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Everything posted by JLSleather

  1. Oh, sorry... that's a 1911 .45 Single, 1911 .45 Double, Glock 43, Smith Shield 9 or 40, Sig P938 9mm Single The G43, Shield 9, and P938 are all 9mm, but not the same. Between the three, you should have one that will fit nearly any 9mm single stack mag (that's a beretta mag in the Sig pattern in the picture).
  2. Mom kin likely fix ya up. You can search Ytube (WHYtube) but you're going to run in to a LOT of useless droning on about nothing, when you could be sewing and having coffee with Mom. Bring Mom, stab a few holes in a piece of leather WITHOUT THREAD so you know what it's going to look like, and then have at it. In fact, I'm so irritated with the HOURS of videos about making sure the needle is 'facing the right way" and how to drop down a drop-down guide, soon as I'm out from under the case load a bit I'm going to make a video that condenses a few hours of ENDLESS DRONING ON into about 10 minutes of usable information for exactly that guy with this question. By all means, if somebody knows of the video that already covers it WELL, let us all know. I'll post it on our site, and this site, and I'll tell my neighbor the link (even though he doesn't care), and I'll add it to every pdf i ever make...... I don't have that small-man complex that causes SO many to make a video about the same thing 100 other people already covered. EDIT: I just searched on WHY tube for 'techsew 2700'. The first video in the list shows some ... i din't know what to call him ... going on about everything BUT the techsew 2700 -- I turned it off after 3:00 of not a word about the techsew 2700 .... just dont say I dint warn ya...
  3. Anybody else so tired of "black friday" ads and emails you could PUKE?@! Yeah, me neither... so here's one more. Gonna put the listing up shortly... whatcha think is half of "fair"? Maybe .... 4 er 5 downloadable mag carrier patterns fer $10? Lemme see what's laying around in the corners of the digital storage .... and then we'll let Cutesy handle the doing of it... Click the pic to purchase and download - Good for the weekend
  4. well, even standin' still the difference between 4mm and 5/32 aint but bout half a sliver , so yah. Got any pics where ya used it?
  5. From the album: Seriously ...

    Curved panel holster

    © 2019 JLS Leather

  6. You don't "need" to sew, though I often do. I've seen some of the "old days" projects from years ago, glue held up surprisingly well - better than I thought it would have. Wallets don't get a lot of strain and stretch, so it's likely fine without sewing. Course, at some point you'll probably replace the lace ...
  7. I ordered lace and chisel from these folk. Never heard of em before. They don't have a printed catalog, and their web site is almost painful to use, so I called. Seemed polite as could be (one guy, who then put me on to one gal). But they don't HAVE lace, might take a week to "get it in" (whatever that means), and I couldn't tell from their pic if the chisels are straight or angled... so they're going to get me the angled (again, not sure what 'get" means). So... not inspiring worlds of confidence at this point. But, y'all know me.. I'm SO fair that most people can't stand it. If you treated me right, I'll absolutely tell people about you. Other hand, if I didn't get what you said I was getting, I'll tell people that too. I have neither the time or the patience to order something... wait for it... find out it's not what i was led to believe it was ... send it back... order again...... Nope. Send me something other than what I thought I was getting, you won't have to worry about doing it again.
  8. You mean assembling by itself.. as in separate from any leather? Could be intended to be used on leather/materials 1/8" thicker? I've never been in need of 1000-packs, so maybe this isn't my topic.
  9. SHOOT ... we should have yer post removed ASAP -- before some genius decides to make THAT video... hour and a half long, drawing around a dummy gun Plus another half hour showing you links to instagram, fakebook, twister, tangler and tugger - all while telling you what a favor he's doing you Oh, those is both Sig pistols.. if somebody wantsa stretch 'em with PhotoScape, or scape-goat, or whatever... to scale.
  10. By the time I've tested it, seen the result, adjusted the pattern, made another test, .... I have spent DAYS getting a pattern right. But it was RIGHT. Not "close", not "sorta". Not 'acceptable" or "okay". Not box, not fox ... Do a search on WHYtube and you'll get a JILLION "leather holster making" videos. Each one line up to draw around the gun, like they don't know that HUNDREDS of other videos show that exact same thing (some people make 20 videos that ALL show that same thing). Yet .. NO video of this "very easy" stuff
  11. Well, that's kinda my point.. it's just a screw Unless you are doing production and need 1000 of 'em that actually match, then i might just order 'em from wherever I was already ordering something else... split the shipping costs.
  12. JLSleather


    Stunning. Again. Stick that in yer translator
  13. Or if you're already in St Louis, aguycould hop over and pick some up at S-T Leather (17th)
  14. That link shows 34¢ per screw, which I would consider extreme. Length of post would affect cost a bit, and it would likely matter what "bulk" means - what is "a lot" to one may not be much at all to somebody else. Looks like SLC - which I certainly would not classify as "wholesale" - has 1/4" for $28/100, which is about 16% less money, and not what most people would consider "bulk" order. Beyond that, I refer you to Google.
  15. You aint got no time make them holsters... you should be spendin' yer time TEACHIN ME ta make those Thassa nice look -- elephant, er buffalo?
  16. That machine for that price is almost THEFT. Unless it's beat up, buy it.
  17. Well, sounds interesting, but it'd be pretty tough to put custom requests in a database
  18. what does your press look like? probably a simple fix if you have the "shop press" type thing used for bearings 'n' such
  19. Now THAT is an answer. To the point, from somebody who actually does what the question asks. I'll have to look into that further when time permits. Looks like it does much of what i already do... would be great to find a way to cut some of the admin time (now if there was just some way to make a pre-filled invoice for every possible combination coming out of a custom shop ...).
  20. Some smaller pieces of what Springfield calls "B" grade H.O. Without being willing to debate teh grade, I'm not using this in my projects. I don't make THAT many small projects, and I have enough larger pieces to make linings 'n' such (not long enough to line belts). And, folks round here seem more fond of "natural" wrinkles than I am ... so... These pieces of H.O. "B" total about 3 1/2" sq ft... SLC cost .... about $50 + shipping? Get these (roughly 36" x 6", 28" x 5.5", and 11.5 x 11.5") 3/4 oz pieces for $30, shipped. That's not $35 plus shipping, that's $35 INCLUDES shipping. Get this out of my storage and I'll toss in something ... just cuz. Running shoes and lazy dog not incl.
  21. What software are we using? About time to renew, and I'd almost prefer something that takes less time to input. OR something that would create an order list WHILE entering the transaction.... maybe.... What are you using, and why"?
  22. So, somebody convinced you that the Cobra was "better"?@!
  23. It's a bit background-heavy for me, Kid. I'm not one to think that "traditional" means they all have to look the same (they shouldn't), but this is too much "open space" for my taste. To be clear - the background you did is quite consistent and well done, just a bit much for the design. And .. uhhh... did you stop the lining layer short of the back fold? Kaint say I'm big on that look. I infrequently run the liner all the way to the end - including the fold -- but most often stop the inside layer AT the fold line. The steers I can't help you with. My knowledge extends only to the difference between a steak and a loin
  24. I have dies made FOR me. I just use 'em. I also don't build my own cars - just drive 'em. Can't be in all the places all the time. And that's a consideration too -- if I got the stuff to make my own dies, WHERE would I PUT it?@! $2k for stuff to make some dies, $35k for addition on the building.
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