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Everything posted by JLSleather

  1. You'll see people selling Hermann Oak leather, in B and C (and worse) grades, for TWICE what Hermann Oak charges for A grade. Hermann Oak is NOT in China. Tariffs my backside But that will continue as long as people are willing to pay it. I pay $2 for a simple coffee at teh "convenience" store. I know I could make my own coffee for like a quarter, so the markup is insane. But, The $1.75 extra is for not having to go to where my coffee pot is, pour the stuff... etc. In the end, I don't really care to hear the long-winded stories some tell about WHY the cost is the cost (usually just a line of BS marketing spew anyway). Just give me the total, and I'll pay it or I won't.
  2. Yup. Guy might think that for $3k it would come with instructions
  3. Welcome. Studying? Whatcha studying? Maybe I can learn sumthin from it too! Can't find my Sig 238 pocket holster pattern. Anybody got a copy? I know of a couple places I could buy one, but they aint 'clean' as mine (stitch line fit), so .... still lookin' fer mine. @wayner
  4. Well, it's Christmas after all Fits Glock 26 and 27 (and some say 33, though I have not personally witnessed that). Gk26_P0.pdf
  5. Fair enough I "turned things on a lathe" for enough years I don't really care ta do it no mo if I kin help it.
  6. That looks very nice But my wife AINT gittin one o those.. she'll just think it's reason to go back to the store and shop AGAIN... and will 'somehow' be "my fault" Humor aside, though, I like it.
  7. We haven't really had that problem. A simple post "free leather patterns" got half a million downloads, and still brings people long after it was removed. When we trimmed trees, a mention of "free fire wood" had people arguing in the front street over who got there first. And when we gave away a box of jeans that don't fit the boys, we really didn't anticipate that the girl who got them would stalk us to see if we offered something else
  8. You boys might be overthinkin it a bit. Not that there's anything wrong with thinking.... usually find a SHORTAGE of thought with most folks Back to the lift thingie.... I unscrewed that cheap little lever that came with it, threw it in a drawer. Then,... well, then nothing. If you need the presser foot lifted there's a PEDAL for that. Somebody now will say, "but i want it to STAY up" (for whatever reason - I'm not sure what that would be). Fair enough. There are many ways of doing that, TWO are quite obvious. If you step on the pedal, the pressure is taken off the top (lever) lift, allowing you to rotate it up - without a handle - as effortlessly as turning up your stereo volume. It will stay up until you release it. or, Get a girl whose sole job is to stand beside the machine. Get one who understands both "put your foot right there" and "take your foot off that". Try not to obsess about dress codes 'n' such.. again, that overthinking thing, right? But if you get stuck on this, the first option WILL work.
  9. Man, that's a harsh review on these when they're free and still no takers I'm gonna pass on it too, but i did have one question -- these actually measure 9" long? Just askin' for display for the next feller. When I make this style of liner, I make the liner 9" long and the outer carving back 9 1/4" long.
  10. Well, guess it's good not to be the only one - I ordered leather from Weaver once. And never again since. I could have saved money and aggravation had I treated other retailers the same.
  11. Yup, that was my first thought too. Purdy close for 18 oz leather. I once had a 'loop' in the thread that caused it to go through the takeup but then caught AGAIN on teh lower tension.... causing a BIG tension gain (and it DID change teh stitch length) ... but I saw it before i got that far.
  12. Check out this free download. https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/product/1500/craftsman-instruction-book or this one https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/product/1727/ideas-for-leather-projects-vol-1-1923 or this one https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/product/1759/ideas-for-leather-projects-vol-2-1934
  13. That's not the same design. If you look closely (the original post picture is quite dark) it does look as if a rectangle has been "cut out" of the main piece. The top strip (with the stitching showing) and the larger pockets appear to be cut from one piece.
  14. Then you'll have no trouble following this. Not that "smankey", but sometimes it's nice not to have to reinvent the wheel when somebody already did. ETA Oh, those ' thingies' below were all done in PS
  15. I just upgraded or updated or whatever .. some other software for designing - not PS. That button that looked like that in the top right of the screen now does exactly teh same thing it did before, but the button looks different and its in the top left of the screen. You have to wonder what the point was ... It'll be fine... just a bit of a time killer
  16. That speaks volumes in itself. We wouldn't use it for holsters (generally 1/4" thick) but for wallets (most likely around 8 oz total).
  17. !#%$!!@#! Software "upgrades"! Everything seems to work just as it did before, but now the "button" you need to click looks different and is in a different spot. What was the point of that.. try to irritate the customer into using some OTHER software?@! I assure you.. making regular changes to your $3-digit software is NOT an incentive to get me to buy your $4-digit software.
  18. I can tool. And color. And sew. But posting to point out that depending how "custom" it is, might want to work with someone relatively local.. which for the LW folk is NEVADA. So if you're in the area and have the SKILL and the ABILITY and the TOOLS and the TIME ...
  19. I'm not trying to talk you in to or out of anything. Get the machine you think you should get. I'm not the sewing machine guy by ANYBODY'S standard. But I know machinery a bit, and as a rule you want to run them FAR SHORT of "capacity".. an analogy that may be useful (or not - whatever): I bought this car. Speedo goes up to 130. Am I going to drive 120 ? - NO. Will I drive 100? Probably not. Did the auto maker, dealer, salesman, DOT..... anybody think that I bought this car to drive 100+, or that I should? Uh.. no. So WHY get a car that will (theoretically) do 130? So that when I drive 70 I'm running the machine at [ again, theory ] 50-60% of it's capacity. Running it at full on "what it's capable of" will burn it up quickly. Same goes for most equipment Flip the coin -- I don't see any sense in buying a porsche to go to the grocery store. Sure, it'll git ya there, but you spend far more than what was necessary. So somewhere between there, ask yourself what size thread you want to sew with (if that matters to you). Does the needle size matter? 135-17 needles WILL go through the leather, if that's your question. But I wonder if it has the juice to pull a stitch tight thru that Since you list location as "ohio", if it was me I'd call Bob and ask what he has and what he thinks. He might have something you can SEE RUNNING and decide if that works for you? Maybe ask Bob if that '18' isnt a Consew 206 with a paint job? I had a 206, and it ran great - but I would NOT use it to sew belts made of veg tanned leather.
  20. I'd get something a bit heavier. 3/8" is about 24 ounce leather.
  21. I think that prong points UP, easier on the horse's cheek that way 100 years ago (-ish) we made about a JILLION belts, all basketweave and black and VELCRO instead of a buckle. One teh boys worked at the local prison, got tired of taking his belt off and on every time he went to or left work (metal detector both ways). Soon as he went through without taking his belt off, 50 more guys wanted one like that. Been quite a while, but I'm guessing I could still make basket weave belts in my sleep (and for a while, I think I DID).
  22. Yep, you can have this template. It's quite simple to use, simple to make in fact... I would hope that if somebody CHARGED YOU for a class that they taught you AT LEAST this! I don't know how long or how many 'lessons' you did, but I've never had any "training" and I can do this, so I assume anybody can Now, if somebody can just explain ta me why .. if you want to rotate a feature, you use the 'edit' menu, but to rotate the whole drawing you use the "image' menu ....
  23. Ah.. so you "deduced" that it's stamped "mexico".
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