have a couple cans on the shelf, but it doesn't get used too often. A bit glossy for most of what I do.
  15. Seems to work round here But I have the bobbin tension cranked down with a torque wrench.... I like TIGHT stitchin'. We may be looking at it from the other side the machine, Bob. I run mine what I think is counter clockwise, and it do pop out on occasion (irritating as ever!). Only when I start out. Once it starts to stitch, I don't have that issue. And it doesn't do it all the time, or I'd have a big hammer in my hand by now ...
  16. How do they not understand the problem? "A" grade is determined by the number of marks per sq foot (or actually, the LACK of marks per foot). I don't object to you selling various grades, just send me the grade I paid for. Some of those best known around here certainly know what I'm referring to. You get somebody to round up all the new & inexperienced for you - all in one place. Then you market / ad / sell to that crowd. Get a bunch of people who don't know any better talking about your product... occasionally, somebody who knows the difference will complain, but you send that one in 50 a different piece and a pretty story about how you don't know how that happened (hint: it happened because that refuse was on your shelf). I do sometimes try to inform those who care to know. But I suspect much of it is like water off a duck ....
  17. Actually that last one looks quite close to the same thing - may be the same thing. But you'll be able to tell when I'm going to pay somebody $25 for a "pattern" of 3 rectangles... cuz it'll be REALLY REALLY COLD that day.
  18. I've seen those "manuals", where thread comes down from the upper tension, goes through that little coil, goes around the lower tension, and then around the lower tension, and back through the coil. Where I come from (america)... all the way around the circle twice, back to where you started, is NOT "one and a half".
  19. I forgot about this topic until it popped up. This is good -- I meant to copy part of it! Still, I will say that I ordered W/C leathers recently, and have been much more satisfied. A couple weeks ago I found myself needing quite a bit of thinner leather, so I just ordered ONE side of that weight. Upon inspection, I regret only ordering one -- this is the nicest leather I've seen in a WHILE (should have bought 10).
  20. So you want assistance drawing 3 rectangles? Am I missing something here?
  21. From the album: Seriously ...

    Reversible (and removable) back panel

    © 2019 JLS Leather

  22. From the album: Seriously ...

    © 2019 JLS Leather

  23. From the album: Seriously ...

    Right Hand pocket holster, reversible panel

    © 2019 JLS Leather

  24. SNIKEYS! Just saw a video (well, i admit I didint watch the hole thing - and aint gonna) where ya spend HALF AN HOUR somebody show ya how to make a MAG POUCH?@! That does it ... I gotta make a simple, easy ta use PDF show ya how to make these very simple things. I promise I won't use up half an hour of your time - let ya git ta 'craftin' stuff In the works shortly.... but keep in mind: Step 1: When ya measure.. use a LOADED magazine. Seriously, how many folks are buying mag pouches to carry around EMPTY mags ( ) Step 2: When ya start to think about layout, consider keeping mag models of similar size grouped together. What I mean is, if you're making them more than once, then a guy might have a die made. So, try to think ahead just a tad and plan so that ONE set of dies cuts parts for several mags (not to be confused with those people who have ONE holster pattern they use for every model - be smart).
  25. Bump this old post (from page 5).... still good stuff. HATE to seee ANYBODY pay money for an avenger holster pattern when they got a usable 'pancake' pattern already. ______________________________ Already have a pancake style holster pattern you like? Turn it into the "avenger" model quickly and easily! http://www.jlsleather.com/sdm_downloads/leather-pattern-making-avenger-holster/ No log in, subscription, or video required
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